Omari's Elegy

Ting, Ting, Ting,

A soft bell tinkles


My eyes open to a luxurious bedroom, my body covered in silk red sheets as I lay in a king-sized bed, plated in gold and fancy embroidery.

The atmosphere feels all warm and happy.

(What is this?

I can't control my body.)

"Mother!" I yell


Queen Patricia rushes to the room

"Yes, my wonderful little angel,"

"I'm hungry!" I whine,

"Tell the maid to bring me my breakfast at once!

"Very well," the Queen dotes,

"You are becoming more Prince-like by the day

I'm so proud!"

She tuns to leave,

Everything starts spinning

Slowly fading away...


"Hahahha!" I laugh

"You are really funny, Pinoki,

I think I'll keep you around as my friend."

A young Pinoki gives me a fake smile,

"I am flattered my prince, I do belong to one of the prestigious families of Soterra after all,

We shall be the best of friends!"...

.........Once again everything fades


"You are such a spoiled prince!" a gruff man donned in armor, harshens to me

"Do not go around acting all condescending to people!

Be more respectful to people Omari,

You never know when you may need someone's help,

Don't abuse your authority."


Smacking the grown man hard across his face, I say:

"YOU need to be more respectful to those above you,

Just because you have been assigned as my personal guard gives you no right to speak to ME how you like!"


The man does not answer, instead nodding gruffly.



"He is pathetic isn't he Pinoki?"

"Yes, he is indeed," the little boy agrees

"A liar just like his father,"

"I'm not lying!" A boy shorter than Pinoki protests,

"I heard the flame speak!

It told me something!"

"What did it tell you?

The secrets of eternal magic?" I jeer

"Ha! That's funny Omari," Pinoki sneers

"No," the boy protests

"It said something about going to desert and-"

"Shut up Darius no one has time for your fibs.

My father already checked the tower there was no such 'talking' flame,"

"A lie created to gain attention I presume," Pinoki adds,

"Indeed, it was," I say agreeingly,

"Everyone knows that your father died recently Darius,

Is that why you want attention?

You miss your daddy's attention?

I have an idea Darius,

Kill yourself.

You'll be with your daddy again," I burst into a fit of laughter,

Pinoki remains silent this time.





A boy gargles for his breath as his head is submerged in water,

He moves around frantically trying to get out,

My hand gripped tightly to his neck,

I shove him down further,

(Stop, stop please!)

I pull him out

"Uwaahh!" the boy begins to cry.

"Didn't you say you wanted your book back?" I prattle

"Well, it's at the bottom of the lake,

Did you see it Apollo?

Or shall I put your head back down?"

The boy cries helplessly,

"Why are you treating me like this Omari?

Aren't we family?"


I spit in his face,

"You are no relative of mine!

I refuse it!

You killed my, Aunt,

Made my mother sad!

She hates you just as much as I do, she just won't show it,

But me."

I submerge the boy heads in water once again

(Take me out,

Get me out of here

I don't want to see this,

I don't want to experience this anymore,

The feeling of his body wriggling in my hand

The sound of him drowning,

It's so vivid

What kind of dream is this?

Or am I really living this?)

"Omari!" the queen's voice calls,

She approaches, catching me drowning Apollo,


I pull him out hurriedly,

"Yes mother?"

"I was calling to say dinner is ready,

Would you stop playing with that child already,"

"Sorry, I got caught up in the fun,

I'm coming in now,

Say mother, do you know that girl Zinnia?

She's cute, I think I shall have her as mine."

"Then so it will be my little king,"

Queen Patricia ignores the wailing Apollo, we both walk off chatting pleasantly with each other,

Apollos cries continue to echo through my mind as everything fades out again




"Go then do it!" I dare

Darius stood at the top a tower near the windowsill




I insidiously hype the boy,

Pinoki stands behind me silent.

Darius keeps staring at ground below,

A stream of tears flowing down his cheeks,

"I can't!" he wails

"Coward!" I mock

"Am I right Pinoki?"

Pinoki nods his entire body quavering,


Darius runs past us his hands covering his face tying to hide the tears,

He darts down the tower steps too afraid to take his own life.

"What a cowardly liar!" I say in disgust,




"You! Knight, I you to order show me how you-"


The knight slams me hard into a wall,

(His pale blue hair, that face, he resembles-)

"Who do you think you are, boy!"

