Rhythm on the Ocean

Located on the largest island in the Caribbean, Fuscina, are Atlan and Pulgin, cities that occupy almost half of the island respectively with two bring separated at the center by a volcano called Hades.

Because of the constant thick black smoke constantly being released by the volcano it is impossible to infiltrate the island from the air,

"The government wants you four to infiltrate the Island where the head honcho of Madvillainy is rumored to be, and either detain or put him down," Kiefer finishes briefing

"No" Lyra already objecting,

"Have you even been to Caribbean Kiefer?

It's not as easy tiptoeing our way to Fuscina and knocking on Brandon's door–"

"She is referring to the leader Chief the one who calls himself Satan, he is from our kingdom back home so it is our responsibility to deal with him" Apollo interprets

"–He has people who use some kind of warp magic" continues Lyra

"Tell your higher ups that you'll get 'Satan' or whatever he wants to call himself, dead soon enough

As long as we do things my way,"

"Your way involves taking part in local civil wars Lyra, this operation to be quick,

We don't have time to waste in pointless battles"

(I wonder what is suddenly so urgent that they need to put a stop to Madvillainy)

"Ok, well what about the Holy diver I need it get back home after I'm done here" Lyra tactfully changing the subject fully well meaning to disobey orders

"Daniel—Metal Fingers, has already completed the repairing holy diver but what will be done with it hasn't a decided"

"Tell the chairman I request to have," I speak up boldly to the chief

(Pretty sure Mr. Second will pull some strings fro me)

"I will put in a word to get you the craft then," Kiefer complies,

"Now back to matter of Madvillainy

We have but agent Himari as commander for your group she will—"

"—No need for that,

We'll form a proper strategy once we get back on land" Lyra interrupts once more,

"Can I get a chance to finish talking?' Kiefer sounds stressed

"No," retorts Lyra

"The sooner I'm done with this is the sooner I can get back home,"

Before Kiefer can protest Lyra turns and dashes out of the helicopter

"You might one to get out here before we approach any island unless you want to be shot down!" The girl shouts back her voice being carried by wind

"We can handle it don't worry chief Apollo assures dashing out after the girl leaving me Himari and Chief standing in the noisy aircraft


Can you drop a rope ladder for me to get down too?" I awkwardly ask



The Caribbean line, a group of islands surrounded by ravaging whirlpools near the geographical center of the second ring,

As I finally step foot onto the first island here, an uncomfortable feeling sinks in,

(Is someone watching us?)

"You looked more spaced out than usual," Lyra nudges me out of thought

"Don't worry this is Turks, a harbor island, no one is going to jump us here,

Once we get on the boats, we go to Trinity Uno to meet up with the remnants and then the pointless fighting begins."


Since when do you think fighting is pointless?" a nearby Apollo speaks in

"Because I don't want to fight together with you all again

The last time we did you know what happened,"


The talking subsides for a moment after that, the three of us thinking back to fending off against rains of bullets from emotionless machines

(Darius, Pinoki, Karina,

Every time we fought together, one of us died as a result

Will this time bring the same results?)

Squack squack squack!

Sea gulls fly over the Turks island, chattering happily as they look down on the four individuals climbing into a speedboat,

It had been a while since then gulls had seen humans on the once active now semi abandoned island,


With Himari at the helm the boat zips off across the sea spraying a stream of water in it's wake…


"This time will be different Lyra," Apollo finally breaks the silence

"Is it Apollo?"

We fought some weakly defense robots and barely survived."

"Only because we were caught of guard,

I've taken out hundreds of those same bots in training now Lyra,

It's not the same,"

"What about killing?

How many people have you killed?"


Apollo remains silent for a second

"If we count Murdoc then it would be… one person,"

"Exactly, do you know how many people I've killed?

No offense Apollo, but you're a pussy when it comes to 'finishing the job'

What if you hesitate in the heat of things, and it's you instead of them

I almost lost you once,"


Why does murder always have to be the first option?" groans Apollo

"If you can already overpower someone, it's just over doing it to kill them on top of it,"

"….Look, all I'm going to say is," sighs Lyra, clearly not wanting to continue speaking on the matter

"Promise me if you find yourself in a position where someone is about to kill you, kill them first,"


If it is to save you from getting killed then I will," Apollo replies

Lyra ignores him however gazing off at the sea,

"These are really the people I work with now," Himari mutters under her breath

We all still hear her anyway,

"Since you've been here fighting the longest Lyra, what can we expect from the Madvillainy members?" I break the newfound silence with a question

"They are just magic-less people who hide behind machines," Lyra replies blankly

"Madvillainy is what you would call a franchise organization" Himari informs, unsatisfied with Lyra's answer

"The real Madvillainy is just the two people that came from the third ring about two decades ago in our time,

Similar to how franchises work thy allow anyone to use their name as long as it gives a good reputation, overtime most of the crime-world became assimilated under that name, barring the pirates of course,

That's really all I or anyone knows of them,"

"I wonder what made the government suddenly decided that now was the time to take them out," I mumble my thoughts out loud

"Probably because of the fact that there wasn't anyone who could go against men with the power to collapse an entire island of people single handedly," Himari replies

"If that's the case, why are you here Ms. Nara?" Lyra jabs

"Where is your magic?"

"I'm here because someone still has to do a write up after and I know none of you will,"

"Fair enough,

Apollo and I can crush Brandon and the other guy Ozymandias' son of whoever he is,

I don't know if Kage is up to par,

And there is the whole factor of Alexander,"

"Alexander!?" Both Himari and Apollo exclaim

"You two know about him?"

(Who is this Alexander they are getting riled up about?)

"Recently Himari and I encountered him,

It was on Katellox island, long story short, we I had managed to thwart a planned data robbery,

The thieves were carrying some sort of spirally device not even Himari could identify,

Before I could check it out, Alexander showed up,

He was strangely polite and Apologized for his men saying they took his things without permission…

Then he killed then all took the device and left."

"Yeah, he is shrewd like that" Lyra grimaces

"How is this the first time I am hearing of this Alexander?

Who is he?"

"He isn't registered on database on the second ring, no birth history family records, nothing," Himari answers

"My guess is that he is from another ring,

The same one as you appear to be from Kage."

(The first ring

I have to meet this person)

"Don't tell me your thinking of betraying us now" Lyra nudges me half jokingly,

"Not funny,"

"I mean you turned on me once before,"

"Will you ever let that go Lyra?"


But if it is any consolation, I no longer feel like slitting your throat every time I see you,"


You know maybe I am thinking of a betrayal,"

"Is that your idea of a joke Kage?"

"You just made the same exact joke??"

"I can but you can't,

I'm seriously thinking of tossing you overboard right now,"

"Then I'll drag you down with me,"

"You do realize I can just fly up right,"

"I doubt that, you're not flying with your magic, just constantly using wind to propel yourself, the wings are to help you stay mobile in the air, I know it won't work if your already in water,"

"You haven't even seen me flying yet"

"Yes, I read that book on magic theory the Queen gave me,"

"Never mention that woman again,"





As the back and forth between Lyra and I finally subsidies the sound of us speeding through the ocean takes center stage once more.


"I seriously hope none of you die here," Apollo says,

The final words spoken before we dock at Trinity Uno.



"One two three four; My baby don't mess–no, no, no the timing is all off start it from the top Alexander"

"You are confident that you sense someone similar to you getting closer, Satan?"

"Positive, but like I said before, I don't want you or Danté warping prematurely to them,

I want us to all see them together,

Be patient"

"I am nothing but patient, you know this,"

"Good now help me getting this timing for my grand entrance correct,

One, two three, four! —"