'Demon Days | Intro'

The mayoral mafia,

A faction that lacked any physical presence within the streets of Sweepstake,

But due this however, they were not disregarded as one of the main factions,

But revered more than rest.

How strong, no, how smart, how elite must these people have to be, for the mayor to resign them to always living near him, to be his personal faction,

Surely, they had to be powerful—

—Is what the people of Sweepstake thought,

Though they seemed to forget one simple detail….

If you were trained from the ground up, to be the best player at chess,

Will that same training make you a qualified military strategist?…

The mayoral mafia was good, the best even at 'sweeping' their opponents,

So good in fact, it's a shame we will never get to see,

only hear…

Agonizing screams

Tortured shrieks

"Helppp meee!"

Wails of despair that will soon bring the city of Furlheim to a very crude awakening...

Being good at battles.

Does not make you good at coldblooded murder.



"What do you think is happening over there, Tori?"

"I don't know Zinnia,

But we'd better head back to Soterra for now,

This is not our problem to solve.

I just hope the others make it out alive."






The mansion of the mayor, rather the area surrounding the mansion, all set ablaze.

The fire as tall the very buildings themselves, spanning across the entire north section controlled by Ozymandias,

Any, no, all persons that lived even remotely close to the mayor is most certainly dead.

Well maybe not all…


"What the hell did they do!?" Claude pants, both him and Amelia sprint their way through the sea of flames,

"That was definitely a requiem they were using to create this," Amelia stumbles,

"I only hope Kage and the others heard my warning in time,"

"Hurry Claude, I can't keep my water magic shielding us for much longer,

If this drops for even a second, we'll both be cooked,"

"I'll use my wind to push us both forward, then," Claude suggests


"Come one….

Just a little more….


Huh huh huh!"

The siblings pant finally out of the hellish north,

Many city folk are around watching and commenting on the sight,

"Ka—" Claude taps the earring attempting to make contact with the others,

"—Shhh!" Amelia silences him as two figures also make their way through the fire unharmed,

The twins blend themselves into a crowd of onlookers straining their ears to listen to the two…


"Hopefully that seal will keep Giichi at bay for enough time,

Shall we go wait at his guild for the boss to arrive, Marisha?"

"Remember Mr. Ginobelucci said not to engage with them until he arrives Adrik,"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just excited it's finally happening!'...




A bloodcurdling shriek pierces through the lively ballroom.

A few minutes before, Ms. Pesadora the leader of the Service group, went near one of the windows as she to enjoy some of the cool nights breeze,

However, the breeze she felt was by no means cool, it was warm,

An unnatural warmth that kept building and building,



A ferocious flame lashes out through the open window, burning the very skin off the old woman's face,

"Seal the windows and doors!"

The once cheerful ballroom becomes fearful and panic-stricken as people frantically rush to shut all doors and windows, the room population is cut in half by the time we manage to block the fire out…


"Ahh, You know it feels good when a plan comes together this well," Ginobelucci laughs sipping on a glass of wine,

The other hunters all forcefully laugh too, mimicking his actions

"Don't bother trying to use that requiem of yours, Giichi sir," he notices the buff old man raising his fists

"You see, I brought my own requiem, those flames are not just for show,

Just from its heat alone, your very magic is being eaten away at,

Only my men and I can use our art properly," Ginobelucci gloatingly twirls the locket hanging from his neck

"What do you want by doing this?" Ozymandias' face gone pale, without the use of his magic the mayors confidence, is nearly nonexistent

"Hmm, well by doing this the only people who can escape would be us, thanks to the rings you yourself created—"



"Sit still girl no sudden movements from you!" the annoying loud-mouthed hunter gut punches Lyra

"And that goes for everyone here!

Only us hunters can use our magic properly,

Sit still and those of you who haven't died yet, might get to leave!"

"Ecugh!" Lyra coughs up blood getting back up again

"Stop it Lyra," Karina grabs the girl, "you're only going to get hit more,"

"How pathetic," the unnamed hunter cackles,

"Were you not the same bitch that illegally stabbed me when he first fought!?"


He rams his knee into Karina's skull

"Don't think I have forgotten!

And you, over there, take your hands off that sword or I will execute these girls where they lie!" he growls at Apollo,



"What a distractive commotion you are making over there," Ginobelucci chuckles,

"My dear Mr. mayor, why are you looking around so anxiously,

Are you perhaps waiting on your faction to come rushing in to save you?"


"Well, I have some news for you,

You, see the reason I came so late was because, I had to take care of them first,"

"W..what do mean by that Ginobelucci?"

"Hmm, nothing much,

Do you remember ten years ago when your son went on a rampage and killed a majority of your faction members?

You could say that I finished the job for him"

"No, don't tell me you—"

"—Every single last one of them.

And guess what, their blood is on your hands too"


N..no" Ozymandias breaks down


Why do this, Ginobelucci!?"

"It's nothing personal really,

This is but a mere step in my plan,

Yes, Giichi sir, don't give me that look,

All that talk about surpassing your guild was nothing but a farce.

It was but a marvelous misdirection, so that you would not suspect my actions

I mean what am I a child?

Surpass your guild,

Take your place?

That's the most arbitrary thing I've ever heard!

What would I really gain by doing that?

Public recognition?

A small section of the city for myself?"


The old man says nothing instead calmy inspecting the foes,

(Is he planning something?)

"Not today!" a hunter says as if reading my mind,


He clunks Giichi right in the back of his neck,

The old man does not falter,


"Do that again" Giichi growls

The hunter looks embarrassingly to Ginobelucci who rolls his eyes,

"He's not going to attack you, idiot!

As long as I have everyone here hostage,

Look, see…."

Ginobelucci darts forward to the old man, getting so close their noses touch,

"Pick five or pick one sir?"

"What game are you trying to play me?"

"No game boss, I am giving you an offer,

Why do you think I haven't left yet?


Choose five people I should murder right now or give me the one key to that room,"


"You don't know what you are dealing with Ginobelucci, that kind of power,"

"Shut up and pick a number!"


One," Giichi mutters under his breath revealing a key which he hands to the man,

(The key to requiem room,)

"Much appreciated boss, you have made the right choice,"