Character creation!?

In a dark space with nothing in it, suddenly a light shine bright and crosses the dark space like comet rushing at an unbelievable speed, this light is obviously Ky who's being transported to the new world.

"That was surely a nice goodbye gift, their faces when I hit them were pretty freshing. Now I wonder what kind of World I'll end up in." Ky said to himself while he traveled through dimensions with knowing his destiny, he could have asked but, what would be the fun in that? Very little! If you know exactly what you're going to see there only two possible effects, it will either make it more exciting or make it less exciting. Considering the character of Ky it would probably only excite him more but right now his heart carves for the unknown, after experiencing the shadow world Ky's sense of danger is not the same, that's only expected, can you compare a lion with a dragon? Of course not! Even small monster or creatures of the shadow world could easily kill 10 lions.

Ky himself was never sure if after experiencing what he experienced, could he go back to a normal life? Probably not, that's one of the reasons Ky accepted the situation easily. Can someone who is no longer afraid to kill easily live in a society full of troublesome people? Maybe but Ky isn't willing to take that risk, especially if it might involve his family in his troubles.

Anyway, there's no use in thinking about it now.

Ky is traveling very anxious and is suddenly and dark light came and took Ky away, as fast as he came he disappeared as if he was never there.

-In another place faraway(specific location unknown)-

In a different space that is fully white there's a young man fainted on the ground with some kind of mannequin in front of him with many floating transparent screens.

After a while the young man woke up.

"hurgh... Seriously, if transmigating worlds is so painful why the hell wasn't I told! I'm really not doing this again." Ky woke up with a very intense pain that could be compared to a normal person falling from the 20th floor and surviving. "Well, what is this place? Why is it all white? Did I really successful enter another world or is this just death? Cause if it's death it's a bit disappointing, actually in both cases it's disappointing." Ky is letting his thoughts out in order to keep his mind calm in a situation where he has nobody to help him in the slightest.

Ky looked around for little and found nothing besides a mannequin that is in front of him with suspicion looking floating screens around it.

"This seems very suspicious but its not like I have another option, even if those guys can find me, how long would it take? Years? Decades? Centuries? Longer? The point is that I might stay here for too long. I can live way longer than a normal human but I'll still end up dying if they take too long" Ky is looking at the mannequin with suspicious eyes, he had many times been caught in traps similar to this in the shadow world even though most of the times were not his fault. "Well, let's try that first."

Ky's eyes started glowing with a purple fiery fire like glow that intensely like a flame burning for eternity.

Soul eyes are one of Ky's many skills acquired in the shadow world, these eyes can look directly to the information in the soul or in the essence of anything, be a living or non-living. This is one of those skills that you know will save your life many times and it did the job while Ky used it.

Ky sighed in relief upon seeing that he can still use his skills, otherwise, it would be much harder for him to survive in this new world. Shadow world is or at least was before Ky cleaned it up a ruthless place where the strong eat the weak alive, if not for some specific rules and limitations that it had, Ky would have died the moment he got there.

Character creation mannequin:

Description: Once activated this mannequin will create the connection between the host and the system. It's used to create the new identity of the host.

Effect: Allows the system's host to create a whole new body with many benefits depending on how many points the host accumulated. The possibilities are infinite as long as there are enough points.

Ky saw this information in a floating screen he got a little confused, not because he couldn't understand the information but because this is not how the soul eyes work. When he uses them, they should show him mental images of its purpose when created, but something like this is too much of a difference, besides the level of details can't compare soul eyes would usually show him every single line little thing, hidden effects/Skills, age, date of creation, creator's name and so on, also this description and effect seem lacking ad they weren't telling you everything.

Ky didn't have the time or the patience to care about this right so he simply advanced and touched the mannequin and at that moment.

[Shadow world cultivation system activated. Host Kin Yun recognized. Welcome to the system, host.]

Ky was surprised to see a message like that pop-up but before he could say anything another one came.

[This system was created by an abnormally caused by you Host and as such recognizes you as the supreme master of it, the host will get sent to a cultivation world full of danger and death in every corner as such system will provide support to make the host the strongest in a short period of time, more details will be explained later on, for now, the host should create you character so that everything can start]

Ky wanted to question things but listening that things will get explained later he decided to create his character but is also very excited by the idea of a cultivation world like in the legends and novels he read or got told about, isn't the perfect type of World for someone like him who no longer has patience for troublesome people? Probably not but he's still excited, as a gamer Ky has always faced the character creation as a crucial part of the game if you don't create a good character at first you can usually recycle it or create one in another character slot, but there are many cases where that is not possible and Ky is already used to it, he knows what kind of character he wants.

After looking at the possibilities of the character creation for some hours he finally accepted that they are infinite, this is too amazing! It not only means he can make the character 100% how he wants it, but it also means he doesn't have to worry about being unsatisfied with the lack of choices in hand, gamers many times face good games with poor character creation conditions and that makes many of them really unsatisfied with the character their playing with, and Ky is one of those people, even if he could finish the game or get to the last part of the story updated until the moment, he would rarely actively play a game where the customization is poor unless the game is absolutely great!

