Sound of lost time

This is United news, and today we cover what really happened at the government military and federal mobile island, designated name the plastic beach,

There was of course an attempted coupe by the criminal run organization Madvillainy,

The former chief and Commander of the UCA's agent operative bureau, Kiefer Sosa, was sighted as the real ringleader of the organization along with a young but talented head of the engineering department, his name has not yet been disclosed to the public,

The plastic beach was left partially destroyed after the attack claiming the lives of many brave men an women,

That was not the only island destroyed that day however, the tourist isle Jamrock has been blown to bits and no longer exist as such,

We have yet to receive confirmation on whether it's destruction is at all related to the events that too place on the plastic beach,

Thank you fo–

"That's all there is about it," MF mutes the feed

"That news report was months ago after it happened, the media hasn't spoken on it since,"

"They said the plastic beach was attacked,

That means you were there MF,

What happened, what did I miss?"

"Slow down Kage, I'm getting to that," MF spins around on his chair facing his computer once more

"The plastic beach was attacked by that guy Satan, but of course the news wouldn't say that,

Kiefer was one of the many secret Madvillainy members…

I wasn't on the plastic beach that day, I found out my mom died that day…

But anyway,

Satan attacked and destroyed most of the beach,

Look at this." MF points on the screen,

It depicts a shinning bright sky, over a red foggy sea, both the occurrence stretches a good distance along the sea then perfectly cuts off

"What is that supposed to be?" I peer confusedly

"I don't know for sure,

But this is where an area of the plastic beach was before it was moved to another location,

My guess is that is where the fight between Lyra and Satan happened, magic is the only explanation,

The sky is permanently illuminated no matter the time of day, and the air there is so toxic that one breath can melt your insides,

Yes, they have been recorded deaths,"

"Lyra…" I mumble solemnly

"Lyra is missing along with Apollo and Karina,

Just like you were missing Kage, I–"

"No, I know she is dead, I've been…" I cut myself off,

"Are you ok Kage?

I mean you've been missing for long time and now you suddenly reappear,

You somehow don't feel like the same person from the last time I saw you," Mf nervously passes his hand through his curly hair,

Last time I saw him his head was shaven now he sports a mini fro…

"I could say the same of you MF, I recall that you used to work for the government, now you're with pirates," I say in attempt to avoid his interrogative stare


Well, that's complicated," Mf turns away from me, back to the computer,



"Look at this first Kage, this is the footage of Jamrock being destroyed in real time,"


"What The fuck Jamrock have to do with anything?"

"Just watch man,"

"I don't see anything" I peer closer at the screen showing a four second clip of an overhead view of the isle,

The first two seconds are normal, then–Boom!–It blows to smithereens.

"That's the clip at regular speed Kage, if I multiply the speed by 0.1%,

Look now,"

On the now slowed video it shows a blurred figure zip across the sea dragging behind another figure,

The first person throws the other into the isle with enough fearsome force that it destroys the entire landmass

They then zip back across the sea.


"All that happened in three seconds?"

"Yeah, and it took a lot for me to get this footage, nothing has been released publicly yet,

That's part of the reason I'm here," MF elaborates

"Himari and Apollo, has been missing ever since that day, and no one would tell me what was going on, so I umm, started digging into it myself,

I have tons of footage of the plastic beach that day, but nothing of Himari and Apollo,

Ended up getting caught breaking into secure databases though, and because of what happened with Madvillainy I was immediately suspected of being one of them,

They even think Kiefer and I are the two leaders of the thing,"

"So in an attempt to clear your name, you joined up with pirates?"

"Nah, I'm not pressed on that, I joined up with these pirates because I wouldn't have access to high level technology to tinker with,

I was never with the government to make the world better or for justice like Himari, I just want to create and see how things work, as long as I have this footage the UCA won't release any information on me,

Now time for my questions Kage,

I know technology on the first ring is more advanced than ours," MF stares at the ball of light in a constant state of rotation in the room,

"But still, I need to know how exactly it was you developed thi..."

(So Apollo and Himari are missing, and Brandon is already dead,

Where do I go from here?

Should I head back to the UCA and get the chairman's help?

I still have to see what is this ship I wanted to build)

"Kage, are you listening man?" calls MF impatiently

"Oi! you two done here because I still got that thing you asked me to build for you Kage," Harry reenters the room with a bottle in hand

"No, and you already reek of alcohol get out," snaps MF

"Aye no backchat I don't care of ya a leader of Madcriminals or whatever that gang is called, I'm the boss here,"

"And before I got here you were struggling to keep the lights on even with a top tier energy source" MF spits back


Harry breaks her glass bottle on MF's desk

"Aiiyeee!" MF shrieks like a girl, hopping out of the way,

"I've had it with you Dirty Harry!

No ounce of decorum in you!"

"Aye, but you like that don't ya?"

"Ughh, don't touch me Harry,"

"Or what?"

"I… I will blow us all up right now…"


Go on then, I call your bluff, do it,"

"Can you two shut the fuck up?" I try to sound agitated

"I've been floating around the fucking ocean for months I don't have the patience for a squabble right now,"

"Now this is the Kage I remember" the pirate leader smiles showing off her gold teeth

"Cuss at me again, and I might have to marry you, ya?"


"Well, tha ship ya told me ta build is finished, anyway Kage,

I can show ya that now,"

"Good where is the boat?"


Who said anything about a boat mate?"

"You said I wanted to you to build a ship"

"Ya, but not a boat,

Didn't ya want to go to the first ring?"