Wind Rune

A bright light shot out from the altar and drilled into Arrluk's head in the next second.

There was no pain, only some slight discomfort due to the forceful assimilation of new information inside his head.

"I will never get used to this," Arrluk said as he massaged his forehead.

As the name suggests, Mystic Wind Arts's a magic technique that teaches about the manipulation of the wind element in his surrounding.

But before Arrluk could become an air-bending master, he would need to form the runic symbol of Wind Element in his head. Only then would he be able to use his magic and manipulate the air to his will.

Arrluk sat up and crossed his legs like a monk in meditation. Constructing the runic symbol in his soul was not easier said than done. His lack of control over his magic made it harder for him to draw the wind symbol as was instructed in the Mystic Wing Arts.

The symbol of wind was made up of just three cursive lines intersecting with each other to form a triangle of sorts. But Arrluk wasn't even able to construct the first line. The whole line would break apart when Arrluk loses focus or makes a slight mistake in its shape.

But each failure would only provoke Arrluk to learn from his mistakes. He made progress at a steady rate. Every time the symbol broke apart, Arrluk would stop for a few minutes to think over his mistakes and replenish his mana.

Fortunately, by assimilating with four human souls, Arrluk didn't feel much strain on his mind after making so many attempts.

After failing for nearly forty times, the Wind Rune's shape was finally completed and stabilized in his mind.


The air encompassing Arrluk, who was still sitting cross-legged, moved around in jubilation.

Arrluk felt the soft breeze of the wind flowing around his skin. He felt as if the wind was alive, and he could make a bend to his will.

Suddenly, Arrluk's thoughts were broken by the sounds of sailors shouting outside his room.

Arrluk stood up and walked outside of the cabin. He noticed that dawn was about to break.

That means he had unknowingly used the whole night to construct the wind element's runic symbol in his mind.

He spotted Kojja standing with his father, who was giving out fast orders to his crew to unfurl the sails and untie the rope bound to the dock.

Kojja noticed Arrluk walking out of his cabin; she smiled at him and beckoned him to come over.

Arrluk quickly walked over to her and gave his greeting to her and her father.

Quhuro Mo gave a nod of approval as he patted Arrluk's shoulder and said something in summer tongue after looking at him from head to toe.

"He is very well built for his age. Are you sure he isn't some scion of a noble house?" Quhuru asked his daughter, thinking Arrluk won't understand him.

"He might have a connection to one since he knows too much for a boy living off the streets. He is also well-spoken and firm. You should have watched Wolk's face when Arrluk squeezed his wrist. I was sure it would break if I had not stopped him then." Kojja replied with her arms crossed, unknowingly giving Arrluk a good view of her dark cleavage.

She had tall and had an athletic build with a fair amount of curves in the right places.

Not to mention her dress was exotic, showing quite a bit of skin around her shoulders, chest, and naval. She was now wearing dark pants, leather boots, and colourful feathers decorating her head like her father.

Arrluk controlled himself and focused his mind on their conversation.

"Hm... well, his secrets don't concern us. But you are responsible for them until they disembark from this ship. Make sure they don't cause trouble around the ship."

"Yes, Father" After reassuring her father, Kojja turned to Arrluk and said, "Come, I will show you around the ship if you want."

"It will be my pleasure" Arrluk was more than happy to accompany her.

They watched as the city of Lys vanished across the horizon as they sailed southward where the summer islands were located.

Kojja then took him to meet with the red archers of the Cinnamon Wind. Arrluk had quite a bit of fun around the ship while helping the sailors with their menial work. He even used his powers to control the wind direction in his free time and gave the Cinnamon Wind a small push, making it sail faster than average.

He would rest from time to time, practising his control over the wind and magic for the rest of the day. The night view in the open sea was spectacular. After having dinner, he receded into his cabin with the other kids.

Unfortunately, most of them had stayed inside the cabin due to feeling unwell as it was their first time on a ship. Arrluk had travelled a lot in his previous life, and now he had a strong and very healthy body; therefore, he didn't feel seasick like the other first-timers.

But he couldn't sleep tonight no matter how hard he tried. The noises coming from the cabin beneath him and the one to the side were the main culprits. How could he sleep when he enhanced hearing heard the moans of women engaged in the act of intimacy with whomsoever they were with now?

'I forgot, this is a ship originating from the summer islands after all. Its inhabitants are widely known for their open culture when it comes to acts of love. Not to mention, the red archers are mostly made of women. These things are bound to happen on a ship that stays on water for most of the time... Ughh, but why do they have to be so damn loud' Arrluk shifted uncomfortably upon hearing passionate cries of women, moaning and whimpering in time to the squeaks.

He wasn't against them or anything for having their private time, but all those sounds were making his blood rush between his legs. And the sounds were not only coming from his adjacent rooms. The whole fucking ship was moaning and rocking from its passenger's acts

Arrluk wasn't a virgin, he had his fair share of experience when it comes to women, but that was in his past life.

'Don't tell me I'm going to experience puberty all over again' Arrluk shuddered at the thought and shook his head in annoyance. He had always hated the puberty phase because one cannot expect to control all those raging hormones thrashing inside a teen's body even when Arrluk had an adult's mental capacity.

'Did my body age quickly after ingesting that strength potion? Is that one of its side effects, powerful strength in exchange for a few years of my life? If not, then why else would my six-year-old body elicit a reaction from hearing all that? Was it because I know about sex, or maybe it's because I'm just a horny little fucker at the core?' Arrluk tried to take off his attention from his surroundings and think about the questions he had just thought in his head.

The strength potion didn't seem to affect his body detrimentally. Arrluk's body did age or maybe grow faster, but his lifespan was not shortened in any way.

Arrluk vaguely felt he was right on that matter. So if there weren't any side effects to the Strength potion, then it can only mean two things, he was a horny little fucker, or he had hit puberty.

"Anh~ Hmm... Xhasa, you have become better than before... Oh fuck, keep working that tongue on me.... Yes!" Arrluk eyes rounded wide when he distinctly heard Kojja's voice in all those passionate cries of pleasure.