Ky tried changing his character with his mind and it worked so he decided to do so or it might have taken decades or more for him to finish customizing his character, as expected he's one of those people that makes a lot of game's hours played in character creation.

Ky started and immediately the point tracker appeared [CP(Customization points):27 billion] which made Ky question if he didn't get a point for year of life, doesn't it mean that if he lives longer he'll get more point? Ky has always been one of those players that can grind for ages if it benefits him or if necessary so when he needs he can be extremely patient, in that thought Ky decided to wait and see if after a year he would get more points, cause if he can isn't that a loophole in the system? Right in the beginning? Ky had to confirm if this is true.

-on year after-

Ky asked a lot of questions during this time and understood many things about the system, later he discovered that the system would tell him exactly how long it has been since he started, which was initially made to make him hurry up but it ended up benefiting his long term scheme.

[Host it has been one year!]

"Finally!if it doesn't work I'll get a little sad but no problem in the character customization I can choose age which means that even if I'm close to my dying age I'll be fine as long as I finish my character." Ky said exited by the possibility of cheating the system.

[CP:28 billion]

"Hahaha! It worked! I really am a lucky guy! This is only possible because of my gamer mind, so I thank video games for all this good in my next life!" Ky was now more grateful to video games than ever.

"Well, let's see how many points I can get before I get too old, happily the system warns me when I'm close to death otherwise it would be a little too risky after one or two centuries, well I don't know how long I can live right now so, let's hope it's a lot of time." Ky said with a lot of hope in his future character.

After the first century of waiting Ky looking as young as ever and seriously actually felt that his heath in the 100th house is now better than it was in the 20th house which gave him a lot of expectations about his lifespan.

When he got to the 500th house he had already developed a great love for the art of meditation, if he was in different circumstances he would train but, what's the use of training this body if he's going to get a new one? Besides his body doesn't get stiff at all even if he doesn't do anything, so meditation is the only thing that makes sense for him, it not only keeps him Districted from time but it also improves his concentration and willpower. Even in the 500th house, he looked as young as ever.

Soon he got to the 800th house and at this point, he started aging at a pretty fast speed. Also, his meditation has reached a point where it is at a high level and he's even close to learning astral projection which is one of the things he was never good at even after stealing others' skills in it. He stole the meditation skill from more than 10.000 individuals but still had high difficulty in it, there some things in which we have negative talent at and even with the talent of a genius added to ours it's not even to make us even slightly good at it, but it seems that Ky finally started to get the hang of it.

-973 years after Ky got there-

Right now Ky is meditating but he still couldn't master astral projection which only serves to prove how bad his talent at it is, but that doesn't matter anymore as now he looks very old and fragile even though his body is perfectly healthy because of the healing skill and he doesn't need to eat here because of the system so he's still great.

[Host only has 2 months of life left, the system suggests host to hurry up!]

The system was aware of what Ky is doing but it can't just change the rules midway, so it has to bear with its crazy host.

"Fine, it's true that I have been here long enough" Ky answered with a firm and determined tone that no longer showed his young insecurities. "what is the strongest race available?" Ky immediately asked this question, he long ago gave up his past idea of finding a race that suits his taste more than caring about power and that's the reason he didn't ask the system this question right up, but such thought doesn't meet with his line of thought right now. He doesn't exactly believe power is everything but just like money it's a necessary means to an end and he will get as much as he can if he gets the opportunity to.

[The strongest race is the extinct 'Primordial Origin Energy Existence', would host like to choose it?y/n]

Ky had never ever heard of such race, but he knows races that have primordial and origin in the name can't be bad, besides it says 'energy existence' in the end only making Ky curious about this race.

"yes!" Ky immediately accepted it with no hesitation at all, if the system says it's the strongest race who is he to deny it.

Then the mannequin in front of him turned into a sphere of energy.

"This is their aspect? Can't you show something that is almost as powerful and has a more humanoid look? Or do something like giving this sphere a humanoid figure?" Ky asked slightly disappointed, he doesn't have anything against any race in special but his mind is too accustomed to human or at least humanoid beauty terms, so in his mind, he cannot accept a race that doesn't give him the option of looking at least close to human. So something like being a monster or a demon with no humanoid look doesn't work for him, and also who would want to be a floating energy sphere? Probably nobody! At least not people with a sane mind.

[Host, any form can be achieved by 'Primordial Origin Energy Existence', host can choose to either use CP to choose here or achieve it in the new world]

"Any form? Do you mean they can turn into other races or simply change how they look outside but no real changes?" Ky is getting more interested in this race.

[They can turn any race assuming all said race's traits without losing the traits of their own race, but that is not really necessary since they have their own humanoid form]

After hearing this Ky made some more questions and accepted that this race is too good, not only can they acquire the trait of any other race by killing said race member but they can also purify it on their own, so he can just kill a guy with very weak bloodline and get it stronger himself, this race is basically the best shapeshifter ever while being extremely strong even without other races or at least that's what the system says, it specifically said that just 10% of the strongest race is stronger than 100% of the race in second place!

