(Pt.2) Ch.3: “Change Starts Now...”

• It's their first day of school, and even though their morning already started off crazy. They thought nothing else could get worse or surprise them. But what's more important was what's going to happen after...


10:05 am, Aug 2

(Camil and Moon)

Moon: V I'm so happy we ALL classes together!

Camil: right, I was like, "if I wasn't going to have classes with my bestie, I don't know what I would do"

Moon: good thing that our wishes came true, and what's crazy is that-


Art teacher: everyone please bring your voices down; I'd like to introduce you to a new student. She just moved to Woodway

• When the teacher was introducing the new girl, camil looked over at moon only to see her reaction as if moon already knew her

Moon: BLAIR!?

Camil: you know her...?

Blair: MOON!?

Moon: oh my god..., "I thought I would never see you again" she said running to Blair

Camil: um...

Art teacher: moon please you can do that later right now we have class

Moon: oh, I'm sorry haha

Art teacher: Blair, you can sit down wherever you like

Moon: c'mon Blair you can sit over here with us

Blair: haha okay

Camil: moon-

Moon: Camil I would like to introduce you to an old friend of mine, Blair Miller

Camil: "uh haha...hello Blair" she said reaching her hand out

Blair: you don't have to do that

Camil: oh, I'm sor-

Moon: come sit! And I love your new hair and style!

Blair: thanks... a lot of stuff changes over the years but yet, your still loud as I remember

Moon: haha you should meet the guys

Blair: the guys?

Moon: oh, yea I forget to mention, we have a band

Blair: a band!?

Moon: yep and this right here is our amazing leader

Blair: really?

Camil: yea..haha

Blair: cool... so moon what have you been doing since camp?

Moon: camp ah...haha that was a good time

Camil: what camp?

Moon: that's where me and her met, but sadly after that summer we lost in touch

Blair: yea we basically only had each other haha, remember those bugs in our cabin

Moon: oh my god and they started appearing in our bed...ugh I was so paranoid

Blair: I mean it was disgusting

Moon: haha very!

• As Camil watch the two of them talk about their relationship and their past, she starts feeling insecure, not about their relationship but hers and moon's, almost as if she wasn't prepared for this, but yet again it didn't surprise either

Camil: hey um, I'm going to the restroom...

Moon: okay just hurry and come back I want to tell you more stuff from camp

Camil: haha yea...okay

10:35 am

(Austin and Leo)

Austin: dude this shirt is kind've itchy...

Leo: that's what turtle necks do I guess haha

Austin: I mean I guess it just-

Psychics teacher: BE QUIET!

Leo/Austin: yes sir...

Leo: "for the first day of school...it sure is crappy" he whispered

Austin: same, but it is the first day of school, thing will get better

Leo: yea...I hope, my mom is already forcing me to do this play

Austin: a play? ...already?

Leo: yea I think it's called, the West Side Story? I'm not sure

Austin: WEST SIDE STORY!!! haha dude that's a nice one actually

Leo: haha I guess...wait

Austin: what?

Leo: dude...maybe you and the dance crew can help on the set

Austin: im lost...

Leo: my mom said that this play will have dancers in it and like, I cant dance for nothing

Austin: oh no...I know that haha

Leo: shutup haha...so will you help me?

Austin: I mean sure, it sounds kind of fun, maybe the other guys would want to do it also

Leo: Great! You can tell the others, while I handle my mom...

Austin: oh, sure bro, but wouldn't she have a problem with that...i mean she didn't react very well when she found out-

Leo: the band, I know I know...but if you help her by joining this play, maybe just maybe...she can see we're not that bad

Austin: yea of course dude We'll will help you guys out

Leo: thanks bro

Austin: hey wait... why couldn't you ask terrin?

Leo: terrin? He's more of a -

Austin/leo: "street dancer?" they said in unison

Austin: ah haha okay I see

Leo: awesome, I'm pretty sure they won't mind right?

