Chapter 025

🔞⚠️Warning alot of Smut⚠️🔞

⚠️Also some abuse⚠️

⚠️Viewers discretion is advised!⚠️

Midoriya's POV

After that, Todoroki dressed up, got ready for training and left. Me and Kacchan stayed in the room, we cuddled most of the day before I got hungry.

"Kachaaaaan? I didn't get to eat last night... And I'm starviiiiing!" I say in a baby voice.

"Tch, I'm not your slave you know..."he says picking me up in a koala hug and walking to the kitchen.

"Thank you alpha~" I said all happy.

"Better watch that dirty mouth of yours or I'll pound you on the table~" he says with a deep voice.

I yelped and hid in his neck, knowing he would indeed do it if I wasn't carefull. God he smelled good, I just wanted him to release more of his sweet smell!

"Kacchan~ Can you please let your smell out for me... It's comforting~" I asked politely.

Without warning, I saw his scent glands entrance open by a milimiter and released his scent straight in my nose, I flinched before absolutely going mad on cuddles and sniffs. It was so strong and enticing that I licked it and slipped my tongue in, Kacchan's knees gave up up he caught himself, panting and growling of arousement.

"DON'T. DO. THAT. FUCK I'M HARD NOW!" he says trying to catch his breath.

I giggled, I didn't know that going in there would be so intense. Guess I'll have to do that again for next time~.

After catching his breath back, he stood up and we made it to the kitchen. He tried to pull me off but I wouldn't budge.

"Deku... I can't cook if your ass is in the meal..." he says slightly annoyed.

"I tought you loved eating my ass~" I said jokingly.

"I swear to all might I'm going to fuck you so fucking hard you'll tear in two if you don't stop~" he says with a low sexual alpha voice.

I accidently let out a small moan, smacking my mouth shut. But he had already heard it. He turns around and sits me on the table, he removes my hoodie and starts kissing me gently from my neck down my abs, he lick back up before pushing me to lay on the table. His eyes are slit, he's not in control anymore. But I don't care, because it's Kacchan. I trust him. He kisses my neck and sucks on it slightly leaving his mark.

"Your fucking mine Izuku... And I love you so fucking much it hurt." He says grinding us together. I look at the clock... Oh god it's 4h!

"I l-love you t-to Kacchan but... Can w-we like do it i-in the bedroom or like not here!?" I say slightly scared that someone will walk in.

"I warned you not to arouse me and you did the opposite. Im going to fuck you right on this fucking table!"

"I wouldn't do that if I we're you..." I hear a familiar monotone voice say.

"Oh thank god Todoroki your here... That's not Kacchan! Its Gou! Can you get him off of me!" I say jokingly.

He didn't take it well and started growling at the now closing gap between me and Todoroki.

"Calm down Gou... The class is over so others will arrive soon... I'll let you continue once your in the bedro- Oh look who finally showed up." Todoroki sighed, he didn't wanna fight Kacchan.

"Ah fuck! Sorry Deku, did Gou hurt you..." he says getting off of me.

"No he was very gentle for a lustful alpha..." I say smiling.

"Cus he fucking loves ya that's why..." he wispers.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you..." I said confused.

"I DIDN'T FUCKING TALK! Now let's make food before you drop dead from starvation..." he says cutting vegetables again.

"So what is he cooking you Midoriya?" He says a little curious.

"SOBA!!" I yell all happily, making them both chuckle.

"Aww Bakugo you thought of me? How sweet..." He says sarcastically.

"Tch yeah keep dreaming! Deku's the one who requested it." He says hidding his smile.

(He lied, he did it cus he knew Midoriya wouldn't mind eating it... So he did soba to make Todoroki happy)

I placed the hoodie back on and we laughed as Kacchan started cursing at the onions for making him cry. After that, we talked for a little while until the door opened and an awfully dense angry scent filled the room. I looked back and saw him. I jumped off the table and hid behind Todoroki as the pheromones we're very strong, almost as strong as a very pissed alpha. He looks at Todoroki then me. Kacchan turn around confused by the smell of fear coming from me and sees me trembling, he looks up and see's Shinsou staring straight at Todoroki.

"You're a real dick Shoto... Playing me dirty like that... You didn't have to beat me that badly you prick." He spits out.

I look at Todoroki confused.

"Well if you weren't so weak... And easy to trick, I wouldn't have beaten your pathetic ass" Todoroki says smiling but keeping is monotone voice.

That ticked him off as he started walking angrily at Todoroki, I didn't want a fight to blow again so I stepped in the middle of them.

"Okay okay! I don't know what happened but Shinsou please calm d-"

But before I could finish my phrase he grabbed my neck and lifted me closer to him.

