"Area C5"
"Where is this C5?"
"C5 is a location where we drop of the supply, usually it's near a warehouse. Also, remember the route we took, and look for the signs for where to go, you'll be doing this a lot."
"I see, I'll remember it"
We entered a lighted compound, and the floor was made of concrete.
The truck turned and slowly decelerated until it's at rest, then the container was tilted up.
One side of the container touched the ground with a thump, then the truck moved forward to unload the container.
The truck bed returns, then we drove away.
Later, we arrived at a gas station, and the two people exited the vehicle.
"Senior, thank you for letting me accompany you"
"Don't worry about it, it's good experience for you, and accompany for me. It'll take a while to refuel, let's go grab some food"
Their voices drifted further away, and disappeared behind a glass door.
I carefully detached myself from underneath the truck bed, rolled to the side, and quickly dashed away from it.
My arms and legs are shaking uncontrollably, how long was I under that?
I tread slowly to regain control, but my arms swayed lifelessly, while my legs are rigid and hardened.
With a single glance of my surroundings, I was immediately amazed at the sight of amber lights and lofty infrastructures.
Its gentle glow brings warmth to the night sky and shaded buildings.
The polished design of walkways and meticulous placement of roads.
Truly, I've arrive in the City.
But what's next?
I've wandered about the City for who knows how long.
There are so many twists and turns, like a maze that I can't get out of.
The buildings stood side by side, forming a tall fortress.
Despite the luxury outlook, people in shabby clothings could be seen in alleys and on sidewalks.
Some are sleeping on the streets and benches, while some are begging for sympathy near sidewalks and buildings.
There are some scary people whom you do not want to make eye contact with, and a few like me, who are searching for shelter.
I can't seem to find lodgings no matter where I went.
Should I just go back to where the truck was?
Tracing back to where I came from was simple, as the City have many unique landmarks, and every location has a distinct appearance.
The fire station was in sight, but the truck was not there, they seemed to have left.
The glass door when approached slides open, revealing a sort of store.
It has a relaxing ambience interior, with simple white aesthetics.
It's a food store!
I was getting pretty hungry.
There is a large selection of food, from small snacks to packaged meals.
Strangely, it's warmer in here than outside.
Anyway, what should I pick?
I grabbed what looked the nicest to me, and brought it to the counter.
"A dollar fifty" He said with a monotony voice, and a hunched back.
I reached into my bag and scavenged for the exact amount, and also double checked before holding it out.
He looked at me dazed before taking the money out of my hand.
I gave a slight glance behind me, but not a single person was in sight.
What was his expression for?
I moved to one corner of the store, peeped at him, but averted my eyes anxiously.
I should focus on eating my food, instead of worrying about pointless things.
I could hear cracks and crinkles by shaking it, and opening it releases a small burst of particles.
The bag holds many circular disc that glitters, and it has a sandy texture.
It crushes easily between my teeth, and its saltiness and bold flavors are addictive.
Each disc is a flavor bomb that leaves a lingering taste on my tongue, which had me craving for more.
Taking small bites and savoring it felt like doses of caffeine.
The pain in my limbs have subsided, while a piercing headache kept me hyper.
This "Potato Chips" is one of the most unique food I have tasted.
The area outside was gradually being lighted up.
It was a new day, and more people could be seen moving about.
It's about time I move.
The doors slid apart, and the warm air outside enveloped me.
It felt as if the temperature of the 'store' and 'outside' swapped between day and night.
The temperature in the store alters seamlessly, like the sun and moon, ensuring maximum comfort against time.
Where should I go?
The map of the City left by my father was burned.
There are some locals moving about, and all of them have one similarity: A bracelet on one wrist
I should ask for directions.
[Excuse me, may I know where is...]
Wha-what just happened?
Why does she looked so disgusted?
"Do you need help?"
A person approached me, whom is dressed neatly in a black uniform, with a gun holstered by his side.
I replied swiftly.
[I have lost my identification papers in an incident, do you know where to replace it?]
"Are you moving into the city? You can get a City ID by accessing the governmental website online, provide the required information, and it will be delivered to you or by pick-up."
[May I lend your phone? I lost mine in the incident too]
"Sure, no problem"
"After you're done, a drone will deliver your ID here"
Suddenly, a drone did appear out of thin air, and it was completely undetectable.
It dropped a card onto the person's hand.
"This is your City ID, take good care of it"
He handed the card to me.
The card was thin, with a glassy top, and polished metallic bottom.
Swiftly, I slide the card into my pocket.
"Wait! I recommend you to wear that, so you won't lose it"
He raised his voice as I tried to walk away.
Wear what? The Card?
"It seems like you are confused, just place the card on your wrist and squeeze the sides"
He said clearly, and with a smile.
When I did what he said, the card curved around my wrist, and gripped firmly in place, which looked similar to the bracelet I saw before.
[What is this!?]
I shouted with consternation.
"This is your City ID bracelet, which also functions as a credit card, and a digital smart watch."
He spoke briskly to calm me down.
[How do I take it off?]
This time I was calm and collected.
"You can do so by using the touch screen on the bracelet, and select the form you want, which is either 'Card' form or 'Bracelet' form. Squeezing the sides is a short cut from Card to Bracelet form. You can find out more on the internet."
[I see, thank you]
"No problem, have a good day."
He returned back to his routine patrol.
So what should I do now?
Is there a map on this bracelet?
With a single touch on the glassy surface, the screen lit up and displayed options such as 'ID Profile', 'Card Info', and many more.
By selecting 'Map', a simplified map of the city is shown, with labeling of places.
This city... If nothing had happened, I would have been here days prior.
Looking back, I have came a long way, and there is no going back.
I should keep moving, since the blade will have to wait until night for the moon to come out.
What would the blade show under the next moon?
A/N: If you want, I can upload a sketch of the Bracelet design, although it will be in later chapters.