when they got home, zea went to her room, Dina and her husband also entered the room. but there is something different from the attitude of the two parents this time, they both have been silent without saying a word since returning from Aunt Rosa's house.

"Mama ... what's wrong with dad, why haven't you been quiet since earlier. I think something's wrong" Zea murmured.

zea takes her towel and takes a shower a few minutes later after taking a shower he went to sleep, zea was very tired and wanted to rest.


Zulia and her family are still in the car. quite a distance from Rosa's house, it takes approximately 30 minutes.

Zulia, who had been pretending to be fainting, glanced at her son and smiled. finally, he knew what Zack had been hiding from him.

O..so this girl to my future in-law is great too, the girl can melt Zack's heart, cute, polite but unfortunately just try to have a little hair long. ah ... it doesn't matter whether it's long or short whatever, the important thing is Zack likes (Zulia's conscience)

what's the good thing I'm following Rosa's suggestion. uh but ... they're still in school. ah .. just engagement first, you can, even if you've arrived home let me try to discuss it with Steve first (Zulia is still muttering to herself)


Zulia's family arrived home, Steve carried Zulia into their room followed by Zack.

"Pa ... mom why, how come you suddenly fainted. This morning it's okay, mama" said Zack

"It's not because of ..." Steve said stopped his hand in Zulia's grip.

"It's okay .... maybe your mom is just tired," Steve said, changing the conversation.

"Then so that Mom can rest, Zack goes back to the room first," said Zack stepping away.

"Huff ... this papa almost blurted out, later our child will be embarrassed if he finds out that we caught him hugging his girl," said Zulia.

"yes ... sorry daddy is wrong," said Steve.

"Pa..papa is aware of the change in our child's attitude," asked Zulia.

"What's wrong with our child," said Steve.

"Haisst ... daddy, pay a little attention to Napa with his son. Zack yu has changed a lot, he used to be cold and quiet and didn't talk much. But now it gets warm, attention to mama and mama often see him smiling alone in his room. Mama we must be because of that girl. how about we match them both "said Zulia.

"What ..." said Steve a little surprised.

"heem ... matchmaking, like Rosa's suggestion," said Zulia nodding her head.

"If dad, it's up to Zack," said Steve.


At Zea's dining table, Dina and Johan are enjoying dinner.

"Your child is already grown, so beautiful again ... you must already have a boy. When will you introduce them to dad and mom?" said Dina.

"Pufff..uhukk ... cough ... what the heck is this mama, you don't have a guy" Zea answered coughing.

"So you don't want to admit, if you already have a boy. Ok ... let me find out for yourself, but ..." said Dina stalling for time.

"But what ... it's up to you, mom, you want to look for it until Eid, monkeys won't find you either. Wow, you really don't have a guy," Zea replied firmly.

"Sure .... if you really do find it, mom will immediately ask him to marry you," said Dina defiantly.

"Ouch mom ... don't be weird, I'm still in school," Zea said, patting her forehead.

"Don't you dare ... just look at Mom and you will find that guy and I'll tie him up with you," said Dina.

"not going to meet the point," said zea sure.

If you think about where Dina could find her son, if she never felt like she had a boy ... hehe

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