"Did you tell him about my quirk you fucking omega." He spat in my face, choking me as I tried to claw is arms.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HAND OFF MIDORIYA!!" Todoroki yelled as his flames went wild.

Kacchan who had turned back to the food not too long ago was now facing Shinsou while standing next to Todoroki, he was ready to kill Shinsou as he held my throat. But in fear that he would hurt me, they stayed still.

"Sh-Shinsou... I... Didn't... Tell... s-stop... your... hurting m-me..." I said feeling my head starting to spin.

As if he had snapped out of it, he pulls me into a hug.

"Fuck I'm so sorry... Midoriya it was Sou not me I promise! I'd never hurt you!" He screams crying on my shoulder.

"That's not true... You've hurt me before..." I say in a monotone voice.

I push him off of me and look at him with disgust and rage. And for once in a long time, my full cowling activates. I remove my shirt, making the small dark purple hickeys shown...

"YOU did this while I was sleeping. You almost raped me. So shut your whore mouth before spitting bullshit at my face you fucking worthless delta! I should have never fucking trusted your ass!" I say shaking with anger.

"Oh fuck... Sou... For fuck sakes why did you do this!?" He says holding his head in his hands.

"Oh? Is that regret in your face... Oh no my bad it's just a good old.... DETROIT!" Is what I yelled before screaming 'Smash' upon impacting his face.

Lets say the entire living rooms furniture flew out of the way and Shinsou went through the wall. I relaxed, picked my hoodie back up and started walking to the room.

"Bring the food in the dorm Katsuki..." I said in a depressive tone before leaving out of sight.

Bakugo's POV

I just stood there shocked, I haven't heard him say Katsuki in a while... He's really pissed, not at me of course... I mean it only looked like he used 10%, but I've had a 8% Detroit smash in the face before and it fucking hurts... I look at Shinsou, he's somehow not K.O after that. He sits up and mumbles something but I don't care, I finish the food, place it on a tray and pull Icyhot to our dorm room. When I open the room, It was filled with sadness and distress pheromones, I sigh and let Todoroki walk in first. I wanted to hear his reaction to know how bad it the situation was.

"OH FUCK MIDORIYA!?"he yells runing into the room.

"W-where's K-Kacchan" Deku says weakly.

"I'm here." I say peaking through the door.

He layed there panting and crying. That could only mean one thing, his heat was here.

"Hey shh... It's okay... I'll lay you on the bed okay? Hey Katsuki! Get your ass over here! He needs you." Todoroki says as he gently lifts Deku and brings him on the bed.

I walk in and go straight to the bed, I lay in it and he automatically clings to me panting and whimpering.

"It h-hurts so m-much gnn- Kacchan why d-does it hurt so much!!!" He cries out grinding ever so slightly on my leg.

"Probably because your mates?" Todoroki says now across the room on the floor.

I pull Deku onto me and lay his face on my scent glands as I open them, calming him down, he starts to purr and... Soflty pushes his hands against me repeatedly while chewing on my shirt?

"What the fuck is he doing!?" I asked Todoroki.

He lifts himself up, looks and blushes. Then burst out laughing... Slightly pissing me off.


"That's so fucking cute! I'm jealous... He's fine... Just nursing on you don't worry~" he says winking.

I immediately blush... I thought cats did that not wolves!? Although omega's do have kittens tendencies... Eh... I like it so who cares. I gently scratched his ears before he drifted to sleep.

"So I guess Shinsou isn't responsible for the marks... But his Delta is... I don't think he actually wanna hurt Midoriya, I hate to admit it but it's pretty obvious that he loves him..." Todoroki says.

"I don't care... I love Deku and my alpha never hurted him..." I said angrily.

"Yeah but you just said it yourself... Alpha... An alpha's first instincts is to protect an omega... But Deltas are beast at heart... Even if Shinsou doesn't want to, his delta does... Heck even Aizawa hurted his omega by accident last month don't you remember? He was literally crying about it in his sleeping bag!" He says embarrassed for Aizawa.

"I couldn't care less... Aizawa is at least nice... That guy Shinsou is a fucking piece of shit!" I say growling, waking Deku up.

"Oh sorry Midoriya, are we too loud?" Icyhot asked.

Suddenly his smell became cazy delicious, we both could barely contain ourselves.

"I think it's best if I get out before I lose to his scent..." Todoroki says as he left.

"Fuck Deku... Baby please calm down... Mmh~... You smell a little too good okay!?" I say holding him tightly and close to my neck, trying to over power his smell with mine.

He looks at my glands open and slides his tongue in there, I moan loudly as my grip loosens and I feel my entire body twitch in pleasure. He removes his tongue and curls into a ball crying.

"Gnn- Aah... K-Kacchan i-it hurts so b-bad... Alpha p-please... I b-beg you... F-fuck me~" He says his tongue out and drooling.

