(Pt.1) Ch.11: “Yesterday”

Alex: my bro where have you been???

Cameron: we tried meeting up with you but you never got back with us

Austin: really dude I thought you guys were ignoring me

Cameron: why would we??

Austin: its just I got new phone because my last one broke and I got a new phone nu...ah I see what happened

Alex: haha oh my gosh dude. Cameron you know that sounds just

Cameron: like something he would do and not think bout it...haha I know

Austin: I see you guys still think your funny haha

Camil: well im going to go now

Alex: hey wait, we have something to tell you

Camil: yea? whats that alex

Cameron: he actually passed...

Camil: what...wait she posted the grades already?!

Alex: haha yea now all we gotta do is see what you got

Camil: well dont get all braggy about it, lemme just check...

Camil: what did you get?

Alex: 92%

Austin: wait don't tell me you guys made a bet

Cameron: yes we sure did

Camil: are you serious....

Alex: well?


Alex: WHAT! No freaking way

Cameron: wow and I really thought you could've won this one

Austin: and here he goes wanting to have a rematch

Alex: this cant be right a 98% I want a rematch on the next exam we take

Cameron: that's not how it works haha

Camil: just accept it Alex

Alex: I wont except losing...ugh but sense this is your first bet with us ill leave with an exception

Austin: oh you've never done that before haha

Camil: well im glad to be the first, and hey at least you passed with an A

Cameron: yea he'd never get one

Alex: haha shut up, okay ill win the next one don't worry

Austin: well you guys wanna get something to eat? Im starving

Cameron: oh yea we should catch up dude

Alex: yea camil should get to know you too...haha isn't weird that ever since camil got here its like

Alex: the gang is starting to get back together...

Cameron: ah don't say such cheesy things alex...but I wont lie I kind of agree thing did feel different since

Alex: in a good way

Camil: well its nice to hear that haha

Austin: yea I kind of want to get to know her also, I mean she did just sign up for dance club

Cameron: what!?

Alex: For real!?

Austin: haha yep

Camil: its not that big of a deal okay its just me trying something new

Austin: oh yea I forgot how is moon and leo, I know I barely talked to them but

Cameron: there good actually

Alex: yea supposedly leo just moved back here

Austin: yea so I heard, maybe we should all hang out again huh

Camil: I think that would be cool, all of us hanging out together and speaking of her, she should be here by now

Alex: I can call-...

Cameron: lets go the other way

Austin: why?

Camil: yea why? ...oh

Austin: what? Can someone tell me-

Austin: oh its

Cameron: Jason and terrin

Camil: we don't have to go that way if you don't want to cam

Alex: I think its too late I mean they are kinda coming our way

Jason: hey camil

Camil: hi Jason...

Terrin: ...why is it so awkward...

Jason: be queit dude. Um hey cam, alex, and

Jason: ... whats your name

Austin: oh its Austin

Jason: well uh...hey Austin

Terrin: are you guys heading to the lunch room?

Alex: yea. You?

Terrin: practice

Alex: hmm

Jason: how are you cameron?

Cameron: what?

Jason: how are you doing

Cameron: I heard you. Just don't know why you bother asking

• As camil stand between the middle of the boys it almost seems like there has been rival between the boys for years. With terrin and Jason on one side and cam, Austin and Alex on the other. She knew she didn't like the presence and she knew that there was something, but she had to do but couldn't think of anything until luckily two people came to the rescue on time

Leo: Jason?

Moon: camil? Whats happening...

Camil: moon... "help please" she mouthed at them

•Leo and moon looked at each other knowing that there was something that had to be done

Leo: wow Jason and terrin I haven't seen you since I left

Terrin: haha Anderson? how you been

Jason: haha yea heard you just got back

Leo: yea just met up with the gang again

Jason: I see...

Moon: austin? Is that you

Austin: you remember me?

Moon: haha of course too bad we didn't talk much

Leo: you guys know each other...

Austin: yea um I know we barely talked but its nice to meet you guys now

Leo: mmm...haha yea same

Cameron: well we should get going

jason: yea we don't have much time

Camil: wait!

• Cameron and Jason and so did everybody looked at her in confusion leaving camil to only think of one thing which was a risk she had to take

Camil: how about we all get together....

Cameron: what?

Jason: what?

The rest: yea what?

Camil: Since everybody is here right now...we should you know...get together?

Alex: your serious?

Cameron: yea what he said

Jason: yea um I don't think that will work out..

Camil: moon?...

Moon: hey! Okay listen to what she has to say, she has a point you know

Moon: maybe we should do this not just for fun but to also catch up, now that were here now

Camil: please...? Who knows maybe you guys can get to know each other better. And you know im talking about you two mainly

Cameron: ...ill do it for you and that's it

Terrin: yea I mean I guess im down

Alex: yea same but when and where?

Austin: I like that idea camil

Leo: im down for it, moon?

Moon: haha yea... yea im down too

Camil: okay now that we got everyone were just waiting on one person...jason?

Jason: I don't know...

Camil: please

• Jason looked at camil and knew that she really did want this and knew that maybe this can help him better himself also, so he took the offer

Jason: okay...ill do it

Moon: yes! Okay camil when and where are we going?

Camil: uhh I didn't think about that part yet

Leo: um I know a place. Galaxy theater monro? I don't know if you guys heard of it

Alex: oh I remember that place we only went there once

Moon: yea that was when Jason squirted the butter all on cam haha

Leo: haha I remember

Camil: haha really?

