Interlude of Screaming Nonchalance


"AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream out hysterically

The portal closes the moment I'm sucked into it

But I don't care

I'm not turning around

I don't care to know where I am.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!" I yell so hard it feels like my I'll vomit out my own heart






I'm not moving,

I'm not moving an inch anymore

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done

I'm done


How could I be so stupid!?

Why couldn't I tell!?

Why couldn't a notice that was Xezus!?

I'm so stupid!

I'm so stupid!

I'm so stupid!

I'm so stupid!

I'm so stupid!

I'm so stupid!

I'm so stupid!


I feel like ripping my head off!

Why! Why! Why!

Why! Why! Why!

Why! Why! Why!

Why! Why! Why!

Why! Why! Why!

Why! Why! Why!

Why! Why! Why!

Why! Why! Why!

"All you had to do was stay behind Apollo!

You would have been alive still!

Now I have to see your memories!

I thought you said you were going to be a good parent!?

You fucking fraud!

You liar!

You liar!

You liar!

You liar!

You liar!

You liar!

You liar!

You liar!

You liar!

You liar!


Now I can't even go back.


I won't go forward anymore either,

I'm done!"




And now I no longer care

"hhhhh" I let out a tired sigh,

"Apollo meant nothing to me anyways, it was always just his friends memories….

Rest in peace, I guess, you were a decent human after all"



Apollo is I now,

"Darius!" I call out,

Sure enough the sword even appears here, however it isn't much of sword anymore, just a thin unequal half that it was split into,

"Unequal half doesn't make sense…" I mumble grabbing the object.

Requiems are indestructible, they cannot be destroyed no matter what and ignore all rules placed on humanity,

"This sword isn't broken, it couldn't be requiems only break or disappear when their intention for being is made is fulfilled…"

It split because it isn't just Darius' requiem now, but Apollo's too,

"That bastard Xezus must have taken the other side,"



But I don't care


Go away go away requiem,

I already know what your purpose was,

To be used to protect someone you love more than anything else, someone you love selfishly...

Well I can't help you,

I love no one,

Go away," I toss the sword into the sea of colors now surroundings me,

Protect our daughter


Well, I can't just stand here forever….

I wonder which way is heaven?"