(Pt.1) Ch.7: “Why?”

Moon: hurry camil!

Camil: im trying, im trying

alex: camil? So your Cameron's new friend. No wonder he was trying to protect you...

camil: protect me from what?!

Moon: we should tell you what happened

Camil: um yea I mean then that the whole point on why im asking!

Alex: look its just something between Cameron and Jason that's been going on for a while

Moon: something that Cameron never got over. That's why they're not friends anymore

Camil: friends?

Alex: yea

Moon: omg what if that's what Layla was trying to do

Alex: what?

Camil: what are trying to say?

Moon: what is Layla knew that if the both of them will be there they would start something and maybe even get into a fight. And if I'm right and she did this because....

Omg the twins!

Camil: what is happening....

Alex: I have no idea

Moon: the twins. Remember they said that someone saw you and Jason together, what if that was Layla and she set them two up to get info from you but it didn't work out so she decided to do it herself....

Moon: she wanted you to stop talking to Jason because she knew that if they fight you wont want to hangout with him no more after what he did to Cameron and I guess she knows now that you and Cameron are friends, so of course it would make you feel some type of way and he would protect you. but I wouldn't know how she would know that unless...she made the twins spy on you and him also...

Moon: ugh my mind hurts

Camil: what...

Alex: I don't know what is happening but im glad im not in this. "girl drama" he sighed

Camil: so you telling me that all that you just said was all because she saw me and Jason talking

Camil: wow...see this is why I don't do relationships. Next thing you know you end up turning into one of her. Why can't she just talk to him like a normal person.

Alex: maybe she sees you as a threat?

Camil: ugh why though. Moon?

Alex: I think she's asleep...

Camil: oh man. What do I do now...?

Alex: um there's this abandoned place I know, me and Cameron used to go there. You could drive us there

Camil: and how would I know I can trust you?

Alex: He wouldn't have told me to take you and moon out of there if he didn't trust me

Camil: Ah yea okay.... well where is it?

Alex: Here

Camil: Okay that's only 10 minutes from here

Alex: Yea- wait Cameron is calling me

Camil: ask if he okay

Alex: you good bro?

•With camil driving to an abandoned place with moon passed out in the back and Alex on the phone with Cameron, she didn't know what to think except that promise she made.

Alex: yea just meet us there okay

Camil: so?

Alex: he going to join us there and he also said he was going to explain everything

Camil: he better.

Alex: you know...Cameron never did that before. Not even with moon. You must be really something

Camil; "...is that so?" she said focusing on the road

Alex: he's really a protective person. And Jason ...Jason is not who you think he is. Its just

Camil: just what?

Alex: I think it would best if you just hear it from Cameron. You know its not for me to talk about

Camil: I understand you respect him. And I respect that

Alex: thank you

Camil: we're here

Alex: do we leave her here

Camil: im going to try to wake her

Moon: don't im too tired. Just go without me

Camil: okay we will be right back I promise

Alex: we haven't been here sense we started high school so I don't know if there still is even a way in

Camil: I found it

Alex: and okay never mind

Camil: wow this place is huge

Alex: oh its nothing really. Cameron was the one to find this place. He would usually come here when he is upset

Camil: mmm when did he say he was co-

Alex: shhh

Camil:... what?

Alex Hey! Is someone here?!

Camil: dude your scaring me-

Camil: okay what was that

Alex: did you see that too??

Camil: see what!?

Alex: I could've sworn there was someone just running

Camil: okay that's it I'm out of here. Too much stuff happened tonight. A fight happened for no reason all because some girl wanted to get back at me, Moon is passed out in the back of my car, here we are right now in an abandon place, its getting late and im pretty sure I have a chem test tomorrow!

Alex: im sorry...

Camil: "your fine it's not you it's just ugh I don't even know anymore..."she said crying

Alex: hey are you okay...?

Camil: I will be

Cameron: hey I'm here...

Alex: oh thank god. Was that you that was just running...?

Cameron: what? No I just got here-

Camil: tell me what happened back there, and I want to hear everything

•Cameron explained everything to camil about his past and why everything happened the way it happened and was soon going to check on moon and leave but then they heard something walking behind them

Alex: okay know what I know you guys are hearing this too

Camil: I heard it this time

Cameron: I didn't say nothing because I thought it was just me

Camil: .... maybe its just because this place is old maybe. I mean it is abandoned

Alex: last time we were here it didn't make this much no-

Camil/Cameron: Alex..." they said in synch".

Cameron: we need to go right now

Bryce: yea you should leave

Alex: go go!

Cameron: camil! What are you doing?

Camil: do I know you...

Bryce: please go

Alex: "c'mon on camil" he said grabbing her hand

Camil: but-

Cameron: hurry get in the car

Moon: woah ...wait what is happening right now...and where the freak did Cameron come from?

Alex: there was someone in there. And for some reason. Camil decided to stay and try to talk to the person

Camil: I could've sworn I recognized that voice from somewhere

Cameron: all because you think such thing doesn't mean you have to follow that thought

Camil; saying the person who still decided to fight someone even though his friend said to walk away

Moon: oh

Alex: she got a point

Cameron: look you just don't know what would happen

Camil: I know. I'm sorry

Moon: Alex what time is it

Alex: 11:53

Cameron: how about we just get home and forget all this happened okay?

Camil: we can try. By tomorrow the whole school would be talking about everything

Moon: she got a point...

Camil: Let's just pretend it never happened and never speak of what happened. Got it?

Alex: Got it...

Moon: Got it...

Cameron: Got it...