The walls of that habitation were of a white porcelain color, similarly to most of the utensils and furniture in that room. After a nurse took some documents from this place and closed the door upon leaving, the man in coat who was the doctor of that office could finally speak to the woman sitting in front of him.
"Like I told you before, Eto-san, your son not just drowned, when he fell the river, he suffered some several hits in the head, the little cracks in the skull we saw in first day's x-ray proved all that."
The woman nodded; a strand of hair slipped her nose while she bowed her head.
Even when both knew what was the situation, the doctor decided to do a recap, because what he'll say next can be a bit delicate, by his experience, the patient's family usually alter after hearing this.
"We were sure that it was a serious concussion, and the tests we did showed cerebral hemorrhage as well. Usually, the most probably result in these cases are death, or at least vegetative state for the rest of his life."
The mother didn't seem surprised: "Yes, that was what you told me a week ago."
'Oh perfect, this lady has a calm reaction.' The doctor rejoiced.
"Right, we didn't contemplate that your child would wake up, and much less so fast. But surprisingly… please look at the medical tests we just did to your child," The doctor handed some papers to the woman, and continued. "He's completely healthy! All the damage he received disappeared, and actually, the body of your child is the healthiest I've ever seen in children of his age."
With consideration that the mother may not understand the tests results, the doctor turned on the light table at the right side of his desk, showing a comparison between the two x-ray results. If people didn't know the situation, they could even think that the 'before' and 'after' were switched, because the skull of the most recent x-ray doesn't have a single fissure.
The mother relaxed her worry expression, and took a deep breath of relief.
Looking that change, the doctor continued talking, this time, with more enthusiasm.
"Clearly, a miracle happened. And the only logical explanation we can give to this phenomenon is that your child manifested his quirk for the first time, and for his convenience, it cured all his wounds! Even in an area as complicated and mysterious as the brain!"
"We still don´t know what kind of quirk your son has, if it is a self-regeneration type, or a curing type, or maybe it's some kind of cell reactivation type, we have no idea. But a quirk with this such incredible healing power, seeing from my perspective as medical staff, if that quirk can be used in other people, and if your son wants to, he can become the best doctor of the country, or even of the world!" The doctor affirmed without hesitation.
Seeing that the woman was thinking, he decided to ask her a question:
"Just for curiosity, can I know what kind of quirk do you and your husband have? And what generation of quirk they are?"
The woman was already expecting a question like that, so she answered: "I have a quirk that can double the size of my hands, and... my ex-husband has a quirk that can make the small objects he throws bounce once even if they have a really solid form. Both are fourth generation quirks."
"Hmmmm, so it had to be a mutation… I have to say that it mutated really weird. What about the quirks of the child's grandparents, there are some theories abou-"
The woman raised her hands.
"Sorry to interrupt you, but I just want to know if that quirk has any kind of negative repercussions on my son, since I have heard that some quirks have a high cost to use, like consuming the user's vitality, or force some organs to overload...." Her voice become lower and lower, because even she knew those are isolated cases.
"Oh, pardon me, when I start talking about quirks I just can't stop, it's a bad habit of mine … No, your son is going to be all right, and the same goes for his quirk. From the blood test and urine test we didn't see any kind of cell degradation, so this is not a quirk that consumes the body of the user, you don't have to worry, what you heard are pure rumors."
"I see…"
"Yes, we just need to get the results of the last few not-so-important tests, and your son will be discharged tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? Isn't that too fast?"
"No, not really, his body is perfectly fine. Making your child to stay here in the hospital would just be a waste of time and money."
Hearing the word 'money', the woman's gaze clouded a bit.
"And about the lost of memory part you told me before. It's not a complete lost, at least he remembers who you are. So, what you need to do is giving him some time to recover, we are talking about a brain damage, there's no such medicine 100% effective that I can prescribe you, moreover, I would be exaggerating even if I say that it exists a medicine with 10% of effectiveness for these cases."
"The lost of memory is not my area, and it's not something we can treat here. Actually, those treatments for memory loss are mainly for patients with Alzheimer or dementia with Lewy bodies. The cause of the memory lost of your son was probably because of Insufficient oxygen to the brain when his breathing stopped for too long when he drowned, so the only solution for that is time."
"I would suggest you better some brain activation exercises, oh, here I have a brochure, you can keep it. But like I was saying, what is experiencing your son is completely normal, maybe this was part of the brain self-protection mechanism. The patients like him usually take from one month to half year to remember everything by their selves."
In another room of the same hospital, a old man was having a conversation with a really small boy, by the age difference, no one would say that they could have a such fervent talk. The old man was the person who was speaking, while the kid listened to him carefully.
Usually, it should be the kid who talks non-stop, and the old man who is patient because of his maturity. But here and now, the roles were switched… Or that is what meets the eye.
This boy has actually no idea of what is talking the old man, because he's thinking something else:
'So, the original Naoyuki fell to a river, and because of that, he died due stroke? How deep was the river? I wonder... But well, I assume that because of the reincarnation, this body was perfectly cured. But the doctor here thinks that it was because I manifested a healing quirk. That's an issue…they might have already written that I have a dubious healing quirk in my files...'
The person with these thoughts is no other than our protagonist—Midori… I mean, Naoyuki.
You might be asking, why he could over hear the conversation of his mother and the doctor, when they are tens of meters away.
Well, it all has to do with Naoyuki's new quirk:
[Quirk: Ear sticker]
Class: E
1) The user can create and glue a sticker in the skin of another person, that sticker will work as an ear at long distance.
2) The duration of the sticker depends on the distance and number of stickers that the user is simultaneously controlling.
3) The sticker can be removed at any time by anyone, but its transparent color and skin-like touch makes it hard to identify, but once the time is over, the sticker will change to black color.
Thanks to this quirk power Naoyuki used when he touched his mother's hand, he could be able to get some information about the original Naoyuki and his death cause, now he can at least feel better interacting with the woman.
After all, he's not the kid's killer.
He's a simple substitute.
In fact, he even feels a bit proud of this reincarnation. If 'Naoyuki' really had died, that would have broken the woman's heart.
Especially now that she was divorced, her child was the only thing she had left.
It is understandable why she cried at the first moment she saw Naoyuki… her son was unconscious for a week!