*In the car

Dina who feels worried about her child is still crying, Johan who is beside her tries to calm her down.

"Ma ... never mind, mama calm down, we just pray, hopefully zea will be fine," said Johan.

After a 30-minute journey, Dina and Johan finally arrived at the Kasih Bunda Hospital. they immediately headed to the jasmine 3 inpatient room on the second floor.

Krieett ... the sound of the door opening. Dina and immediately entered, Dina immediately headed towards Zea in a hurry. but his steps were then held slower because he saw Zea asleep, he also saw a young man beside Zea's bed who was also sleeping in a sitting position.

maybe this young man named Zack who is Rosa's nephew. Dina could not see the young man's face because he's sleeping position turned his face down so that his face was covered with his arms.

Johan and Dina decided to see the doctor who treated Zea tonight, to find out the condition of their beloved daughter. Dina is worried that if there is a serious injury to Zea, she sees Zea's bandaged head.

"Doctor, how is my child?" Said Dina.

"The mother's daughter is bleeding in her head, it looks like she has been hit or hit with a blunt object. Fortunately it's not too bad, good care and proper medication and adequate rest will make her recover quickly," said the doctor.

"Is there no need for further examination for the wound on his head" said Dina, still worried.

"Mom, take it easy, our team will take good care of your daughter. I will prescribe the medicine and you can make it up immediately.

"You have to trust the doctor," said Johan.

Dina and Johan came out of the doctor's room then headed to the Zea room. looks awake. Dina Jan Johan watched him from behind the door.

"What time is it ... Daddy mama must be worried, I didn't have time to leave the house," muttered Zack.

Zack saw Zea who was still asleep, he stroked her hair.

"Little cat ... why are you so careless that you can hurt like this, you know how worried I am seeing you like this," said Zack softly.

Johan who was outside wanted to come in and stop what Zack was doing, how could his son be touched like that. Dina grabbed Johan's hand, Dina shook her head.

"Give them time," said Dina. Johan agrees to Dina's request.

a few minutes later Johan and Dina entered the room as if they had seen nothing.

"Om ... Tante ... it's coming," said Zack to Dina and Johan.

"yes ... we just came from the doctor's office," said Johan.

"Are you Sarah's nephew?" asked Dina.

"Yes, Auntie ... I am Zack, Aunt Rosa's nephew and also Zea's classmate," said Zack.

"Can you tell me where and how you found Zea?" said, Johan.

Zack told everything as it was. hearing all the stories of Zack Johan and Dina were so angry and at the same time, they suspected that what happened to Zea could not be an accident but someone accidentally hurt her child.

"Do you have enemies at school?" said Dina.

"I don't really know about that, Auntie," said Zack. he said that because Zack could not accuse Anita without solid evidence.

"o ... well then, let Zea's father go to school tomorrow to check directly at the school regarding this incident," said Dina.

"yes ... tomorrow we will meet the principal," said Johan.

Zack looked at the clock on the wall, it was midnight. Zack immediately said goodbye to Dina and Johan. He is not worried anymore because Zea's parents are accompanying Zea.

"Tante..om ... I'll be leaving first," said Zack.

"It's very late now, it's best if you stay here and come home tomorrow morning. I've contacted Rosa and Rosa has also contacted your parents" said Dina.

"Thank you Aunt, I better go home because I still have schoolwork that I haven't done. Tomorrow I will visit Zea again," said Zack.

"Alright ... be careful on the road," said Dina.

"good Auntie," said Zack.

Zack left the room to the car park, then Zack came home.

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