40. I am tired

Zea walked over to Zahra "uh...Ra can I borrow your notebook for me to copy at home because I've missed a lot of things".

"It's okay... Coincidentally tomorrow is Sunday so you can bring all my notebooks but don't forget to bring them on Monday," said Zahra, giving some of the notebooks she brought today.

"ok...thank you," said Zea back in her chair and put the books in her bag.

the recess bell rang triiing triiing triiing. all the children out of class, as usual, Reza always faithfully waited for Zea outside the class every break. Zea's cell phone vibrates, Zea receives the call from Dina.

"Hello mom...what's wrong?" said Zea.

"Dear mother, I just remembered that it's time to take your medicine, I already put it in your bag in the front pocket," said Dina.

"Yes, mom ... will Zea drink" she replied.

"Yes, Mom, hang up first." Dina turned off the phone.

"What's the wrong Zoey?" Reza asked.

"It's nothing, Mom just remembered to take the medicine, I'll take it in a moment," said Zea when she took the medicine.

"Let's go to the cafeteria," Reza asked Zea who was carrying a handful of medicine that was still in Her hand. Zea followed Reza to the cafeteria.

When they arrived at the cafeteria Zea and Reza ordered food and drinks.

"I'm just special rice with white water, rez," Zea said. Reza ordered according to Zea's request. A few moments later their orders came, and both of them started to enjoy each other's food.

Zea took out the medicine she brought "Hai... I'm tired of taking medicine every day. Mulu is like taking medicine," Zea grumbled.

"What is a medicine pot?" Reza asked.

"That's...that's a chicken that is given medicine/vitamins every day to make it healthier" explained Zea.

"Well...you still need it to recover quickly, so drink it. Do you want something sweet and addictive like this..." teased Reza, pouting his lips at Zea.

put... flick Zea to Reza's forehead.

"Ouch... it hurts to know," Reza protested.

"Damn you rez... if the medicine is like you, the one I have is not cured, what if there are even convulsions ha.. ha.." Zea said laughing. Reza also laughed at Zea's words.

Break time was over, both of them returned to their respective classes.


Zea's room

Tonight Zea is working hard copying Zahra's notebook that she had borrowed this afternoon at school. Zea feels sleepy eyes, hungry stomach, yes ... since coming home from school after lunch Zea has not left the room at all.

knock... knock... knock...

the sound of a door-knocking from outside. Aunt Anne's voice called for Zea to come down for dinner.

"Miss Zea... dinner is ready, Mrs. Dina asks Miss Zea to come down immediately," said Aunt Anne.

Zea answered Aunt Anne's words from inside her room "yes aunty... in a moment".

It's been ten minutes since Aunt Anne called Zea but she didn't come down. finally, Dina decided to go up by herself calling Zea to come down for dinner. Dina opened the door slowly, she wanted to know what her daughter was doing so she didn't go downstairs for dinner first.

"Dear ... what are you doing so seriously?" asked Dina while looking at what Zea was doing.

"Oh...this is mom, Zea is rewriting the subject matter from Zahra's book that Zea borrowed earlier at school, Zea has missed a lot of lessons Mom. This has been written until the waist is sore and the fingers are not finished, tired ... where there are many more " complained Zea.

Dina smiled gently at Zea "How many dears, does Zea have to copy the book? After all... tomorrow is still Sunday, can't you continue writing it tomorrow if you are tired now".