"I am the prince of Soterra, put me down at once!"

"I know what you are the knight snarls,

I asked who you were because all I see is a brat getting ahead of himself,"

His piercing blue eyes looks at me murderously sending chills down my spine,

"Just because you are the prince does not mean I can and will not hesitate to kill you!"


I try to speak, but my body starts getting cold

Bone chillingly cold.

"I…I…I…I… I…I"

All I can do is stutter from the immense cold,

The knight puts me down and walks away smugly

Leaving me in a freezing heap.

(Lyra's brother?)




"It's all a lie!

Don't you see!" a boy rants

"What are speaking of Pinoki?" I probe

"I'm saying that I'm done,

I don't like you Omari!

I never did,

You are a monster!

I've been lying to you this whole time,

Lying to myself,

I'm not like you,

I can't be,

What you did to Darius,

No, what we did to Darius

I'm done."

Pinoki storms off angrily leaving me speechless,




I'm back in the bedroom once more, however the atmosphere feels different this time,

It's cold and, grey, I can hear screams from outside,

"Guard!" I Call

The knight I remember slapping, enters the room at an instant

"Yes, my prince?"

"What is the meaning of those screams?"

"I was told there is a civil war taking place taking place right now

I'm to be protecting you,"

"Or, very well then," I say bored

"Get my breakfast,"

The man stomps out of my room irritated

(This is the day,)


A body burst through the door flying across the room,

"What is the meaning of this!?" I demand at the sight of the guard collapsed on the ground


Immediately I hush as the knight with the blue hair enters,

His fists soaked in blood,

He bears a sadistic smile,

"Stay back prince!" My guard orders,

I crawl behind the bed

"Now, now sir," the blue haired man says,

If you are planning to fight me.

You will die,"

"What has gotten into you, Brandon!" The guard questions,

"You would betray your kingdom in a time like this!"

"My kingdom?" Brandon scoffs,

"I'm just here for the prince,

I have nothing to do with the current events,

Now let me have him,

I won't harm you, if you do,

Are you really willing to die for that brat?"



Take him," the guard grunts sceptically convinced

"You're right,

He is not worth me risking my life,

No respect that brat."

Brandon moves over to me, grabbing me up,

I don't even struggle or fight back

Frozen in fear

His bloody hands stain my clothes,

"Thank you for your cooperation, sir," Brandon smiles,

The air getting colder.


As the door closes behind us

The guard remains in the room,

An icicle lodged in his skull, dead.

"I can't have witnesses now, can I?" Brandon jokes




"Get up boy!

Enough resting,"

"Urhh!" my body feels sore

I open my eyes to a blazing campfire, a dark night's sky looms overhead, mosquitoes buzz around relentlessly

"We have been travelling for weeks now, Sir Brandon,

What are you planning to do with me?"

"Hmm, that's a good question" Brandon thinks

"I guess I just wanted a little brother,

All I have is a sister, she's cute and all but still not what I wanted,

Hopefully she dies,"

"So, you won't kill me?" My sprits rising

"Nah, I lied about wanting you as a little brother,

I'm probably going to drain every drop of your delicious magic for my err purposes, then sell you off,

Your useless to me,

I only said I wanted you as a younger brother to make you feel optimistic for a solid three seconds,

Just so I can drag you back into despair,

Hahahha!" Brandon sprawls over laughing uncontrollably

(This guy is crazy,

Is he really related to Lyra?)




"Here we are," a mysterious cloaked figure says,

The three of us stand in front of a familiar house,

(Is this?

The place where I woke up)

"I'll be waiting outside preparing my teleport magic, to get across that desert," the cloaked figure says,

"Come on Princey~" Brandon says cheerfully,

"The 'Blackmagic' dealer is inside here,"


Everything fades out.

(No, no I wanted to see more!

Blackmagic dealer?

This was the place I woke up in before,

Trapped for months,

What happened here?)


"Eleven!" Jissepi barks,

"Teach Thirteen how things are done around here,

He won't comply!"

(That's me.)

In a puddle of blood on the ground is my body, naked and beaten,

(I remember this all too well, being beaten into compliance by Jissepi,)

"Thirteen!" I whisper after Jissepi had left

"You have to comply,

If you want to get out of here,

I have a plan to kill him, comply and I'll let you on,"



"I'll see you in hell,"


End of Elegy.