31. Mysterious person [2]- She disappeares

Zea's body hasn't fully recovered yet, so she gets tired easily.

"Here... the account helps carry your backpack, let's rest for a while, don't force it or we just go back to the bus" said Zack.

"You don't have to... take a break for a while, it's okay," said Zea.

Zack removed the backpack on Zea's back, then placed it on her chest. They stopped for a moment so Zea could rest.

The group continued their journey to the location. Mr. Anton approached Zea and Zack to ask how they were.

"How can you continue or not...if you're not feeling well, you can just go back to the bus, while it's not far and the bus hasn't left yet. You can call the driver to wait for you," said Mr. Anton.

"No need, sir... I'm fine, a short rest is also enough. We will soon follow the other group to the location" said Zea.

"Oh... that's all right then, you go to the location first... then you just follow the directions. Zack, Mr. Zea, okay?" said Mr. Anton.

"Ready..." said Zack.

Mr. Anton killed Zea and Zack and followed the group of other students.

Zack and Zea didn't feel anything strange or dangerous lurking around them. They act casually without being suspicious of anyone around them.

when Zea and Zack will continue their journey.


the sound of a twig snapping, as if something had been stepped on.

" Who is there...?" shouted Zack.

but no one answered Zack's scream.

"Maybe it's just a cat or other animal stepping on dry twigs," Zea said, calming Zack's suspicions.

"Erm...maybe just a cat," said Zack.

Zack actually felt that someone had been watching them for a long time but Zack didn't know who it was and where she was hiding.

Zack and Zea continue their journey to the location.

"Hehe...wait for my surprise and revenge for you" mysterious person.

Zack and Zea continue their journey to the location.

"Hehe...wait for my surprise and revenge for you" mysterious person.

Zea and Zack continued to walk but they did not reach their destination even though they had followed the arrows.

"It's strange... how come we didn't get to it earlier, like we kept playing and getting deeper into the forest," said Zack, who was starting to get suspicious.

"Yes ... I also feel that way, where it is getting dark again. Is it possible that we are lost," said Zea.

"If we have followed the instructions correctly it shouldn't have happened, it looks like someone wants to work on us" said Zack.

"What are we going to do? It's getting dark and it will be difficult to see the road clearly," Zea said.

"You calm down first, you wait here, don't go anywhere. I'll find some firewood to make a bonfire. We don't bring a tent, that's all we can make to warm ourselves tonight" said Zack.

"Okay...don't take too long," Zea said, nodding her head.

Zack started looking for broken twigs around the place while Zea cleaned the place as best he could.

When Zea cleaned the place to be used for the night, someone came to her from behind.

buk… buk… buk… ahh a few punches landed on Zea's back. Zea tried to turn around and see who hit her.

"You....you..." Zea stopped.

Zea's head hurt so bad, her vision was getting blurry and blurry and then nothing could be seen. Yes, Zea has fainted completely.

"Hmm... this time no one will be able to help me," said the person who hit Zea.

These mysterious people began to drag Zea's body to be put in a place that had been prepared in advance. Obviously this was all well planned.

When he arrived at the place. he was a person took off her clothes and threw Zea's body into a big hole in the ground which was quite deep.

"Hmm...this one is finished, there's still one more prey that I need to clean up" this person started to leave Zea and continued with the next plan.

Zack just came back with firewood in his hand and did not see Zea in the place where he asked Zea to wait, there was only the former place that had just been cleaned and the two backpacks belonging to the two of them.

Zack started calling for Zea but there was no answer.

"Zoey...Zoey...Zoey, where are you?" Zack called louder and louder.

"Strange... if Zea is around here, she must have heard my voice, maybe something happened to her '' said Zack who was getting worried.

Zack took the lantern in his backpack then started looking for Zea by shouting Zea's name.


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