Austin: no way! they would love this offer haha

Leo: yea haha...um can I ask you something?

Austin: he's actually been doing nice...since he moved in, it felt as if he was a different person since we met him

Leo: yea...that makes sense, it's just...this is the first time he been an actual home since his parents kicked him out

Austin: bryce...he likes it here...I just know it. He would even visit my dad from time to time and my mom treats him like another son haha

Leo: that's good haha, and yea I believe he likes it here too

Austin: hey, what do you think he's doing right now?

Leo: probably sleeping haha

10:55 am


Ela teacher: MR. MARTINI!!!" she said slamming the book on his desk

Bryce: what the...what was that for!?

Ela teacher: there will be no sleeping in my class, Mr. Martini!

Bryce: well good thing this class of yours only have 5 minutes left

• The whole class starts laughing at Bryce's joke, and as Bryce looks around at everybody, he notices the girl he saw earlier and how she didn't have a reaction but instead was reading the book the teacher gave them which left Bryce confused on why, she wasn't paying attention to him like everyone else

Ela teacher: oh...you have jokes now Mr. Martini?

Bryce: can you stop saying Mr. Martini?

Ela teacher: look I don't know how things went at your old school but this act won't be tolerated here, this is a warning, understand?

Bryce: "yea...I get it" he said staring at Sarah

Ela teacher: sense your new here, I would have someone help show you around. Maybe they can help fix your problems

Bryce: I don't have a problem...

Ela teacher: Sarah?

Sarah: yes?

Ela teacher: would you kindly show Bryce around?

Sarah: yes ma'am

Bryce: "great..." he said putting his head down

Ela teacher: there goes the bell! Everyone read 10 chapters tonight, and I'll see you tomorrow!

• As everyone leaves the classroom and bryce is still packing up, he looks up to see a girl with glasses, freckles, green eyes and short fiery hair standing in front of him

Bryce: can I help you?

Sarah: look I know neither of us wants to do this, so try not to be a troublemaker and just listen next time, not sleeping

Bryce: um im sorry?

Sarah: im going now

Bryce: "wait but aren't you going to show me around?" he said tripping on his own foot

Sarah: "no" she said pushing up her glasses

Bryce: well can you just slow down and just-

Sarah: well can you stop following me?

Bryce: you know for a biker girl you sure seem different...

• Sarah froze once she heard those words come out his mouth. But Bryce knew what he saw and what he was doing

Sarah: "you don't know anything..." she said running up to him

Bryce: I know everything

Sarah: who are you...

Bryce: what? ...you don't remember anything don't you

Sarah: I said who are you!?

Bryce: "I won't lie, I might just have to give you props haha" he said clapping

Sarah: what are you even talking about...

Bryce: "you know...I never knew someone like you can cover up so much..." he said walking away. Good luck keeping up with it!

Sarah: ...why does he look so familiar?

11:05 am


Alex: is it just me or stinks in here? Nobody? Okay then...

Elliot: no haha it's not just you

Alex: oh...hey haha.

Elliot: hi there

Alex: I never seen you in here before

Elliot: oh, haha I was in orchestra but now im here

Alex: really!? What did you play?

Elliot: I played the violin, I still do but...i was thinking of trying something new

Alex: well, I think you're going to like it here. The band teacher is really cool

Elliot: yea? Haha well I can't to wait to meet them

Alex: "the name is Alex" he said reaching his hand out

Elliot: "Elliot, nice to meet you" he said shaking his hand smiling

Mr. Calvin: Hello everyone I will be your new band teacher this year

Alex: WHAT!?

Elliot: what's wrong?

Mr. Calvin: is there a problem?

Alex: yes! What happened to Ms. Linkton?

