* Zea house

When evening comes,

the clock shows 17.30 WIB. Dina's feelings

uncomfortable she was so restless she didn't usually get home until this afternoon.

Dina kept calling Zea but never got an answer. He wanted to ask his friends,

still, doesn't have any zea friend's phone number, the only one

he had was a school phone, but how could someone at this hour still have someone on


"Zea dear ... pick up the phone, where are you?" said Dina dripping water

Mata. Dina's restless hearth because until now there has been no news from her child.

Beside him is Johan

who also tried to find out where Zea was by calling the school security guard.

"Hello Pak Arif, this is the parent of Naraya Joan Zea class 10-A. Want to ask

whether at school there are activities until tonight? "Asked Johan.

"No, Pak Johan, all students have been home since 2 o'clock this afternoon and that

took part in the last extracurricular activity home at 5 this afternoon "answered wisely.

"Pak Arif, sorry for the trouble. Can I ask you to go around the school one more time to make sure there really are no students at school" said Johan.

"What is it, sir?" Asked Wisely.

"My son has not come home until now," said Johan

"Yes, Mr. Johan, in 15 minutes I will call you," said wisely

After 15 minutes Pak Arif called Johan to report the results of his patrol, that the school was deserted and there weren't any students

in school.

Dina also asked Bik Inem, maybe you know one of Zea's friends

come to the house often.

"bik ... bik inem" called Idina.

"yes ..." said whisper inem.

"Did you get hit by one of your friends or friends who often come to the house?" Asked Dina.

"no yaa ... non zea never bring friends home"

Dina tries to call Zea again. She repeatedly calls Zea's cellphone but it doesn't work.

"Zea dear ... please pick up the phone dear, where are you," said Dina, crying.

Time continues to pass the day is getting late now it's 8 pm but there has been no news from ZEA either. Dina is half desperate,

even if they are not ready for 24 hours, the report may not be processed. In his desperation,

Dina remembers the young man who was with Zea at Rosa's wedding. Dina

hope that the young man is Zea's friend and maybe he knows where zea is now zea can help dina contact her friends to find information.

Dina immediately contacted Rosa to ask if Rosa could know the young man.

"Hello Rosa .., sorry to bother you who are on your honeymoon there," said Dina.

"What's the matter ... you're crying, what's going on?" Asked Rosa.

"Rosa ... it's already 8 nights but Zea hasn't come home yet," said Dina.

"How come you can," said Rosa panic.

"Ros...I want to ask if I know that young man

with Zea at your wedding yesterday? "Asked Dina.

"You mean Zack, ... he I know. He is my nephew, the son of my brother Steveno, if I'm not mistaken he also attended high school XX" said Rosa.

Dina asks rosa to call zack to ask about zea and also asks for zack's phone number to ask for some phone numbers zea friends. Rosa immediately contacted Zack, Rosa will not calm down before Zea comes home or there is news Zea is fine.


Zack room

Zack is relaxing in his room by listening to his favorite music. His cellphone reads an incoming call, he saw the name of Tante Rosa on the screen. Zack immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello, auntie ... what's wrong, instead of being a honeymoon, how come you still remember your nephew

this handsome "said Zack.

"Zack now is not the time to joke, do you know where Zea now?" Asked rosa.

"What do you mean auntie ... of course Zea is at her house, cook yes with me at night like this," said Zack jokingly.

"Zack aunt seriously, Zea has not come home until now, her mother called my aunt while crying for worry," said Rosa angrily.

"What ... Zea isn't home yet," Zack said in shock

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