Future plans

"What the fu**? All Japanese can visit 190 countries and territories without a visa? Why nobody told me that before?" With the intention to escape from Japan, Naoyuki made a research of how complicated it is to get a visa to those 'safe countries '.

And surprisingly, Japanese passport is the most powerful of the world, and he can easily visit whatever country of his list as a tourist, so, Naoyuki should worry more about the money and fees than the documentation itself.

Money is key, if Naoyuki has it, he can get without much effort a temporary or permanent residency in any country as an investor that generates jobs for their citizens. Working visa? Marrying a resident? Why would he need that?

It's illegal for him though…

So, money is his only alternative.

But now, how can a four years old kid get so rich so he can create employment in a first world foreign country?

'I don't have any idea… to be honest.' Naoyuki leaned back on the seat. 'Maybe I need to retake my old job?'

'Nah, there might be tons of programmers here in Japan, worse even, workaholic ones. There's no way they hire a four years old kid having all those options.'

Naoyuki activated his quirk on the brain to think faster.

'If I can't be hired by a company, then my options are really limited. Maybe the only job I can do is coding things by commission, as a freelancer, since I can't show my face… or maybe maneuvering some illegal hacking expecting that I don't get arrested, after all I'm underage… hmmm, what if they catch me and think that I'm talented, and then decide to offer me a job in the police force, huh? That would be nice… but I would be forced to stay in Japan though, so it would be useless.'

'Online coding teacher? Nah, no one really needs a teacher to learn how to code, there are plenty tutorials and books everywhere… website designer? You need a high profit to start… independent indie game or app developer? That… doesn't sound bad!'

Naoyuki barely ignited a spark, and the flames fired all the valley of his thoughts.

Young adults who live in their parent's basement becoming millionaires are not isolated cases in the world of IT. A good game or app can be synonym of money printer, and even if they can't generate immediate money, as long as they have potential, some companies might be interested.

Without mentioning that there're some games and apps created just to absorb money from their players or users, an immoral behavior, but sweet is the cash. Naoyuki could do that.

The only thing to consider is the amount of work deposited in his single person, that won't be easy, and it's pretty time consuming as well. But for the chaos in BnHA to start, there're at least 10 years of blank period, he has the chance to commit mistakes and start over.

With that in mind, he got the ball rolling, first step, he started investigating the needs of the market, the current trends, the most followed styles, the possible buyers, the rate of different kinds of apps and games, etc.

But while navigating on the web, Naoyuki realized a strange phenomenon, none of those games looked familiar to him. Considering that 'creating something new' is based on reusing already existing elements and mix stuff together, the games he's finding and its modality had way too much originality, so much that made Naoyuki concern, and suspect about something...

'Minecraft' He typed on the search frame, and then hit enter.

His eyes narrowed.

And then swallowed saliva.

The result was not Steve, nor any cube related thing. It search result was actually a hardware company located in Australia, which isn't that well known either, because the second website was a completely different thing.

'One piece' He typed this time.

And the result was a translator that changed the words to Japanese.


A brand of paint.

'Michael Jackson'

A random person's social media.

'Studio Ghibli'

A music production studio.

'Mario bros'


'DC comics'

'Rolling in the deep'


'Harry Potter'

'Divine comedy'

'Renai circulation'

'Game of thrones'

'Mona Lisa'


'Tom and Jerry'


'Megane no Megami'

"Holy…" Naoyuki closed his eyes and leaned on the table.

None of his attempts gave the result he wanted. None of the entertainment content of his world even exist here.

"I'm going to be rich!" Naoyuki scream from his chair and waved his fists.

For the very first time of his reincarnation, Naoyuki feels a huge confidence, and it didn't come from his system, but from all the knowledge contributed by his last life.

The plan was clear, bring one or two games from his world, earn enough money and move to a safer place with his mother, and start a new life.

"But one more thing…" Despite the emotion, the man inside a boy maintained his composure.

His fingers landed on the keyboard once again:




He typed each one by one, and what he could find… or I should say what he couldn't find wasn't a surprise after all.

"As I suspected, the programming language is completely different too." He rubbed his face like petting a dog. "Nothing can be perfect I guess…"

"I need to start learning to code from zero? Damn, what a headache."

"Naochan, my mom is calling you to eat." A childish and acute voice sounded in the room.

