Donut Girl

In front of the whole class, that familiar light shined.

"Hello there Mr. Criminal", she said. Giving me a playful wink.

For a short second, the whole classroom went quiet, my eyes met with hers and I couldn't think of any response. Yet to my own surprise, I still answered. "H-how's it hanging?" I gave a small wave as I said that and my lips made an awkward smile.

Then the room exploded in a whirlwind of questions. "She already knows that guy?!" "Did she say, criminal?! What's that about?", I witnessed it live, the careful non-reputation which I had built up began to crumble before my very eyes.

"Are they partners in crime or something?" "Does that have to do with her transferring?" "Is that why he always looks so grumpy?" And now everyone was starting to personally assault me…

"Hey, whoever it was that called Grey grumpy, take it back!", I couldn't believe it, besides me, Sadim had come to my rescue! For the first time in what felt like forever, I found myself admiring my friend.

Sometimes he might get me into awkward situations and because of him I get yelled at by the teachers a lot, but when it really counts he always-

"He may act like an old man and perhaps he sometimes gets a bit too pessimistic and yeah, maybe he isn't really that socially capable!" Wait, what!?

"... Also he often overthinks things and gets a little too edgy for his own good", there's still more!?

"But even so!…" "Are they going to commit a crime together?" "Is that why she's here?" "What's his name?", they're totally ignoring him!!

Sadim slowly turned towards me, "I'm sorry, I tried…" Like hell you did!! All you did was give them even more ammunition!

"Hey!! Class, quiet down!", Mr. Baldy (not actual name) tried to calm this storm, but it proved in vain.

It seemed like these rumors would simply continue, with no escape in sight.

"That's right you criminal! You still haven't paid me back for all those donuts!!", the girl whose name was still unknown to me yelled.

I looked at her. She looked at me. My expression was that of a clueless buffoon. Hers was that of a smug trickster.

"Donut...?", I thought to myself.

"Well, do you have nothing to say in your defense?" While speaking those words her eyes screamed at me: "play along!"

"O-oh right, you're the one who… bought me those delicious donuts, ehh… the donut girl!", smooth Grey! Real smooth!

As those words escaped my mouth, her eyes opened widely and an unnatural smile suddenly splashed onto her face. It was a muted expression of shock.

"Hehe... what did you just call me?", her eyes stared daggers at me. The killing intent emitted from her… This was the first time - the first time I had ever feared for my life.

"Don't take it personally", Sadim had begun speaking once again; much to my dismay."You're not the first person this guy has called something weird"

The transfer student glanced over at Sadim, her death-glare having been toned down somewhat, though he didn't seem to have noticed it in the first place. "...Is that so?", she said.

I didn't know if it was better for me to remain silent or speak up.

"Totally!", the enthusiasm in his voice worried me, but I decided to just keep on watching. Hoping for things to turn out… not horrible.

"He's really bad at remembering names so we come up with all kinds of nicknames for different students, hell, even teachers. Like, can you guess what we call Mr.Simons?"

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't, but please do enlighten me", to my horror it wasn't her that had answered, it was mister baldy himself.

Sadim suddenly froze up, as if only now realizing the dangerously thin ground he had been traversing. Then, almost as if on cue, I noticed that the whole classroom had gone silent. All of our fellow classmates absorbed every little word like a giant sponge. Whatever we said right now, if we weren't careful, it would end up haunting us for the rest of our high school years.

"Why the silence Mr.Abadi? Do you no longer feel like sharing this supposed nickname of mine?", Sadim looked at me with a puppy face. Begging for my aid.

I turned away, ignoring him.

"Wha- You traitor!", once again Sadim failed to control his voice.

"So you can speak? Then tell me, what is this nickname of mine?", Mr. Baldy now had Sadim in the palm of his hand.

"I'm sorry my friend, but don't worry, I'll make sure that your sacrifice isn't in vain! You will be remembered in my heart!", is what I told myself.

But then, to my dismay, our teacher continued his sentence."Don't worry though, if you tell me, I'll only punish the creator", I could feel Mr.Baldy's intense gaze.

He'll only punish the creator? Wow, that sucks. Sure am glad that I'm not in their shoes. Wow, that would really have sucked.

Good thing that it's not me…


Couldn't be…

Haha, I sure am lucky…

I slowly turned back to my precious friend. He who I valued above all else. Someone I could trust to never betray me and someone who I knew would never hold a grudge over some small thing.

I looked at him. He looked at me. My expression was that of a clueless buffon. His was that of a trickster.

A sadistic smile slowly began spreading across his lips. "Only the one who came up with the name will be punished? Is that so?", Sadim said while still maintaining eye contact with me.

"That's right. So are you willing to fees up?"

My friend began scratching the back of his head, "My memory's actually kind of foggy if I'm being honest…"

He wasn't going to sell me out?

"I see… That's unfortunate", Mr. Baldy seemed genuinely disappointed that he couldn't punish me. It kinda pissed me off.

"No, hold on a minute… I think I might be remembering something…", Which side are you on!?

"Oh, that's great!", Now he seemed genuinely happy. That pissed me off even more.

I gave Sadim, my dear friend, a big smile of innocence. Then, to my surprise, he smiled back at me. Unfortunately, his eyes told another story. They mocked me as if saying: "That's all you've got?"

"C-can we get a name?", Mr.Baldy was starting to grow impatient with this whole charade of ours.

"I'm not really sure honestly… Do you think you can help?", Sadim still locked at me while saying that… I repeat, Sadim still looked at me while saying that.

"Well?", I could see that he had embraced my very own "acting innocent" tactic. In any other scenario, I would've been proud, but right now the only thought I had was: "What the hell is this guy trying to pull!?"

