(Pt.1) Ch.28: “Come Back Home”

8:56 pm

Austin dad: lets go your coming with us

Austin: no

Austin mom: what?

Austin: im not going back...

Austin dad: and who said that

Austin: I-

bryce: I did

Austin mom: and who are you?

Austin dad: looks like someone from the street

leo: hey!

bryce: its okay...look have you ever given the thought of why he wouldn't want to go back?

camil: guys what's happening....

Jason: I don't know...terrin?

terrin: I know nothing

Austin mom: this is between us and our son

Austin dad: lets go, now!

Austin: no! I said im got going back

bryce: Austin....

Austin: what...

bryce: you have parents who want you back, don't end up like me dude okay?

Austin: but-

Austin dad: what do you mean end up like you

moon: you don't have to say anything bryce

bryce: nothing important...Austin go home

Austin: but what if-

bryce: stop, I cant believe im saying but...whatever happens, ill be here okay

Austin mom: listen to him, everything is going to be okay, we can talk this out together...

• when Austin heard those words, he looked at bryce and remembered what he did for him and where he had came from, and knew that what he had in mind would help

Austin: ...not unless bryce comes with me

bryce: what....?

rest: what!?

alex: okay what is going on!?

camil: shhh, shut it

Austin: I wont go home unless bryce comes also

bryce: dude what are you-

Austin: stop, you helped me find a place...now im going to help you

Austin dad: we cant bring a random stranger in our home

Austin: he's not a stranger! he is my friend

Austin mom: I mean honey, look at him...we do have a guest room

Austin dad: Im not agreeing with this

Austin: dad...please

bryce: I understand what your doing, but this isn't going to work

bryce: im sorry to trouble everyone...im going

Austin mom: wait! stop...we can't have a teenage boy live like this

Austin: dad...?

• everyone looked over at Austin's dad as the silence grew bigger, waiting and hoping he would agree with the offer

Austin dad: come here boy

bryce: ...yes?

Austin dad: you won't be a threat in my house?

bryce: ...no sir

Austin dad: you're not a part of any gangs?

bryce: no sir

austin dad: you won't cause no trouble in my home...right?

bryce: no sir...?

Austin dad: okay.... i will give you a chance to prove yourself

Austin: ...." thank god" he whispered to himself

bryce: I don't know...what to say

Austin dad: a thank you will be nice

bryce: oh yes...thank you sir

Austin dad: Liam

Austin mom: Emma

bryce: thank you... Liam and Emma

Austin: thank you mom...dad

Austin dad: we will still talk when we get home

Austin: yes sir...

Austin mom: is there anything you would want to get first or handle before you come with us?

bryce: um yes a few things but I can get them tomorrow ...if that's okay

Austin mom: oh that's okay bryce

camil: shoot! cam the time!

cameron: oh um its 9:12

leo: aren't you two supposed to be-

moon: oh my god! our parents going to kill us!

leo: I'll take that as a yes

camil: we need to go like, now!

Jason: well go!

terrin: yea I should get back also...um Austin whatever was happening we're here okay?

alex: yea I would like to know everything, thankyou

cameron: c'mon bro

alex: sorry, but for real tell us everything tomorrow

Austin: okay I will, ill see you guys

Jason: yea same place, same time?

camil: "like always!" she yelled from the car

Moon: cmon everyone gets in! ...were dead

camil: yes we are...


2:12, Dec 19

camil: tell us everything...now

bryce: okay, well this isn't for me to say, its up to Austin

leo: well...Austin?

Austin: sorry I didn't tell you guys before

terrin: why didn't you?

cameron: yea I mean, that's what were here for

Jason: you shouldn't be ashamed of not telling us, its okay

moon: stop eating alex and come over here!

Alex: I'm sorry, but look Austin we're here for you, you can talk to us about anything

Austin: I know...okay this is what happened

Austin: I found out my parents were getting a divorce and it turned out they were planning it behind my back and how I had to choose before Christmas...and I couldn't handle it so I went to Bryce and he helped me

Bryce: you lucky nobody else was there

Austin: I know haha...Thanks

Bryce uh huh

Camil: oh...I'm sorry

Austin: it's okay and I think I made my decision

Bryce: you did!?

The rest: what is it?

Austin: I don't want to leave you guys and what we have...especially what we're going to be doing

Moon: oh...well that makes sense

Cameron: so...who did you choose

Austin: my mom...she said she was going to be staying dense my dad is leaving

Bryce: mmm

Terrin: well as long as your okay, we're okay

Leo: yea you should've told us but it doesn't matter know we're here together now

Moon: yea and apparently me and V's parents were okay how we was 15 minutes late

Camil: yea and they thought they were being to hard on us...so

Camil/moon: were free!

Cameron: haha congratulations

Terrin: what the-

Terrin: my parents literally thought the same thing

Jason: that's crazy haha

Leo: I never got grounded before

Alex: lucky, it's not fun

Leo: yea so I see

Austin: okay well...what are we going to be doing today

Bryce: I don't know

Moon: wait I have a question? When are the results from the midterms coming out?

