Zack's house

After coming home from visiting Zea Zulia started teasing her son. Zack, who is busy listening to his favorite music, is burned, surprised by Zulia's arrival.

"Hi ... smile to yourself, thinking about Zea again," said Zulia holding her son's shoulder. Indeed, these mothers can be said to be the most nosy with their sons.

"Ah, mama ... no, this mom is really talking about it," said Zack, removing the earphones from his ear.

well ... even if it's true that Zea is thinking about it, how could Zack be honest with his mother. even though his face was red, the cat was shy and would dismantle everything.

"Hahah ... to be honest, Napa and mama, the girl you like is zea right?" said Zulia.

"What's wrong with mom, I haven't thought about girls who want to concentrate on school first," said Zack.

"Haisst ... if people don't take it quickly, it's wrong to be taken by a friend ... Mama saw that yesterday there was a handsome boy visiting you when you left the room," said Zulia trying to heat Zack's heart.

"Boy ... who ma," said Zack, wondering who it was.

as far as zack knows, zea has never been close to a guy except for Reza. what may be that mama meant by Reza (thought Zack).

"That was caught, to be honest, if you actually care about Zea. But, ahemm ... your rival is quite tough," said Zulia.

"If you mean Reza, he's been close to Zea since junior high ... but they're just friends," said Zack.

"Are you sure .... Mama has more experience. What did you see ... who was that?" said Zulia.

"Reza mama," said Zack.

"Reza has the same feeling as you, Zea, just seems to be hidden from Zea. Yes ... maybe it's not good because they are friends from a long time ago, so they are afraid to ruin their friendship" said Zulia.

"Puff ... this mom, the analysis has defeated the detectives. Mom, let's just take a break first. Let's get tired again," said Zack, pushing Zulia slowly out of the room.

what mom said is true, it could be that Reza has a heart with zea. seen from his caring attitude and his way of protecting zea from his fans. Plus, even though Reza is surrounded by lots of girls, none of them managed to attract Reza (Zack's mind).

"Ah ... never mind, even if Reza likes Zea, he doesn't necessarily have the same taste," Zack murmured.

yes ... zack gosh ... what are you thinking about, zea's feelings are his business. why do you bother thinking about zea (devil's version of Zack's mind)?

Come on, Zack ... if you like it, just say you like it, why should you be so hypocritical (an angelic version of Zack's mind)

"no ..," shouted Zack, ruffling his hair and shaking his head.

Zack's mind became confused, his heart and brain seemed not to be united, the heart said what ... where did his brain think. Well, that's how Zack is with his heart and mind.

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