I admit, technically I was the one who came up with the name. That's totally on me, but it was a team effort! A team effort goddammit!! Don't go trying to blame it all on me!

"I… can't remember, sorry…", that was the perfect response. It made for an easy counter while at the same time creating a quick escape.

"Oh, I see. Well, it didn't hurt to ask", No, it did. It did hurt.

The hope in Mr. Baldy's eyes 'came extinct, that was enough to satisfy me.

I still didn't understand what the hell Sadim had been trying to pull, but at least it was over now…I just jinxed myself, didn't I-

I saw my friend's expression, he looked just like the evil mastermind from some movie. With his fingers crossed and barely managing to hold his laughter.

Then he started doing charades, literally. Though his movements were hard to spot, they were clear to me.

First, he pointed discreetly at me: "You"

Then he pulled out a small coin from his pocket and gave it to me: "Give"

He shook his head in disapproval, I had guessed wrong.

Then he continued by pointing at the pen on my desk. Ah, I get it, he's exchanging the coin for my pen! "Exchange"

He once again shook his head.

Hmm, maybe: "Pay"

He nodded.

Wait, he wants me to pay for something?

Then Sadim began acting as if he was eating. "Eating" doesn't fit, so maybe it's about what he's eating? No, I could never guess that. We don't really hang out after school so he wants me to pay for something that we both eat togeth-

… I figured it out…

I looked at him with empty eyes and he replied with an innocent grin.

"Lunch", he wants me to pay for lunch…

"What are you two doing?", the transfer student stood by our table, slightly bent over with her hands behind her back.

"W-w-w-well hello there! We're not doing anything special, just good old charades you know? W-whatcha doing yourself?", Warning! Warning! An unexpected obstacle has appeared, engaging lockdown!

"Charades, I see…", Wait, she's just going to accept that?

"What do you mean charades!?", Mr.Baldy had been revived!

"W-well, you can just ask Sadim, he'll explain it"

So our teacher did just that, and the response: "Huh, charades? What are you talking about? It's one thing to lie in order to protect your own skin, but don't drag innocents into it… I'm disappointed in you, Grey" I had been tricked… again...

Suddenly it felt as if time had slowed down and my eyes met with Sadims one final time, that's when it all became clear as day; there was nothing innocent behind those eyes. A well-hidden smile emerged behind a strategically placed hand, covering just enough of his mouth in order for only me to be able to witness this evil grin of his.

I hated to admit it, but I had walked straight into this trap.

"So you were talking behind my back again! That does it, I've got enough evidence to say that you're guilty! Now, tell me the nickname you came up with and I might lessen your punishment"

It was over. My days as a non-reputational high school student were counted. This adapting life of mine, it was over! After this I would no longer be able to blend in with the crowd, I would no longer be able to stay hidden in the masses. Everyone would know me, everyone would stay away! Once again, they would turn away… I didn't want it, I didn't…

"Hey hey hey!! Enough with all of this crap! I've had it!`` That light from yesterday, it had returned in full force, overwhelming our teacher in such a drastic way that to my own surprise, for the first time, I found myself sympathizing with Mr. Baldy.

"W-what seems to be the problem?", scared to death, he barely managed to respond.

"The problem? Are you really so dense that you don't realize?" she started knocking on her head "Hello, anybody home?"

All of my fears, as I saw her act in such a carefree manner, suddenly they seemed so petty.

Small snickers started emerging from the crowd of students, and not after long, it turned into full-out laughter.

"Quiet down everyone! Cease this nonsense!" I would give Mr.Baldy this: at least he tried.

"Should you really be the one saying that? You didn't seem to mind wasting everyone's time trying to learn about this supposed nickname of yours" Transfer student used insult. It was super effective!

"W-well, that was necessary in order to teach these people some respect!", He countered!

"You want to talk about respect? Then how about letting the freaking transfer student introduce herself! Shouldn't that take priority over your pride?"

"Huh?...", Mr. Baldy is confused.

"That's right. No one here even knows my name yet!"

"Seriously?", Mr. Baldy is dizzy.

"You get it now? All I've done is waltz right in here, say some spicy things and then just stand around watching you embarrass yourself", she showed no mercy.

And even more so, how could everyone just laugh at it? Why did they all act so carefree? Didn't they realize the consequences? Were they simply ignoring that, or had they forgotten it entirely?

Actually, No. I realized what was happening. It wasn't really anything unusual after all. Everyone had gotten carried away by the momentum of the situation, that's why the atmosphere of the classroom had changed so drastically.

They're all choosing to go along with the emotions surrounding the room, going along with the mood. In hate mobs and the likes, it's the same principle; where emotions become infectious. Spreading from one to another.

So as I see them all laughing and see the emotions take a hold of them, I can't help but to feel left out. It's as if there's a wall dividing me and them. Their laughter, as I hear it and as I see their smiles, it only emphasizes the fact that I'm not doing the same.

There's a wall of flesh separating us...

While I can still view everyone in the classroom perfectly fine, their laughing falls deaf upon my ears. Once again I become the observer, confined to a room made up of bloody - pulsating - flesh. Forced to watch, never to reach out.

Then I continue to sit there, unmoving. The laughter continues for a while, but eventually, it fades. Two distinct feelings overwhelm me, disappointment and regret. But just as quickly as they appear, they vanish and I forget.

Our dear teacher seizes the opportunity to speak: "I… I must apologize. As a teacher it was wrong for me to put my personal desires before a student, I'm sorry! Please, feel free to begin the introduction", she really tamed him, huh...

"Thanks, teach. So… Hello there", some dove snickers and mumbling can still be heard within the crowd of students, but they quickly conform to the new atmosphere.

Then she clears her throat and straightens her back, "Okay, so the name's-"