Mr. Calvin: she ran into a family issue that had to be dealt with, so I'm taking after until she comes back which should be around next year

Alex: but-

Mr. Calvin: please sit-down Alex

Elliot: yea dude, sit down

Alex: "this is crazy..." he whispered to himself

Elliot: maybe he's not that bad? You'll never know unless you give him a chance

Alex: eh...I highly doubt that

Mr. Calvin: everyone take out their instruments, we will be going over the schedule of the halftime for the homecoming

Alex: "ugh, this suck..." he said putting his head back


(Jason and Terrin)

Terrin: dude I'm not getting any of this! Do you get any of this?

Jason: haha nah bro these numbers can solve their own problems.

Liam:" looks like dumb and dumber keeps getting dumber and dumber haha" he said from across the room

Jason: "know what I can do this anymore-" he said getting up

Terrin: "stop dude it's not worth it" he said holding onto Jason

Algebra ll teacher: if you two are going to fight take it out of here, im trying to teach

Terrin: no were fine sir...dude chill JP

Jason: it's not my fault this dude won't just shut up...i mean look at him

Liam: haha what did one toilet say to the each other? You look flushed haha!

Jason: like that wasn't even funny

Terrin: it really wasn't

Jason: well...at least the teacher is chill

Terrin: I guess, I can finally see why Bryce is always sleeping

Jason: I wonder how everyone else is doing

Terrin: mmm, I lowkey wish Cameron was here, he could answer all of these in under 5 minutes haha

Jason: yea haha, didn't he say he was going to try model UN this year?

Terrin: he doesn't need to try, haha all they have to do is look at him and he's in

Jason: you're not wrong haha

Liam: hey JP and TJ? You think we have a better chance of winning since your gone

Jason: saying the one who was always on the bench! All you had was us!

Terrin: dude...

Jason: you were nobody! And that's all you'll ever be!

Terrin: Jason stop-

Algebra ll teacher: MR PETERSON! OUT NOW!

Jason: whatever! I'm so sick of this dude anyway

Terrin: "ugh always have to look after these kids..." he mumbled to himself getting up

Liam: aw haha...looks like someone couldn't handle it, too much pride?

Jason: "you think it's a game?" he said walking up to him

Algebra ll teacher: jason now!

Liam: yea I do actually

Jason: "then get ready...cause we're going to end it" he whispered in his face

Liam: ouu I'm so scared haha

Terrin: "let's go dude..." he said grabbing Jason

Jason: this isn't over!

11:40 am


MUN advisor: Model United Nations. To all the new people joining. This is a group where the council have to find a solution to the problems you'll be given as a topic before the conference. You will draft resolutions, solutions, and issues that stand in this world today.

Layla: well not all of us are new here

MUN advisor: did I call your name?

Layla: no you-

MUN advisor: then don't talk

Layla: rude

MUN advisor: Cameron? Isn't this your sister?

Cameron: Step sister ma'am

MUN advisor: teach her some manners please

Cameron: "mmm yes ma'am" he said with a smirk

Layla: "whatever, I didn't want to be here anyways..." she mumbled to herself

Boy #1: hey isnt that the guy in that band?

Girl #1: yea it must be a shame being someone like him

Girl #2: I think he is handsome

Boy #2: of course you do, I heard that they are never going to get anywhere

Boy # 1: haha I bet

• As the whispers of the rumors go around the room, it starts to make cameron feel some type of way but he decides to hold it in because he knew he didn't have much energy to keep entertaining this

Layla: see what happens when you start going after what you want?

Cameron: don't start layla

Layla: "eh it's not my problem, I'm not the one being tossed around" she said filing her nails

Cameron: ma'am when will the council start?

MUN advisor: in just a minute, we will go over everything for the last 10 minutes of class

Cameron: okay..."I should text camil and see if she's okay" he thought to himself


Wyd :CJ

C: Nothing, why?

Just checking :CJ

C: Oh okay, hbu?

Same: CJ

C: cool

Yep :CJ

Read at 11:48

Layla: wow...haha you're really bad

Cameron: what- Give my phone back...

Layla: why do you even like her

Cameron: I don't, now give it back!

Layla: "same, cool, yep?" She said reading the text. Oh my god haha, what is this?