Alex: yea we got kicked out because of that haha

Jason: "yea haha" he smirked

Cameron: that wasn't funny you know

Alex: cmon it kinda was

Terrin: excuse me if im ruining the moment but I wont lie I feel kinda left out and I wont lie I bet austin feels that way too

Leo: mmm I forgot how jealous you would get haha

Terrin: its not jelousy dude haha

Austin: yea I wont lie I kinda feel that way too

Camil: well good thing were getting together now

Moon: yea since we got the place we just need to know when

Camil: how about Saturday?

Cameron: im okay with that

The rest: yea sounds good

Moon: well it was nice seeing all you guys but me and V are gonna go now

Camil: yea, we will see you guys later okay?

Jason/terrin: okay bye

Cameron: bye

Austin: it was nice meeting you guys

Alex: we'll see you later

Leo: bye guys


6:25 pm, sept. 19

Leo: are they coming?

Moon: camil said that her, cam Alex, and Austin should be here any minute but she's not sure about terrin or jason

Leo: well they should hurry it will be starting soon and I wanna sit at the top

Moon: haha yea, wait what movie are we watching anyway/

Leo: um I was think yesterday

Moon: what?

Leo: yesterday. That's the movies name haha

Moon: oh! Im so dumb im sorry

Leo: hey don't say that your not dumb at all. Your great...

Moon: thankyou... your great too

Camil: hey guys! Jason alex and austin are right behind me

Moon: yay V is here!

Camil: oh! You should've worn me you was gonna jump on me haha

Moon: oh well B is not sorry haha get used to it

Leo: you guys are really bestfriends haha, I can tell you guys are gonna last forever

Camil: well we hope so

Moon: there no reason for hope, I guarantee someway, somehow we will be together always

Camil: aww that was so cheesy moon haha

Moon: hey it's the truth haha

Alex: wassup people! What we miss?

Cameron: keep your voice down dude

Austin: yea haha and we probably didn't miss anything

Camil: yea leo what did we miss?

Leo: nothing much I was waiting til everybody gets here to choose the movie

Moon: he said he was thinking of yesterday

The rest: what?

Leo/moon: "it the movie's name" they said at the same time

Cameron: ah okay

Austin: isn't that the one about the beetles

Alex: yea I think

Leo: yep it is and-

Terrin: he we're here

Jason: did we miss anything?

Camil: ah finally everyone's here and nope not yet

Terrin: well you guys should know I have no money on me and I was hoping that you guys will pay

Moon: of course haha

Jason: um I bought some money but im not sure it would be enough

Camil: that's okay we'll figure it out

Cameron: leo was planning on having us watch yesterday

Jason/terrin: what?

Camil: movie name

Jason: ah okay

Terrin: oh ok make sense

Austin: well should we get started

Moon: yes um, ill pay for the drinks

Jason: ill pay for the food

Cameron: I was going to pay...

Jason: nah dude its okay I got it

Cameron: you sure?

Jason: haha yea don't worry

Leo: ill pay for the tickets

Alex: that sure is a lot of tickets for 8 people

Leo: its okay I have enough haha

Austin: I cant wait to watch the movies and by the way camil you did good at practice yesterday

Terrin: practice? Haha for what

Austin: dance club

Terrin: wait you dance?

Camil: yea well...no. im learning okay

Terrin: mmm

Camil: what now

Terrin: no its just you seem to be the type of person who would play a violin or whatever those band people do

Alex: band people? Ha what you know

Jason: he knows nothing, that's the point haha

Terrin: shutup I know some stuff

Camil: well im just trying some new stuff that's all

Terrin: ah I see

Jason: yea I think you would do good at dancing

Moon: hey guys! leo said he got the tickets and we can go now

Camil: yay I cant wait

Austin: haha me too

Cameron: its just a movie guys haha

Leo: supposedly not like any other movie. Or at least that's what they said

Moon: mmm I guess we will just have to see for ourselves shall we

Camil: lemme help you with the drinks B

Alex: hey Jason don't forget the butter! Haha

Terrin: did you see how quick cam turned

Leo/austin: haha yea I saw

Moon: haha I get it

Camil: oh my gosh, I already know this is going to be fun haha

Cameron: whatever lets just watch this movie...mmm there not that many people here

Leo: that's a good thing. We should all sit at the top

Camil: okay and the movie should start at 7 right leo

Leo: yea which is in-

Moon: 10 more minutes

Leo: haha right...

• Camil saw the way both leo and moon looked at each other and knew that she had to get them to sit next to each other

Camil: "hey guys.." she whispered

Leo: are you guys coming?

Camil: oh yea were coming don't worry just go ahead...

Camil: "look we need to get them two to sit next to each other no questions asked" she whipered at the boys

Terrin: ah really?

Jason: oh they like each other?

Cameron: you now just seeing that

Jason: well ive never realized it before

Alex: yea I mean its obvious

Austin: well how are gonna do that

Camil: just follow my lead

Camil: hey we should all sit right here

Moon: oh okay

leo: oh camil I was gonna sit there

camil: ah im so sorry...um it looks like the other guys just sat down too... you can take moon seat

moon: but I was-

camil: "was what?" she said staring at moon giving her hints

moon: oh...haha nothing um I can sit right here if that's okay with you leo

leo: oh no...um Im okay with it haha

camil: "thanks guys" she said cheesing up

cameron: ugh whatever..."why did I have to sit next to Jason" he whispered to her

camil: just go with it, it will be okay. Plus cam he is changing just...give him a chance

cameron: yea okay I guess

terrin: yo austin what are you doing

austin: um putting my drink down

alex: well then where do I put mine at

cameron: right next to you dude

Jason: who's gonna hold the other popcorn

Moon: how about me, leo, camil, and cam hold the popcorn while yall hold the other one

Terrin: okay then

Moon: "thank you V" she whispered

Camil: haha your welcome B

Camil: okay shh everyone...the movie is starting