The Prince Vs The Principal

Finally, it was Varchaswa's turn.

To everyone's surprise he did something that was not only unexpected but outrageous. Varchaswa challenged the Dhanu, the head of Department of Archery.

Everyone was shocked since Dhanu nicknamed the Archery Queen was unrivalled in the Bhaarata sub-continent. With the exclusion of Kings, Emperors and retired Generals; no one from any of the Kingdoms or the Empire had ever defeated her when it came to pure Archery skills.

The duel started using Magical Bows & Arrows and ended pretty quickly. Contrary to everyone's expectations, Varchaswa did not use his Lightning. Varchaswa won using pure Archery Skills. His performance left everyone spellbound.

But it didn't end there. He then challenged the Head of Department of Swordsmanship 'Kripaan'. And used a Sword to defeat him. He then successively challenged the Heads of Department of Spearman-ship, Department of Blunt Weapons, Hand-to-Hand Combat and won all of them with their respective weapons.

Seeing the performance, the Principal remarked, "Your Majesty it seems we have found the Vice-Principal."

For quite some time, King Paartha wasn't able to say something, since he didn't know his own son was so outstanding. He finally said, "Indeed."

However, at that moment, Varchaswa shouted, "Principal Bheeshma, as per the ancient law of the Kingdom and the rules of academy, I challenge you for the position of the Principal."

At this moment the whole crowd became silent. This was unprecedented. If he won, not only he would become the youngest person to get the post of the Principal, but he would also be the one Principal who himself had not attended any Military Academy. But the current law allowed for this to happen!

At this moment the King spoke up, "Do you really mean what you said?"

Varchaswa replied confidently, "Yes Your Majesty."

Then the duel began. This time it was not over easily. After all, the retired General had also received a legendary awakening. He had the Darkness Element. The fight lasted for about an hour and everyone was dazzled by the display of Darkness and Lightning elements.

Only the King and the Bheeshma realized that Varchaswa had not only received the Legendary Lightning awakening but also the legendary Moon-Light awakening which countered Bheeshma's Darkness Element.

It meant that not only he had received the blessing of Indra the King of Heavenly Deities, but also received the blessing of Soma also known as Chandra, the Moon Deity. This was excellent news for the Kingdom. Bheeshma lost the Duel.

King Paartha said, "Congratulations on winning your duel against the current Principal. You have demonstrated your excellent skills in Magic and Martial Arts. However, you are yet to demonstrate your abilities in Military Warfare. I suggest you chose a Commander to fight against to complete the challenge."

Varchaswa, the Second Prince of Dwaarakaa Kingdom, replied, "Your Majesty, I have not trained with any unit yet & I don't have any troops assigned to me. So I can't randomly challenge any commander at this time. If I may, I have a suggestion."

King Paartha said, "Speak."

Varchaswa explained, "Please promote me to the position of the Provisional Principal. Retired General Bheeshma can take up the position of the Vice-Principal. Three months from now a Mock Battle has been scheduled against the Ayodhyaa Kingdom. If I win, the position of the Principal will be mine officially."

After some deliberation with the Principal the King announced, "From today, till the Mock Battle against Ayodhyaa Kingdom, Varchaswa Dwaarakaa is appointed as the Provisional Principal of the National Academy of Magic, Military Arts and Military Warfare. Retired General Bheeshma will be demoted to the position of Vice-Principal and will assist Varchaswa.

Varchaswa will have the full authority and everyone from the Academy has to follow his instructions in the matters of the Academy. However, if he loses the Mock Battle, not only will he lose the position as the Principal but also his position as the Second Prince of the Dwaarakaa Royal family."

The King's statement created a huge storm throughout the Academy and later on, across the whole Dwaarakaa Kingdom.

When everyone thought the admission process was over, Varchaswa announced that both - Khyaati the Princess of Dwaarakaa and Vaibhavee the Princess of Sinhaalaa, will participate for the admission process.

Since both were over thirteen, with the Permission of the Principal, they were allowed to participate in the admission process.

As instructed by Varchaswa, to show off their capabilities, both of them chose a Senior Instructor rather than a student or a regular instructor for their respective duels.

Both of them displayed tremendous prowess and won efficiently, thus, both becoming the freshmen students of the National Academy. Since they won against Senior Instructors, they also became the Freshmen Representatives.

Varchaswa, the Second Prince of Dwaarakaa, became the Provisional Principal of the National Academy of Magic, Martial Arts and Military Warfare, at the young age of 16, an unbroken record for centuries to come.

A few people even laughed thinking of how will a 16-year-old manage an Academy? But their mouths were sealed shut within 6 months after Varchaswa took over as the Principal and took it to legendary heights, since he regained the memories of his two previous births.


Chapter End.