Chapter 2

John was in a very different situation then Helen. John was a troublesome kid who was always to be found in the strangest of places. He liked to steel food from stores and if anyone made him angry he would most likely get into a fight with them, no matter how stupid the reason may be.

John got paid very little for his work as a farmer working on a few of his neighbors fields. They weren't really his neighbors' fields because he moved constantly from one place to another bringing all his items with him. With the very little money he got he didn't have much to pay for clothes or food. He wore clothes that look like rags, they were so dirty and worn out from a couple years on the farms, they were starting to fray terribly. John works about 70 hours a week on a farm then the next week he walks to the next town and the process starts over again. He got along ok, walking to different places each week because his father was overseas working in some forein land too far from his own son.

John quit school when he was in 6th grade, at 11 he didn't know what was going to happen, all he knew was he was failing school and nothing seemed to help with his learning skills. However when he was in school he often got into trouble, kids would tease him for his clothes and his lifestyle and that made him very angry. Soon afterward an argument would rise and John would not back down. He was a confident person but was also very conscious when he picked a fight with the wrong person.

When he would get his weekly pay he would spend it on small portions of food and water, careful not to buy too much that was going to melt in his bag later on. After he would spend his little amount of money he would rush back to the farm he had just left, shake the owner's hand, thank him for the week's work and then start off to his next workplace.