Then he discovered he can add other bloodlines to it right now but that spends too much CP since he has to buy the race in the same value as if he was choosing it to be his race. Just the 'Primordial Origin Energy Existence' race already costs 750 billion, leaving him with 250 billion points. The worst part is that the system told Ky all the prices are reduced greatly because it's the first time, he doesn't even wanna imagine how much this race actually costs.

After that, he went to the next step that is creating the actual character after choosing the race. He discovered that the 'Primordial Origin Energy Existence' race has one flaw, they are short, they can reach 1,65m at most. They don't look exactly like boys or girls but if you give them long hair they'll definitely look like girls. But that doesn't matter at all for him, it's just a simple minor detail.

Not minding that problem too much he continued making his character.

-After a month and 29 days of indecision and unsatisfaction-

"Finally! Hahaha! It was even harder than I expected, well at least I managed to" Ky said very excited, while he's literally one day away from death.

The mannequin in front of him has now a short White hair with the tip of it being purple, the eyes are also Purple of the same tone as the hair's tip, the face is that of an extremely handsome young man that looks slightly like a child, cause of his height of only 1,65m and his body is proportional to that is rather small but very well defined being perfectly toned without being a muscle monster, his skin tone has not changed but his skin is softer and healthier than before even though it's many many times tougher than before, he looks like the child of gods with his gender being a quite hard to identify because of his features.

[Apperence customization complete. Now the host has to choose skills, a special trait, and professions.]

Ky immediately got worried about this, he had forgotten about this, if he takes too long he'll die before he finishes!

"Can I maintain my current skills and my Katana?" Ky asked since it was one of his objectives from the beginning

[Yes, the host can maintain all skill and the katana for 100 billion points, but if Host wants his summoning beast it will require plus 200 billion points which means the host will be missing 50 billion points. Does the host want to use an alternative method to obtain missing 50 billion points? Y/N]

"You can use the 100 billion for my skills and katana, but what's that story about a summoning beast?" Ky was happy that he could keep everything, but he still thinks it's expensive, even so, there's nothing he can do about it.

[Host, you have a summoning beast connected to you, do you wish to maintain it or sever the connection?]

Ky doesn't know where this summoning beast that is connected to him came from, but he knows something, it's expensive! Meaning it's probably very strong!

"Ok, keep it." Ky said confidently.

[Initializing charm value deduction process..... Process complete. Successfully deducted charm value, charm value is now a negative value... Process complete. Converting charm value into CP.... Process complete. 50 billion CP acquired, using 200 billion CP to maintain summoning beast.... Process complete. Queen of the Shadow World(baby state) successfully acquired.]

Ky was looking at the process happening in front of him dumbstruck! Isn't charm value what makes him attractive and good looking to orders?! Why would the system deduct?! Is this envy of his newfound beauty?! He's so worried about his charm value he didn't even pay attention to the rest.

"why?! Why would you do that?! If I have negative points, won't everyone think I'm some disgusting creature?!" Ky asked obviously wanting an explanation for such act.

[Host should not worry, it all has been taken into account]

"Not! Worry?! I'll probably get hunt down because someone confused me with a monster!" Ky said even more pissed than before because he looked at his charm value and it's -9.999, 0 is ordinary that is not beautiful or ugly and you only start being considered slightly good looking at 100 at least according to the system, Ky's value was 1 million, as a member of the race in the top of all, it is only expected but it went there to -9.999! How will they think he's some horrible monster?! Even horrible monsters don't have such a low charm value! The ugliest monster should be around -900 to -1.500 which is nowhere near as bad as Ky is right now.

Ky just went from a beauty to a beast.

[Host, you should calm down, all you have to do is chose the Godly charm as your special trait, and it will be all solved]

"Why didn't you that before you did this?!" Ky said then sighed as if giving up and like the system advised he chose the Godly charm as his special trait, and of course, he asked what's the best special trait before that and it's the Divine eye but according to the system he doesn't need it. He got the Godly charm Special trait and his charm value went up to 1, it's not a high value at all but it's still way better than -9.999.

Later on, after all this trouble it was finally over.

[Character creation Complete. Dismantling the host's previous body and transferring soul to new one.... Process complete. Initiating transmigration]

At this moment Ky is thinking about how things started for him, first, he died but instead of going to wherever died people go, he got send to the Shadow world and started a new life full of blood in this weird reincarnation(?), now that adventure is over and a new one that seems many times better is starting and he has only one regret.

"I should have punched that guy harder." Ky said his last words in this world, he regrets not having punched Noctus harder. As for his family, the only family he has left is his younger brother(younger by 2 years) Kin Fei that already has a successful career, he did check on him a couple of times and his brother is doing just fine and will even be a father soon. Ky is sure he will be fine, besides even if he wanted couldn't say goodbye and so Ky decides to wish his brother good luck in his heart and leaves this world decided to start anew and leave the past as past.