Leo: they said sometime between Break

Cameron: watch it come out on Christmas

Camil: I doubt it

Cameron: why you say that?

Camil: because that would make no sense, it should be earlier than that

Cameron: well I don't think that

Camil: of course you don't

Cameron: whats your problem

Camil: what? Okay why you always think I have a problem!?

Cameron: you don't see the way your acting!?

Camil: I don't have time for this dude

Cameron: me either

Camil: fine!

Cameron: fine!

Camil: haha what are we doing

Cameron: haha I have no idea

• They all looked at  the two bickering and thought that something was going on between them two, which made them think that maybe they wasn't  fighting but it was something else instead

Terrin: what the heck just happened!?

Alex: there obviously flirting haha

Cameron/camil: what!?

Cameron: never

Camil: no haha...nothing could happen between us

Cameron: yea nothing...haha

Jason: I see it bro haha

Alex: thank you!

Terrin: well if there going to flirt please do it somewhere else haha

Bryce: yes please

Moon: camil I didn't know haha

Camil: tell me your not in this too!?

Moon: maybe, maybe not haha

Leo: well for one, I think you guys would be something

Alex: right?

Moon: yea you guys are just alike

Cameron/camil: "whatever" they said as they scoot away from each  other

Austin: hey guys, what if we do something this Christmas like, I know we're going to do a party but what if we do something else

Leo: like what?

Austin: I'm not sure haha

Jason: let's just have a day out, with all of us out doing things

Moon: ouu I can make a bucket list!

Bryce: don't tell me I have to go...

The rest: yes!

Bryce: great

Alex: we can go eat

Camil: uhh duh of course

Jason: you guys ever heard of enchant Christmas Seattle

Cameron: oh yea that place is big like...big!

Austin: that's like...all the way in the city

Camil: I'm down for whatever really as long as we have fun together

Bryce: sounds like a place where a  lot of people will be

Jason: it is haha

Leo: yea it would be cool if we took a trip or something

Moon: guys...how about we take a day out in Seattle for Christmas Eve?

Terrin; I got to see if my parents are up for that

The rest: yea same...

Cameron: if we do go, I can drive so camil don't have to

Camil: you would do that?

Cameron: yea of course  haha

Camil: oh...haha okay thanks

Cameron: no problem

Moon: okay so we got, going out to eat, enchanted Christmas...

Austin: oou we can get Christmas supplies while we're there since we're going to be decorating this place

Bryce: here!? Oh no

Camil:oh yea haha

Alex: this place do need lights, color...and cheer

Bryce: okay I get it...just as long as it's not too much

Austin: yay!

Moon: okay Christmas supplies on the list, what else

Jason: we need at least one more

Leo: we can go see the lights

Terrin: yea that seems cool

Camil: yea That  sounds nice, with hot cocoa and it will be snowing

Bryce: how you know it will snow?

Camil: I don't, but I can sure hope

Moon: okay here it is "things to do in Seattle, eat at places we've never been to before, ice skating at enchanted Christmas, go see the lights

Cameron: okay then it's settled

Leo: yea hopefully our parents say yes

Terrin: wouldn't count on it

Bryce: well I'm going to go pack sense Austin! Have me moving in with him

Austin: your welcome!

Jason: wait even your producing stuff?

Bryce: oh no, that's staying here, plus I have Keith's studio

Cameron: ah yea he handed it to you

Bryce: yes he did haha

Leo: well imma go help you

Austin: me too!

Bryce: okay

Camil: so its just the 6 of us

Alex: yep

Moon: so...

Cameron: please don't make it awkward

Jason: haha no promises

Terrin: how do you guys think you did on the exam?

Camil: I think I did pretty good, I was confident enough

Moon: same only stuck on like 3 problems

Jason: ik pretty sure I did okay

Terrin: yea I did okay

Cameron: I did good

Alex: you guys don't have to brag about it!

Camil: you did fine Alex

Alex: yea okay

Bryce: okay were done!

Austin: yea it was very little stuff haha

Leo: he didn't bring much with him

Bryce: there was no reason, I got nothing to lose anyway

Cameron: I get that haha

Bryce: this isn't my place anymore, so...I don't know go crazy or something haha

Jason: is it just me or Bryce seems different

Moon: you see that too haha

Bryce: what?

Leo: haha nothing

Camil: as long as you guys are okay and happy we are too

Bryce: don't say such cheesy things

Camil: I love youuu-

Bryce: "ew ew no no no lalalala" he said covering his ears

The rest: HAHA

Bryce: shut up! That's why I'm leaving right now

Camil: yea haha I should get going too

Terrin: haha I think we all should

Cameron: yea I'll see you guys...?

Jason: umm I have no idea

Moon: once all our parents agree with the Seattle trip we will meet up then?

Alex: sounds good

Leo: yea I'll see you guys then

Austin: okay bye guys

The rest: byeee