
—the data?


It was instantaneous,

Before I could even finish a thought

I'd been seemingly 'uploaded'




Beyond dreams♪

A warm ray of sunlight now bathes onto me accompanied by soft winds, that carry the leaves of a massive tree….


A groovy orchestra echoes through the ambience

Beyond life♪

This place feels familiar…

You will find♪

(A tree that stands at the head of a city with white brick structures built–)

–No I've definitely seen this before



But when?

I can't remember…

It must have been billions of years ago

Before sound♪

Even it's name escapes me…


"So this was the location of choice you chose?" a smooth voice speaks, coinciding with the appearance of a feminine being

To be found♪

She is dressed in a full white gown, that matches with her long wavy hair and sparkling eyes like clear cut diamonds, colorless beauty,

She smiles at me, it makes me want to melt with happiness, I don't know why,

"Who, are you?"

"Do you not recognize yourself Kage?"

Close your eyes♪


So that was my name…

This is how I looked?"

(It's coming back to me now…)



"This place is Soterra, do you remember Kage?"



Yes, yes, it is, I remember now,

But why is it here?

Where am I?"

Higher still♪

"The point of singularity, where everything exists but nothing at all

You can call it heaven or hell, its appearance depends on your own will,

I just call it Zero,"

Endless thrill♪


"Welcome home Kage!" another voice interjects this one hard and raspy, a slim but muscular man dressed in a full body all black combat suit appears before me,

His smile reveals sharp teeth like little razors, and speaking of sharp, his all black pupils stare daggers into me,

Unlike the woman who's white wavy hair is so long that it reaches her feet, this man's hair is straight and jet black, and pokes up into the air ….

To the land♪


"This is home?"

"Yes, we can make it anything we like,

Come on change the scenery from this depressing town,

It's been too damn long since we've been here,

Isn't that right sisterr?"



Kage," the woman ignores him,

"We do not have much time to converse so I will say it now,

You have an important decision to make, that will deter–"

"–Shut up," I cut her off,

Beyond love♪

"I've been lost on everything for so long,

I don't want to here anything about anything, until you two tell me everything about fucking everything!"

Come alive♪

"You have already seen a glimpse of it Kage,

The city you were just in,

The end of the world…no, the end of the universe itself,"

"The end…?"

Angel eye♪

"He isn't telling you it correctly," the feminine Kage speaks in,

Forever watching you and I♪

"You see it all started in the twenty first century of the first generation,

The people of that time were the first to discover and invent the basis for all the technology humanity would soon create,

But you see, us humans, we are always prone to war and violence, and by the end of the first generation at the year one million,

We had gone through many wars, all of the world wars, the climate war, the oil wars the cyber war, the moon wars and the population war,

At the one millionth year the dates are reset to one again but the generation changes,

Generations twin through five were peaceful as humanity was spread thin from the wars, progress was stagnant during that time, but by the seventh generation we were back together united as one people it was a generation of equality,

And it's where we first perfected the technology for space travel,

By the next twenty or so generations we came to the outer regions of space developing new inhabitable planets, making them fit for us,

We became an intergalactic species,"

You are the night♪

You are the ocean♪

"But as always," the masculine Kage takes reigns of the story

You are the light behind the cloud♪

"Humanity is always prone to war,

Generation fifty was more war, this time it wasn't with us humans, but other sentient species far out in the universe,

Unlike us who were technological advanced these species were physically evolved thy could survive in the vacuum of space,

There were many more alien species beside them,

The wars were long and seemingly endless,

But humans somehow being the weakest always win,

And you know why that is?

Of all the species and beings out there, we were the most underhanded the most deceitful,

By generation three hundred, the entire universe was conquered, our technology was so advanced that we could create black hole grenades and solar flare cannons,

By taking over more planets and enslaving the alien inhabitants we eventually learned their skills, mana, a power that be drawn from the universe if you devote yourself solely to it…"

You are the end and the beginning♪

"What does all of this have to do with me?

With us?

This is just a history lesson?"

"It's also our origin story, Kage," the woman smiles again and I can't help but nod understandingly to her warmth

A world where time is not allowed♪

"You see this isn't a story about what exactly humans did,

We're more so trying to show you the doomed cycle of humanity,

After we'd conquered everything, populated everywhere that could be populated in the universe,

Humans was now the only sentient life in the universe, and it was peaceful for many, many generations, there was actually more time spent in peace than in war,

But by the six hundredth generation, population levels were incalculable not only that, but because of the largeness of the universe humanity became decentralized and more divided than ever,

There were the people who now gave up all semblance of scientific advancements and devoted to the universe for it's power,

There were the ones who did the opposite and only used technology,

And the greediest humans of all sought to have both,

As it had come before, the cycle of war repeated, no matter how happy how high the standard of living for people are,"

There's no such thing as competition♪

"They always search for something to go to war about,

This war however was the worst of all, black hole bombs that could swallow planets whole,

Supernova missiles etcetera, carnage, pure an utter chaos,"



To find our way we lose control♪

"The city you saw on your way here, Eldorado,

It was located on earth, the birthplace of all humans, unlike the other planets that changed and developed earth was opted to stay in a preserved state in homage to the ones of the twenty first century that started this technological boom,

But fittingly earth also became the birthplace for humanity's ascension to godhood,

By generation six hundred and sixty six, the universe was finished

And I mean finished"

Remember love's our only mission♪

"The consequences for using black holes as war tools,

Everything began to collapse on itself the entire universe swallowed up,

Some say God, the real God finally stepped in,

Depending on how you look at it, he did,

Unlike us who has conciseness, god is just a flow, a mechanism, a system, it creates matter concepts, everything as we know it, but it also destroys those things if one gets too big,

Too much matter, destroy it and create more concepts,

That's what god is,

And that's what our hope of survival was,

God is a system, a mechanism, and all systems can be hacked, or mechanism broken, if you try smart enough,"


This is a journey of the soul♪

"So as the universe died and all life swallowed, we humans developed and progressed at an exponentially"

The perfect song is framed with silence♪

"Like the hysterical strength you get when your life is in danger

We were hysterically progressive,"

It speaks of places never seen♪

"We were able to crack the code, Operation collective consciousness we called

All our minds, bodies and consciousness combined as one,"

Your home's a promise long forgotten♪

"That's what we are Kage,

The culmination of all humans"

It is the birthplace of your dreams♪