1. Tired of looking like a boy

Chuckling with the sound of scissors cutting hair. I saw a beautiful girl in front of the mirror waiting for her hair to be cut while sullen at the beauty salon on the side of the highway. "finished ... Zea is beautiful, don't frown ... it's still pretty even though she has short hair" said Rosa who just finished cutting Zea's long hair to be very short like a boy's hair.

Rosa feels sorry for Zea who is forced to cut her favorite hair which is a beautiful crown for a woman. but for the sake of pleasing her mother. Zea is willing to do it.

Rosa is a salon owner who has been a customer of the Zea family for a long time, besides that, Rosa is Dina's best friend who was Zea's mother when she was in middle school.

"Mom ..... until when, mom asked Zea to keep a short haircut, I also want to lengthen my hair too ... like my friends" Zea chirped, pouting irritably.

"Yes, Din ... your daughter is right, your teenager should look like a girl of her age, have long hair, wear natural make-up, girls skirts, dresses, long dresses, and others .... cook short hair and wear it. "Like this goes on?" said Rosa who questioned it to Dina.

Even though it had been protested by her daughter and her best friend. Dina didn't just agree.

"Yes-yes later I will not ask Zea for a short haircut again, I can lengthen her hair on the condition that ..." said Dina from the corner who had been sitting waiting for the completion of her haircut.

"If ... what ... ?" Zea and Aunt Rosa together. They both were so curious about the conditions proposed by Dina. If the terms are lenient, why not Zea do it? It is also for her good and her wishes too.

"Of course, if I have a son or daughter-in-law/husband Zea later," said Dina who said the conditions to Zea, if you want to be free from the habit of her mother who wants to see her daughter look like a boy.

"Mom... uhhh... annoyed, really there aren't any light conditions ... you have to get married first ... just want to get your hair out" Zea chirped. The conditions given by Zea's mother are too heavy for this cute girl to do.

"Nothing ..." said Dina with a smile, although in her own heart, she promised that this was the last time she asked her child to cut her hair short.

"Huff ... I'm annoyed mom always does that, it's up to you," said Zea as she walked away from the salon after cleaning herself from the remnants of her stuck hair.

"Hiiii As .... you, Din like teasing your daughter, huh!" said Rosa, patting her forehead. Rosa, who heard Dina's condition, felt annoyed with her friend.

Seeing her daughter and best friend look annoyed. Dina is not feeling guilty. Dina just laughed.

"Puff ..... haha, yeah-yeah I won't force you to cut short hair again Ros, even though you know very well the reason why I've dressed Zea like a boy since I was a child," said, Dina who knows very well, if Rosa knows and understands the reason for doing so. Then why is it still being questioned?

Even though Rosa understands Dina's reasoning, she completely disapproves of Dina's actions that are too forceful on Zea.

"Yes, Din, I know you really like and even want to have your son, but you can't after undergoing the operation. Even so, this is unfair to Zea Din" said Rosa, advising her best friend. Rosa hopes that Dina can immediately realize her mistake.

"Yes, Mrs. Rosa, who is very good ... this promise is the last one after all Zea is a teenager now," said Dina while handing several bills for haircut services to Rosa and then went out of the salon to Zea who had been waiting outside.

Rosa also followed Dian out of the salon to take the two of them to the edge of the highway. Zea and her mother got into the car, to get ready to go home.

"Thank you, Aunt Rosa, auntie playing at home please ... so that you have friends to chat at home, mom and dad are always busy ... rarely at home, once you come home ... tell me to get a haircut. I'm not happy" said Zea.

"Yes Ros ... playing at home, while my husband and I are still at home because next Sunday

we want to go on a business trip again, this time it's quite a while," said Dina.

"ok, honey ... tomorrow aunt will try to come to zea's house dear, we'll chat together," said Aunt Rosa.

"Good afternoon, Aunt Rosa," said Zea."Good afternoon too, zea dear, be careful on your way," said Aunt Rosa.

Zea and her mother's car drove and left Rosa's beauty salon. Congestion builds a heart and a bum Meanwhile, the traffic jams on the busy Jakarta highway make Zea even more annoyed. yups that's how Jakarta has no day without traffic jams. but both must remain patient.

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