Ancient Era

Varchaswa was silent for a while before speaking, "It is a secret… is what I want to say, but since you are my apprentices, it is better to tell you both. Also, this will make the other explanations easy. So listen carefully. On the day of my awakening, I received more than one blessing."

Vaibhavee and Khyaati both gasped while listening to his words. This was almost inconceivable. Not only he got the legendary 'Lightning' awakening signifying a blessing of the Indra, the King of Heavenly deities; but now he was telling them that he got more blessings? How many? And from whom?

Before their minds spiralled out of control he continued, "Listen, I will explain. I got blessing from Indra, so I got Lightning & Thunder elements. From Soma, the Moon deity I got the Moonlight which includes the power of light and cold. And from Lord Ganesha, the God of Victory, Intellect and Wisdom, I received a part of Diving Knowledge & Divine Wisdom."

The silence in the room continued before Khyaati finally spoke, "Wow brother, you are so lucky."

"I would rather say he is amazing. Three blessings of the highest quality means that the heavens have some unusual fate and tasks for him.", Vaibhavee said with some concern.

Varchaswa said, "That is true. When I received a part of Divine Knowledge & Wisdom, I was told about certain things. The future of the Sub-continent is at stake. We need to be prepared. But that and all comes later. We need to work on our immediate issues first.

Oh! by the way, saying Divine Knowledge & Wisdom is too cumbersome so I will shorten it to Divine Wisdom from now on. Please remember that."

Khyaati started to say, "Yes, that is true. So about the training…"

Varchaswa interrupted her and said, "Wait, I am not done here. Listen to me first. As I said, the Divine Wisdom made me realize a few things. The ancient era can be divided into 4 sub-eras. Sat-Yuga, Tretaa-Yuga, Dwaapara-Yuga and Kala-Yuga.

Many wars were fought in each of these sub-eras. But, at the end of each sub-era a Great Holy War was fought. These resulted in a lot of devastation and the civilizations always began anew in the following sub-era. This was the result of the usage of something called as Divine Weapons during the Wars.

There are heritages and legacies passed down in different lands and kingdoms. For example, our Kingdom of Dwaarakaa & Gandhaara have the legacy of the Lord Krishna of the Dwaapara-Yuga. The Ayodhyaa Kingdom, The Mauryan Empire & the Vijaya Nagaram Empire have the legacies of Lord Raama of Tretaa-Yug.

The Kingdoms of Nepaala and Mithilaa have the legacy of Lady Sita of Tretaa-Yuga. The Rudra tribe of the Himaalaya has the legacy of Supreme God Shiva. The West also has many other legacies of their own especially from the Kala-Yuga sub-era.

If these Divine Weapons are unleashed, multiple cities can be annihilated in an instant. Also, only a Divine Weapon can stop another Divine Weapon; and these Divine Weapons are spread across the World.

However, just like Magical Weapons, they are divided into different grades. Some texts say that the legendary Divine Weapons like Brahma-astra and Pashupati-astra also exist."

Khyaati couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "Wait a minute brother. Who is powerful enough to create those weapons? And for what reason?"

Varchaswa smirked and said, "Who creates weapons for us? Why do they create them? Weapons are meant for two purposes – to attack or to defend. The Divine Weapons as the name suggests were initially created by the Divine Beings. The purpose was for use against the Evil Beings.

The humans obtained the Divine Weapons to protect themselves from the Evil Beings from the Diving Beings through certain methods. Initially, it was used for good of the humanity, but later, greed took over and weapons were misused.

By the time of Kala-Yuga, humans were devoid of Divine Weapons. But humans persisted and continued to seek Divine Weapons. Unfortunately, since the Divine Wisdom and Divine Knowledge was lot, they could not succeed.

Instead, they ended up obtaining 'Vishishhta Gyaana' sometimes also called as 'Vishishhta Jnaana', abbreviated to 'Vigyaana' and 'Vijnaana'. It literally means 'Special Knowledge', what we know as 'Science' today.

Thus by pursuing Vigyaana, they were finally able to create Weapons that were similar to Divine Weapons called Nuclear and Atomic Weapons."

Vaibhavee was dumbfounded. She could not help but ask, "Humans were capable of creating Divine Weapons?"

Varchaswa said, "No, how can that be? You need Divine Powers to do so. I said, they created something similar to Divine Weapons. Those weapons only had high destructive capacity.

However, but they also had many disadvantages including maintenance and security etc. However, considering their capabilities, it speaks volumes of the potential of humanity, since they were created in the sub-era where not only Divine Powers, but Magical Powers were lost as well."

Khyaati asked, "Wait what? No Magic or Divine Powers? There was such a sub-era?"

Varchaswa said, "There sure was. In Kala-Yuga, the society drifted towards another path. The path of Science and Technology. They pursued comfort and happiness in their own way. Many nations prospered and perished. Our science and technology work in conjunction with Magic. Theirs was independent.

Anyway, these are things to be discussed some other day. It is already getting late. I almost forgot the main reason I called you for."

Khyaati asked with an amused look, "And that is?"

Varchaswa replied, "I have got permission from the Royal Court to open the Royal Military Training Grounds to be used by Freshmen and Sophomores starting tomorrow. As freshmen representatives, you two will be in-charge of the freshmen training.

Uncle Nakula & I will alternate for the training of Sophomores. As for the Final and Pre-final years, they will be training in the Academy Training Grounds. Vice-Principal Bheeshma, Grandpa Drona and I will be in-charge of their training."

Khyaati: "Brother, you are training the freshmen and sophomore in secret? What are you planning? Are you planning to pick the best candidates from all 4 years to use for the Mock Battle against the Ayodhyaa Kingdom?"

Varchaswa: "Hmm. Something like that. Anyway, this is the booklet containing the plans for the freshmen and sophomores training. Do go through them tonight. Also, starting tomorrow, after the regular training that ends at 4 PM, you both will come to the study room at 7 PM and study the Sanskrit language in my study room. Remember all these things are to remain a secret."

"Yes, I understand." Both girls replied.

Varchaswa said, "You may go now. Good night."

"Good night, Elder Brother."

"Good night, Prince Varchaswa."

The girls left leaving Varchaswa alone in his study room lost in thoughts. His plan to unite the Bhaarata Sub-continent had just begun!


Chapter End.