165. Ready, ma'am boss

Zack immediately took the clothes that Rosa handed him.

"Oh, it turns out it's just a new servant huh. I thought it was a little boss. It turns out it's not much different from me who is just a servant and a poor person. It's a shame, even though he's very handsome and still young. But if you're poor, what do you do?" Ayu grumbled in her heart. even though at first Ayu had thought to approach Zack. but when she finds out Zack is just a servant, it seems like ayu won't do it.

"Come with me to the locker room." said Ayu who invited Zack to change his clothes with a slightly curt face. very different from when they first mme

Zack just smiled. it seemed that the way he chose would not only make him familiar with the basic work, but also the true face and character of the waiters in the cafe.

Zack immediately stood up and followed Ayu out of the room and occasionally winked at his beautiful aunt, while Rosa responded with a thumbs up.