(Pt.1) Ch.17: “The plan” part 2


7:49 pm, Nov 6

moon: hey so mom...ive been meaning to ask and me and camil was thinking on maybe having a sleepover here

moons mom: oh really, here?

moon: yea its just you know...I think this would be exciting for the both of us. plus mom it would be fun-

moons mom: sure!

moon: ...what?

moons mom: sure hon, but make sure that you don't make a whole mess that you would have to clean up. and yes I would make sure your sister wont ruin it, the whole family will leave you be

moon: omg haha mom you're the best! mwah I love you im going to go tell camil right now

moons mom: yea yea haha don't forget to take the trash out!

moon: yes mom I wont forget!


its official, the plan is all set! :M

C: oh my god it worked? yes now we just must meet up tomorrow

B: im sorry what is this?

CJ: and who is this?

M: guys!? this is the GC

L: ah I see

AS: see what

AH: it's a group chat for all of us

B: well I would like to get out, thank you

no, no one is going anywhere, im the manager I had set this up :M

B: great

CJ: oh I kinda forgot about that

AS: thought it was just me haha

C: hey! watch it, she doing us a favor

AH: hey guys sorry to interrupt but, where's terrin and Jason?

I don't know maybe they will see this hopefully :M

JP: we're here whats happening

TJ: we just got back from practice

JP: wait why are we texting if we're right next to each other?

TJ: I have no idea dude haha

L: okay well we're all here now

AS: what was it that you were trying to tell us

B: that were now leaving

C: bryce stop! everyone listen, the plan is working

yes I asked my mom that me and camil are going to have a sleepover and if it was okay

C: and both of our parents said yes!

L: well that's perfect!

CJ: yea at least everything is coming together

AH: so were all going to meet up tommrow night

JP: same place

TJ: same time

B: everyone knows what were getting ourselves into right?

AS: we might as well

we gotta do what we gotta do: M

L: yes were willing to risk it too

C: its all or nothing

read at 8:01


10:24, Nov 7

Bryce: where are they? Because if we're not doing this I can go

Leo: stop. Just wait. They're coming

Bryce: well they better hurry

Cameron: I just called moon, she said camil was driving everyone and that they should be here soon

Leo: see? you can wait

Bryce: I'm just not going to invest into something that won't lead into anything

Cameron: how you know?

Leo: he doesn't know... none of us do. But the best we can do is just have patience and faith to see where this can go

Cameron: yea he's right

Bryce: okay...imma remember what you said

Leo: good

Camil: guys! We're here

• As camil let's them know there hear the three of them shushed here to let her know that they're the only ones out here and they should be quiet, while the others get out the car

Cameron: shhh

Leo: keep it down...

Bryce: did you forget already?!

Moon: no... we didn't

Alex: yes

Terrin: wow we can't Alex or Austin anywhere

Jason: your not wrong

Austin: hey...your lucky you even have us

Alex: ya right?

Camil: look guys were here so...we're going to go the dance studio to see what terrin and Austin got for us in the choreography. Then since Cameron's uncle has a recording set in the back  we will take a short break to go over to the IN, where we will record and produce our song, at least that's how we're going to start. Got it?

Bryce: wow

Leo: this is why she's perfect for the job

Moon: yes she is

Camil: what?

Jason: okay well it seems like we got it all set

Cameron: yea let's get started then

Alex: just so you guys now I'm bad at dancing...

Austin: you'll do fine

Terrin: mmm

Alex: what's that supposed to mean?!

Bryce: "cmon guys it's getting cold and I don't have time for this" he said pulling the two by the neck

11:22 pm

Alex: oh no...I can't...I can't do no more this routine is too hard

Cameron: I kinda have to say the same on the one

Bryce: I'm not doing this no more

Leo: just catch your breath guys... I'm surprise I didn't hear anything from camil

Leo: ...camil?

Camil: yea?...

Austin: haha okay guys ready to go again?

Terrin: nah I think they had enough don't you think? haha

Camil: very funny... I can't even move

Bryce: how did you guys even came up with choreo

Alex: yea just let us catch our breath

Moon: I'm so happy I won't have to do this

Camil: yea you should be. Lucky I love you B!

Moon: I am lucky huh? I love you too V! Haha

Camil: besides what time is it anyway

Cameron: about 11 30

Terrin: okay well we can come here again to practice more

Austin: yea but we can call it quits for now and head to the IN

Bryce: "Thank god, finally something I'm good at" he said trying to catch his breath

Leo: yea we got this guys trust me. Let's just take this break to chill for 5 minutes then we will head over

Jason: that I can agree on.

Alex: hey mabye y'all want to go over the song

Moon: oh yea I think I brought it with me... buts it's in the car

Camil: well I can go get it

Moon: no stay here y'all relax I can get it's will quick anyway

Moon: now... you should be in here somewhere-

Moon: hello...anyone there? Mmm... ah there you are.

Moon: I'm back! Hey it's really chilly out there

Bryce: you think?

Jason: the song! Ah look at her

Terrin: her?

Leo: haha oh no here we go

Jason: yes her! She's going to be a beauty once she's out there

Camil: leave him and his beautiful song alone haha

Jason: you think it's funny? Besides I'm not the only one who wrote this. We all did, even moon

Alex: ha yea we should head over to IN huh?