Naoyuki turned around, it was Izuku. Who seeing that Naoyuki was sitting in front of the computer, approached running:

"Are you watching All Might videos without me?" His tone sounded like betrayed.

'Does he think that that is the only purpose of the computer? To watch All Might videos?' Naoyuki stared at Izuku and then at the computer taskbar, without noticing, it was 1:04 pm already.

He spoke to Izuku for the mere asking.

"What did your mom prepare?"

"She prepared! She prepared… she…" Izuku started speaking with a really serious voice, then he realized that he had no idea and ran out of the room screaming, "Mom! What did you prepare!"

"Haha, kids these days." Naoyuki laughed, and then took advantage of the time to clean all the browser history.


"In another mission, Gai was hired to escort a very popular singer and actress, but when a group of trained soldiers attacked, she revealed to be the princess of the Country of Snow, and her father used to be the king of that nation, but was killed by…"

"…and with that last kick, Might Gai defeated the fake king, and the princess could use her key to activate the device to melt all the snow of the country, creating a habitable paradise for its people…

"…Gai was renowned all over the world as 'Konoha's Sublime Green Beast of Prey', and all the shinobi villages issued the order that any ninja who encounter Might Gai could give up the mission with no punishment…"

"…he met Lee, a little boy that had his same problem, and was victim of constant bullying, to which he taught with everything he had, and so, Lee became Gai's disciple…"

"…one day while coming out of the Hokage Tower, he was stopped by a white eye ninja, that person belonged the Hyuga clan, and his presence there was to invite Might Gai to see their clan leader…"

"…the Hyuga clan became the stronger clan of Konoha since the extermination of the Uchiha clan, but no matter how Gai think about it, he couldn't understand why their leader would invite him to his house…"

"…'I want you to become the Jonin in charge of my nephew Neji, he is a really talented boy, more talented as his father and me.' Hiashi Hyūga, the leader of the clan said.

'But isn't it better for him that a Hyuga clan member could train him, instead of me, a mere Junin?' Gai asked.

'I have my reasons, Neji was born in the branch house, and it goes against the rules even for me the leader of the clan to teach him the techniques that are for the main house exclusively, I understand his hate toward me and all the main house, but as his uncle, I want the best for him. And of course, you're not a mere Junin, your journeys are told in all the world, and if you were just a simple Junin, there will be no Junins in Konoha then.' Hiashi laughed at the end. 'Please, take care of Neji, I'm not asking it as the leader of hyuga clan, but as a brother fulfilling his promise..."

After the meal, Naoyuki continued telling his broke version of Naruto to Izuku. By the task bar, he could say that things were progressing.

[Main task: Relight the flames of the dreamer!!!]

[Mission objective: Help Midoriya Izuku to recover his passion to become a hero.]

[Limit of time: 141:32:59 (approx. 6 days)]

[Punishment: evaded]

[Award: 150 hero points (200 hero points originally)]

[Task progress: 42%]

"Why did you stop?" Izuku asked for his sudden pause. "Did this Neji guy become Gai second disciple?"

"Yes and no Izuku, there's a really big difference between student and disciple. With a student, the teacher has the responsibility to teach him things, but it depends on them to decide what to teach. While with a disciple, the teacher should inherit all his knowledge as if he was a father and the disciple his child. The relation of Gai with Neji is like superior and subordinate, while with Lee, they are like father and son," Naoyuki explained. "You'll see in the continuation of the story when we come back to it."

"Huh? You're not going to tell me what happens later?" Izuku said in displease.

"Let's take a break." Naoyuki stretched his arms. "The weather is very nice; we should go outside."

Izuku looked through the window, it wasn't a lie; curiously, he asked:

"Do you want to go to play with Katchan and the other boys of the neighborhood?"

"No, I didn't mean that, I was referring that we need to finish our training."

"Huh? Didn't we finish that already in the park?" Izuku massaged his sore arm, that was a feeling he didn't want to experience again, despite of his enthusiasm when the character Gai is training.

"Yes, but not at all, we… I mean, I still need to run 10 kilometers." Naoyuki shrugged.

"10 kilometers… how much is that?"

The question left Naoyuki a little stunned, there're some moments that he forgets that his 'best friend' is a 4 years old kid. So, he thought a better way to explain the terminology:

"About ten thousand steps… adult steps."

"...…" Izuku.