'Bang Bang'

"You're saying he just ran away?

That doesn't sound much like Kage to me," Apollo leans his back against the door in the backseat of Himari's car, staring across at Lyra in slight bewilderment

"He will probably pop up later don't worry about it too much Apollo," she says while looking out the window on her side of the vehicle

Though there isn't much scenery to behold on the plastic beach, a place that is the home of most government facilities, it's only inhabitants being of course the workers themselves..

"I feel like there is something you're not telling me Lyra,"

"I could say the same about you,

What was so secretive that you and Himari had to speak privately for last night?"

"Firstly, you are obviously trying to evade my question, and secondly,


I'll tell you when we figure things out,"

"I've already submitted my report of our progress so far in the Caribbean," Himari breaks up the strained conversation, disliking its subject matter…

"We have to meet with official Stanton today, so Kage had better return from his absence before you get sent back after Satan,"

"We can do just fine without Kage," yawns Lyra, to the growing suspicion of Apollo

"Now I'm starting think you secretly killed him when no one was watching,"

"Please, if I killed Kage, I'd be bragging about it right now,

And stop looking at me like that already"

Ok, whatever you say," Apollo adjusts himself in the regular sitting position,


"Stop edging so close to me Apollo, you have a whole half of this vehicular drive machine to sit at,

Or you could go upfront with your supervisor," Lyra pushes Apollo, who now teasingly closes the gap between them

"No he can stay in the back," Himari answers almost immediately

"Did you two have a falling out perhaps?" instigates Lyra picking up on Himari's unpleasant demeanor

"You know it's about time you got rid of your supervisor Apollo,

Just like me, they person they sent to supervise me didn't make a day,"

"I'm not getting rid of anyone Lyra, and don't think I didn't notice how you're trying to change the topic, still"

"ughh" she groans in annoyance

"Give it a rest already?

I swear you are going to pest me forever,"

"Just until Kage shows up so I can hear what he has to say,"


If you so desperately want to know Apollo," Lyra's eyes glint mischievously

"Remember that thing you and Karina used to do, back when you were a couple?"


What?" coughs Apollo

"Don't act dumb you know what you two did every few nights or so,

It got real loud by the way,

Well anyways Kage and I did that

Now I suppose he's disappeared out of awkwardness, and shall pop sometime soon,"


Thank you for making me feel awkward as well Lyra,"

"Cam you two cut this kind of talk?" barks Himari from the front

"This is not some leisurely ride were you can speak casually, I–we are on duty and should act as such,"

"No need to act like our mother," Lyra retorts,

"...." Himari's ears go red though she does not reply instead focusing on driving,

Even Apollo opts to remain quiet…





The elevator chimes as it begins it's ascent up a certain building,

The three now arrived at the federal complex headed for Stanton's office,

The federal or government complex is a collection of buildings built similarly to that of universities

Many buildings, each of specific divisions and purposes are located on the complex, the center of which is an artificial park where workers would spend their breaks having lunch they brought or the free meals given out to all workers,

A small runway is also located next to the complex where people fly on and off the plastic island constantly keeping the area noisy with the sound of jets and helicopters…


"Seems more lively than usual," comments Himari as the group now navigates through the building

"I know this place is normally very busy,

But today seems oddly crowded,

I wonder who called so man people in?"

"Mmmhmm" grunts Apollo, not too keen on the eyes daggering them

"This place is a nightmare," grumbles Lyra

The halls they traverse are all dull cream colored walls lit by white overhead lights

That's all the detail to describe

Nothing of note stands out, just plain walls doors and people

Grunting mumbling talking

Doors opening and closing repeatedly

That's all there is to hear

For people from the first ring like Apollo and Lyra,

This would be considered a nightmare



"Who called you in?

You're not scheduled to be here Kiefer,"

"Look, we can sort this out later," Kiefer beckons to the three entering the office,

"Where is Kage?" Stanton frowns adjusting his spectacles

"He umm, will be here a little later," Himari replies

"I hope that later means soon?" Kiefer inquires, fumbling with what seems to be a digital pocket watch

The atmosphere incredibly tense.

"I already told you all before if it's Satan you want dead you'll get it soon," Lyra speaks up

"Yes, we have no doubt about that,

Precisely why you will be sent back to Caribbean two days from now,

But that isn't why we called you," Stanton states

"Your report agent Nara,

Well first of all, the chairman was pleased to hear of Kage display his power..


Why have you not been truthful about your relation to Satan?" The man turns to Lyra

"Or Brandon as we have learnt that is his real name,"

"It was none of your business," Lyra retorts rudely while giving Himari an annoyed glance

"Whatever the case maybe, we do have to ask you some quest–"


Stanton's bodies crash to the floor, blood oozing from his skull

"What just happened!?" exclaims Himari

"Everybody down over there!" Kiefer who had been quiet, springs up now ordering everyone to the corner of the small office furnished with only a hefty computer sat on a plastic desk that imitates the likeness of a wooden one.


Where could that have come from?" Puzzles Himari eyeing the wall across the room

"The windows aren't shattered so that means it wasn't from outside."

"We should get out of here quickly" Apollo suggests

"Wait!" Kiefer growls clutching his watch

"That shot–"


"Eeyaagghh!" Apollo yelps out in pain

A bullet whizzes across the room from seemingly nowhere and lodges itself into his leg

"–it is actually my ability,"

"None of you move or I don't want to have to kill you!"

"Chief Kiefer?" Himari looks even more puzzled than before


Please don't try to make this worse for yourselves

The CEO of Madvillainy will be here shortly,"