Moon: yea but before we go I thought I heard something outside but I might just be going crazy

Camil: what you hear?

Moon: like someone was talking and I won't lie it felt like someone was watching me...

Bryce: I mean we are kinda sneaking out. Your probably just paranoid

Moon: mabye

Leo: well as far as we know we're okay. Like cams uncle said, no one comes out here around this time

Cameron: yea don't worry moon there's nothing to be spooked about

Terrin: yea let's just go and get ready

Camil: yea cmon everyone

11:35 pm

Cameron: uncle?

Uncle Keith: where have you been! Been waiting for almost two hours

Cameron: you just-

Uncle kieth: got no time, come in! Come in!

Camil: this is...

Alex: his uncle?... yep

Uncle Keith: is this everyone?

Cameron: yes everyone is here

Uncle Keith: did anyone see you?

Cameron: no sir, just us

Uncle Keith: okay you guys follow me. Now what your about to see cams be seen or said to anyone else. This is top secret, no one knows. And from what Cameron told me, you guys have this plan to do, something That sounds really big

Camil: well I would call it-

Uncle Keith: yes! It is don't doubt it. I wouldn't be doing this just for anyone. Take this opportunity and use it wisely...okay?

Austin: don't he look like that guy from back to the future, you know the doctor?

Terrin: shut it...

Austin: "I'm going to say it, hey mr-" he said as terrin held him back

Terrin: do you ever have an off button...I know you didn't just lick my hand...

Austin: shouldn't had cover my mouth then

Terrin: yea one you can't seem to shut off

Bryce: "do me a favor and the both of you...shh" he said having his eyes shoot daggers at the two

Terrin: oh...

Austin: yes sir...

Camil: Mr Keith?

Uncle Keith: hey just call me uncle

Cameron: what? you never did that before...

Uncle Keith: well that's just because you 9 are special. The 9 of you are going to create something big here on this earth

Uncle Keith: don't believe me?

Camil:  it's a lot to take in but I believe if we just put our mind to it

Moon: anything is possible

Leo: if we stay together...

Uncle Keith: exactly, well here it is...

Bryce: ....oh my...

leo: there he is

moon: wow

camil: this is huge!...

Jason: who knew for a place that looks small has a huge studio in the back

bryce: Ha! not just any studio, a live room that has, isolation booths, amplifiers, soundproof, workstation, and oh is that a monitor speakers impressive audio mixing console?

Austin: guys...you see this right

the rest: yes...

camil: how come we never seen this bryce?

leo: haha get used to it, he only usually gets like this when he around this type of stuff haha

the rest: ahhh I see

uncle keith: you seem to know your stuff huh?

bryce: plenty haha

uncle kieth: well its all yours

bryce: ....what

cameron: what!?

the rest: what!?

alex: wait what just happened?

bryce: I can keep...all of this?...

uncle keith: that's what I said isn't haha

cameron: you sure about-

uncle keith: oh shush! look im going to head out im leaving this place to you guys. here

uncle keith: look son, these are the keys to the IN, and please...don't lose it kay and no trouble either. got it everyone?

cameron: got it uncle

the rest: got it!

moon: bye Mr Keith!

uncle keith: haha please, its uncle. and bye everyone, good luck

camil: thank you!

leo: haha yo bryce breath

bryce: ...this is all mine... "ITS ALL MINE!" he said grabbing Austin by the shirt

Austin: please don't hit me!

cameron: yea haha your lucky, he must like you a lot, he would never just give this place to anyone

alex: speaking of this huge place, why did you tell me about this dude, like its crazy!

cameron: well at the time we was all keeping secrets weren't we

camil: yea speaking of the past, we're here now, literally about to create our first song...omg moon...we didn't think of what our band should be called!

Jason: haha relax camil

terrin: yea we got all the time for that, besides I think we should be able to have this done by the end of the year

Jason: which gives us about two months?

leo: less than. and enough talking and looking around guys, its like almost 12 and I wont lie im getting tired

cameron: yea same bro

moon: well here is the sheets to song and I  believe that's the recording studio

bryce: nope, isolation booth

camil: isn't the same thing?

leo: oh no

moon: what?

bryce: what!? can you not tell the difference I mean oh my gosh who-

leo: that's enough haha bryce chill

bryce: hm you lucky you all have me to help you out

camil: yes we are bryce, now show us wheres the recording booth this place is huge haha

bryce: its right over here

alex: okay well bryce, leo? how are we doing this?

leo: well we need to look at the sheet music to see what order we should go in

bryce: and who will be singing together and who will be alone

Jason: okay here it is

terrin: yea- Austin! excuse me while I get this kid that's stuck in this tiny booth

Austin: im stuck...

terrin: yea I see that dummy

moon: haha okay then while that's going on lets start

camil: okay lets take it from the top!

12:57 am

moon: as the manager of you guys, I can proudly say that was perfect! had no idea how good you guys can sing!

leo: haha I know right! we got everyone but now we just need the main ones to go in

bryce: yea now we need camil, cameron, Jason, alex in here okay?

leo: then were finished with everything

bryce: yea finally

Bryce: recording in 3

Leo: 2

Bryce: 1

Leo: and...

Leo/Bryce: GO!

"Everything you've been through, is now coming to an end; you can open your eyes now the sun will rise up again...tonight!"