Slavers attack! - Part 2

"I'm here to help," Arrluk only said that much before taking a good place and notching an arrow with its tip burning in the bow. Torches were lit here and there to help enflame the arrow tips so that the archer can better see their shot accuracy in the darkness and to also rain fire on the enemy ship.

Kojja and the other red archers were dumbfounded. 'Can you even pull the strings properly!' This question is raised in every person's mind. Amateurs can't even hold a bow properly, not to mention fire it. Goldenheart Bows are one of the best bows, but they are also challenging to handle.

Kojja was about to speak but shut her mouth when she saw Arrluk's standing form. She saw him pulling the string of the Goldenheart Bow all the way, raising it a few notches higher in the air and then releasing the string in one smooth motion.

Everyone saw the lone orange arrow flying through the air and then falling on the enemy ship. More specifically, the arrow fell on a barrel placed under a protective covering of wood.


The oil-filled barrel caught fire and exploded on the enemy deck, killing seven men standing near it, the captain of the ship included. Even their mast was damaged and caught fire before leaning in one direction, crashing down on the people standing below.

The said enemy ship slowed down after losing its mast and sails. The oars were not enough to keep up with the Cinnamon Wind.

The Red Archers looked at Arrluk thunderstruck with their mouth wide open.

"Wh... What the fuck was that!" Every archer thought in unison.

Arrluk made a fist of victory. He was nervous and unsure at first, but it seems his magical eyes were put to good use for his Advanced Bow and Arrow Mastery. Also, the wind rune in his mind helped a lot in getting to know the wind and how to use it to strengthen his archery.

The Red Archers suddenly raised their bows in the air and cheered Arrluk's heaven-defying shot, which got them one of the three Slavers' ships. Most of them still thought it was just a lucky shot, but the very experienced members and Kojja didn't think it was that simple.

"Arrluk? Was that a lucky shot?" Kojja asked, knowing she too didn't believe it was a lucky shot.

"Maybe, the gods have blessed me in more ways than one," Arrluk said in a low voice just so that Kojja can hear him. He was giving her a hint. Since Arrluk had decided to live in this cutthroat world, he needs to make friends with who he could share his secrets.

Kojja was the first person he felt comfortable doing so with. Sooner than later, he was bound to reveal his powers. Hiding his abilities would only be detrimental to him. Of course, he won't let anyone know about the altar. He had said this many times in his mind.

Kojja looked as if she was waiting for him to explain more, but the other two Slavers' ships closed in.

"Ah, dammit, if only the wind were faster, they wouldn't have been able to touch the tale of the ship." Xhasa Raa shouted angrily. Her boobs swayed as she violently raised her bow and shot an arrow at the enemy coming ever closer to them.

Nice Kill!

Arrluk saw one of the men on slaver ships, holding a ramp with others and falling on the deck. The arrow lodged itself just below the neck of the slaver man.

'Wait a minute... god damn, I can use the wind!' Arrluk wanted to slap himself.

When the others were firing at the enemy, Arrluk moved his hand his wrist stealthily.

"The enemy is about to board, everyone, pull out your swords and throw these motherfuckers back into the sea," Quhuru warned as he gave the wheel at the stern to another man beside him. It seemed he was going to participate in the battle himself.

Just as the ramps were thrown on their ship with iron hooks underneath it, a violent gust of wind hit the Cinnamon wind's sail. Their ship jerked forward, causing the crew to tumble but also making the slavers on the ramp fall into the sea. The ramp fell with them. It seems they were not adequately hooked to the railings. The slavers of Meeren stood at their place dumbfounded when they saw their prey going forward at speed twice their own.

To put salt in their wounds, another gust of wind arrived but this time in the opposite direction, prompting their ships to almost come to a halt. The sudden break drove some slavers to be thrown into the sea yet again.

One meereen ship was unable to move because of the broken mast; another was stopped forcefully by the wind and would need time to pick its speed again, while the last was not threatening as it was smaller. The last ship seems to hold slaves. It did not have much equipment to fight nor did it try to pursue the Cinnamon Wind.

Everyone seemed to be dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events. It was as if the Storm God sent a gale of wind to help them after seeing their plight.

Quhuru was the first to speak, "Turn hard to starboard. We are going sink these Meereen bitches." The sailors seemed to have been pumped with drugs as they moved with a vigour that was unseen before.

Some people started praying to the Storm God and thanked him for his help. Xhasa seemed to be the most fervent.

Arrluk smiled seeing this. He looked pale due to forcing his control on the wind and also exhausted as his magic reserves became all-time low.

Arrluk suddenly felt someone staring at him. When he turned, Arrluk found Kojja with her dubious gaze on him but it only for a moment. She turned back to face the enemy ships as their own made a U-turn.

The revenge was sweet. The Red Archers completely decimated the stranded Meereen ship and boarded the slave ship and acquired it for themselves by killing most of the slaver of meereen on it with arrows first. The last galley ran away the moment they saw the Cinnamon Wind turning around.

Maybe its captain was superstitious, and because of what had happened with the wind before, they decided to flee, leaving their companionships to fend for themselves.

Also, it was known, that the swan ships are superior to every other ship in this world. Fighting it one on one was simply a death wish.

The members of the Cinnamon Wind hurrayed after they won. What came after was a little bit too gore for Arrluk. He saw how Dhorrabhas tortured every captured slaver. It was a little too bloody for him. Quhuru Mo freed the captured slaves and let them follow the Cinnamon wind to Summer Island. Thankfully, no one raped the freed female slaves.

Another thing that took Arrluk by surprise was that no one mourned for the dead crewmates. They instead put the corpses in a coffin and celebrated their parting with ale and sex.

Of course, some who were very close to the dead mourned in private but still, they took part in drinking ale and finding a partner to share their bed with.

Summer Islanders' cultures seemed to revolve around sex. No matter what happens, the answer to every emotion and question was sex. Sadness, or joy, summer islanders would have sex to forget it or share with their partners respectively.

But Arrluk couldn't find joy when he saw the dead body of Grant. He didn't feel anything for Tom since he was a true dick but Grant was a good and helpful boy. He was only ten years old for god's sake. He was too young to leave this world.

Orlon, Redneck, Hal, Buggy, and Ignis cried all night for Grant. Arrluk also felt sorrow after seeing so many deaths.

Quhuru called him after Arrluk had made all the kids go back to sleep after some coaxing.

"I heard you took one of the ships down with a single arrow. A miraculous feat, maybe a lucky shot but it was miraculous nonetheless. You can have the Goldenheart Bow as thanks and also because you seem to have a talent for archery. Kojja was singing praise for you. Zaharis would happy to know its next wielder took revenge for his death. And, ah, here... Take this." Quhuru thanked Arrluk for his shot before giving him a heavy pouch.