
Although ,İngilizce - Türkçe


Bu sihirli kristal, negatif titreşimleri yok etmeye yardım edecek. - This magic crystal will help eliminate negative vibrations.



{i} sarsılma

{i} heyecan

{i} titreme

{i} tereddüd



İlgili Terimler

vibration damper: (Otomotiv) titreşim damperi

vibration frequency: titreşim frekansı

vibration galvanometer: (Bilgisayar) titreşimli miniakım ölçer

vibration test: (Çevre) titreşim testi

vibration test: vibrasyon testi

vibration tests: titreşim testleri

vibration free: titreşimsiz

vibration analysis: titreşim analizi, titreşim çözümlemesi

vibration frequency: titreşim şıklığı

vibration measurement: titreşim ölçümü

vibration meter: vibrometre

vibration mill: titreşimli öğütücü

vibration test: titreşim deneyi

vibration absorber: titreşim yutucu

vibration absorber: titreşim sindirici

vibration absorber: titreşim giderici

İngilizce - İngilizce

A single complete vibrating motion

Any periodic process, especially a rapid linear motion of a body about an equilibrium position

An instinctively sensed emotional aura or atmosphere; vibes

The act of vibrating or the condition of being vibrated

a shaky motion; "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe"

{n} a moving with quick return, a shake

{i} act of vibrating; process of being vibrated; single oscillation; atmosphere intuitively sensed, feelings projected by someone (Slang)

(physics) a regular periodic variation in value about a mean

amplitude motion occurring at a given frequency

a continuous shaking movement

Movement of a pendulum or other oscillating element, limited by two consecutive extreme positions The balance of a mechanical watch generally makes five or six vibrations per second (i e 18,000 or 21,600 per hour), but that of a high-frequency watch may make seven, eight or even ten vibrations per second (i e 25,200, 28,800 or 36, 000 per hour)

Succession of light pulsations of the fingers or the hands, in order to open and relax the horse's mouth, and flex his neck

A side-to-side or to-and-fro motion such as that of a particle transmitting a wave

the act of vibrating

Periodic back-and-forth motion (see periodic motion) of the particles of an elastic body or medium. It is usually a result of the displacement of a body from an equilibrium condition, followed by the body's response to the forces that tend to restore equilibrium. Free vibrations occur when a system is disturbed but immediately allowed to move without restraint, as when a weight suspended by a spring is pulled down and then released. Forced vibrations occur when a system is continuously driven by an external agency, as when a child's swing is pushed on each downswing. Because all systems are subject to friction, they are also subject to damping. In the example of free vibration, damping would cause the amplitudes of the spring's vibrations to diminish until eventually the system came to rest. See also resonance

İlgili Terimler

sympathetic vibration: (physics) vibration produced by resonance

vibrational: of or relating to or characterized by vibration

vibrational: Of or pertaining to vibration

vibrational: {s} characterized by vibration; of or pertaining to vibration

vibrations: a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively; "that place gave me bad vibrations"

vibrations: plural of vibration

vibrations: a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively; "that place gave me bad vibrations

says that dark matter may be a higher vibration of the string called sparticle.  A sparticle

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Industrial Hygiene Engineering (Second Edition)

Recognition, Measurement, Evaluation and Control

1998, Pages 455-469

5 - Vibration

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Publisher Summary

This chapter discusses the characteristics of vibration, the theory of vibration, and the effects of vibration on humans. In addition, the chapter discusses the methods of controlling vibration, in particular, how to select isolators that isolate a disturbing force from a radiating surface. In general, vibration can be described as an oscillatory motion in a system about an equilibrium position produced by a disturbing force. Vibration can be measured by examining displacement, velocity, and acceleration. The instruments that can measure vibration include pickups, amplifiers, and analyzers. There are two types of vibration effects on the human body: whole-body vibration and segmental vibration. The human body is subjected to mechanical vibration just as any other system. Vibration causes not only airborne noise but also whole-body and segmental vibration effects. These effects can cause physiological and psychological problems. In addition, vibration can be controlled by reducing the mechanical driving force, by isolating the vibration driving force from the radiating surface, and by reducing the radiations of the vibrating surface.