Cameron: what you know?

Layla: apparently more than you do

Cameron: apparently you should mind your business

Layla: apparently you need to get better at flirting!

Cameron: it's not flirting!

MUN advisor: MR. And MS. JONES, class is in session

Layla/Cameron: sorry...

Layla: look what you did

Cameron:  "I don't care, give me this" he said snatching his phone back

Layla: take some advice, if you like someone, make it known

Cameron: I don't need advice from you...

Layla: looks like you got someone texting you


B: the IN?

Sure when? :C

B: after school, tell the rest of them

Okay :C

Read at 11:55

3:02 pm

Camil/moon: you did what!?

Jason: he didn't know when to quit!

Leo: that doesn't mean you give into it!

Terrin: I tried telling him so

Alex: so, your telling me, you and liam was about to fight haha this is too funny

Cameron: more like too much drama

Austin: all this yelling is too much

Bryce: HEY!!!

The rest: sorry...

Camil: "okay hold on..." she said sitting down. So, you're telling me that confronted liam saying we was going to get back at him...

Jason: yes...

Moon: oh my god

Terrin: guys cut some slack off of him, you know how he is

Cameron: we all have that side of us, it's just whether we control it or not

Jason: well, I tried!

Leo: okay Jason, we know

Alex: I'm sorry this is just haha...i can't

Austin: it's not funny alex

Alex: I know dude, let me just get all out

Bryce: "who is this liam dude anyway?" he said laying down on the couch

Moon: a jerk

Leo: a real one

Alex: he's cute but smells and... oh yea he is a jerk

Cameron: sounds like you just described yourself

Alex: thanks, I know I'm cute

Austin: haha now that was funny

Terrin: haha but yea...he just this dude who doesn't know when to quit

Bryce: is that so?

Jason: yea he crossed the line this morning with camil

• The room went silent when Jason mentioned what happened, Cameron looked over at Camil, knowing he had to change the subject quickly

Bryce: what happened?

Cameron: anyone want to get something to eat? I'm starving

Camil: cameron...don't

Cameron: "okay..." he said sitting down

Bryce: someone fill in?

Jason: he basically...called her out

Moon: camil...? You don't have to say anything...

Camil: no, it's okay... "he started...body shaming me...saying stuff about my weight and how I looked..." she said as her voice gets quieter

Bryce: "what!?" he said getting up from the couch. He did what!?

Austin: she said he-

Bryce: I know what she said...Camil you're going to let him do that!?

Camil: I didn't know what to do...i couldn't do anything I just-

Cameron: its fine...it's not your fault. you don't have to explain

Bryce: your right...but what he did wasn't right! And you guys know that...camil you know that

The rest: I know...

Bryce: and that's why jason did the right thing

Jason: what?

The rest: What!?

Bryce: we're going to let that liam dude know that we aren't the ones to mess with. We're going to prove him wrong! And I will make sure he doesn't say such things again! especially to a friend of mine...UNDERSTAND!?

The rest: but what-

Bryce: im tired of hearing you guys rant about what they say and do and yet, I don't hear you guys say anything about what you did about it you want know why! Because you do nothing! Things are going to change, starting now!

Bryce: so...I said, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?

The rest: yes, we do!

Cameron: im with you on this completely

Jason/terrin: same dude

Alex/austin: I would love to see how this plans out

Moon/leo: we are in too! We're not going to let someone hurt one of our friends, especially our leader

Bryce: camil...? I won't have someone try to ruin you or any of us. we are one, but not without you. And if this means we have to do whatever it takes, so be it...so are you with us?

• Camil looks around the room, the secret studio inside the IN, where they made their first song. And then she looks at everyone and knew, that she wasn't alone, she never was. She knew that her and everyone else didn't want to be mocked, push around and bullied anymore. She was going to do whatever it takes to have their voices be heard...one way or another. Because that's what a leader does

Camil: ...what's the plan?