Chapter 5

Helen was surprised how much cargo a person could have, the room must have been the size of 3 gyms or more. Everything was dark in the room so she couldn't see very well. She squinted to look at the room more closely, there were drapes on all the luggage. She guessed no one had been down here in about a week because everything smelled and there was an eerie light coming from the topmost porthole window.

Helen crept closer, and she could see a few things sprawled out on the floor. It looked like someone was desperately looking for something and left the mess. One of the things on the floor was what looked like a ratty old book. She cautiously picked it up and examined it The Civil War 1861-1865 it read. She didn't think anything about it, but she was still curious and put it back.

Helen heard footsteps coming from the door she entered, and her heart started beating fast. If anyone knew she was down here would they scold her and tell her mother? Or would they be more gentle because she is first class and they will most likely know her mother?

She hears the person behind the door start to open it and she dashes to the nearest pile of luggage to try and hide. It worked. The person who came through the door was a waiter and he just patrolled the room to make sure everything was in order. No matter how messed up and dirty that order may be. She looked out from her hiding place and unluckily the waiter caught her looking at him. His reaction was normal but he hurried out the door in a flurry, most likely alerting the first person he met.

Helen didn't have to think about what she was doing next. She fled the room and rushed down the infinite number of hauls, trying to catch her breath enough to look back every few seconds to see if anyone was watching her. No one in her sight appeared to be so she kept running until she was safely walking through the B-Deck hallway. She couldn't believe it, she had escaped and no one saw her come on or out from that room, she felt a selfish surge of joy. She reached her suite number and looked around to check for her mother.

Her mother, as expected, wasn't there. But everything in her room was still paced the same as when she had left. Their two bedrooms were all neatly organized with fresh new sheets, the sitting room had drinks all around it, and their private bath was glistening in the moonlight. Just as Helen plopped down on one of the comfy sofas to rejuvenate from her nighttime adventure she heard a knock. She thought why would a waiter want to assist her at this time, had he or she seen her?

Helen looked through her door hole and saw a nicely dressed man with red hair like fire. She opened the door and to her surprise she saw a boy dressed in a waiter's clothes.

"I know where you were, and I want you to show me." The boy said before Helen could get anything out her mouth trying to usher him away.