I lay him on the bed, me on top of him. I start softly kissing him but he flips me back on the bed. He's panting crazy, he kisses me passionately as he lick my lips for entrance, I decide to tease and deny him when he slips his hand under my boxers and grabs me, making me moan and slightly open my mouth. He slides his tongue in as he jerks me off, making me a moaning mess. Who knew he'd have such an effect on me. His clothes were now already gone I look at his dick, it's leaking pre cum like there's no tomorrow and its hard like hell. I grab it gently and softly pumps him, he swings his head back moaning.

"Aah fuck~ Kacchan~" he moans out.

I lower myself and pull him closer, taking him all in my mouth, I suck and lick as hard as I can as his moans becomes louder and erratic.

"Mmh~ Kacchan I'm gonna cum~" he says just before releasing it all in my mouth. Witch was alot.

I swallow and smile, he lays on me out of breath. I close my eyes ready to sleep when another wave hit's him. Its so bad that he's having trouble breathing. At that point I knew he needed me in him... I pull my pants down and groan at my fully errect dick rubbing against the fabric. I tried to turn him around but he pushed me back, setted himself and slammed me in, the pleasure was so great that a loud moan escaped my mouth. I grabbed his hips before thrusting inside of him, he lets his tongue out and moans at the pleasure. He suddenly start to jumps, slaming him harder against me and deeper inside of him. I slam right into his prostate, making him scream in pleasure, I smile and ram him as hard as I can, making him a complete mess of moans and pleasure. I can feel that I'm close so I try to stop, but Deku slams against me faster.

"Aah~ Fuck you feel good Deku~ B-but I can't hold it you need so st- Gah~"

At that moment my tip had gone so deep that it slightly pressed through his uterus, the pleasure was too much and we both came... And I knotted him... I cursed myself... I was knotted there right at his entrance, he 100% will fall pregnant... And I can't move out of our position because I'm way to deep in him. So we waited, eventually he fell asleep on me so I took a blanket and covered him. I heard footsteps, I was drowsy and sleepy, and... STILL FUCKING KNOTTED! It had been been about 24 minutes now. I opened my eyes and see a confused Icyhot.

"Um, why are you guys in such a weird position to sleep, just lay down... he says pushing me back.

"WAIT STOP IT'LL-" I say pefore a piercing scream hit's our ears.

I stand straight back into the position I was, telling all the apologies I knew and the calmest words I had.

"God Katsuki did you knot him!?" He says worried.

I sigh and look at Deku now asleep in his tears.

"Well good news... His heat is definitely over now... Bad new... he'll definitely get pregnant from this... I've been stuck in him for 26 minutes now..." I say worried.

"Wait... You can't unknot yourself!?" He says.

"No and I can't just pull either or he seriously will suffer..."

"I know of a trick to unknot but it's um... I don't really wanna do it..." he says looking away.

"Well we have too cus it's not good to stay inside too long... He can get serious pains. So spit it out..."

"Midoriya need to reject you by um... Getting aroused by another alpha... its a temporary thing where um.. An alpha will insert his tongue in the Omega's gland opening making the knot get forced down... But as soon as he'll know it's not you he'll hate it so... if you really wanna do it then.. Um I'd have to.. Um.. do it right now while he's unaware..." he says clearly uncomfortable about it.

I don't want to do it... But if I stay in there any longer... It could cause complications like irritation, swelling and bruising... So I need to get out.

"Fine... But don't enjoy it... I wont allow it again!" I say glaring at him.

He hesitantly walks closer to us, careful not to move us too much. Omega's scent glands are open when knotted so he can just go ahead. He gulps before gently licking his neck.

"Kacchan~"he moans as I smile.

Even tho it's not me, he still think it is... Then came the hard part, he gently holds Deku's shoulder before inserting his tongues in. His hole opens making my knot finally calm down, he moans loudly and claws my back. I finally pull out as his eyes opens and realizes what's going. Todoroki stops and pulls out as Deku gags, his body quiver. I crawl closer and pull him into a hug.

"NO DON'T TOUCH ME! I'M GROSS UGH HOW COULD YOU LOVE ME NOW!?" He yell scratching his glands.

I grab his hands and stop him, gently licking his scratches. Then I smile.

"Because I told Todoroki to do it... I was kinda stuck in you... But now I'll clean his touch from you." I say as I insert my tongue inside his scent glands.

He tightly grabs my back as he moans loudly. I definitely have more effects then Icyhot. I finish cleaning his neck with my tongue before he smiles again.

"I love... You Kacchan..."he says trying to stay awake.

"I love you too Deku..." I say kissing his lips as I see Icyhot smirk from the corner.

"Can I be the godfather by any chance?"