(Pt.2) Ch.5: “What Now...?”


10:54 am, Aug 6

Cameron: camil...?

Camil: yea?

Cameron: I think I have something to tell you...?

Camil: "what is it?" she said grabbing his hand to hold

Cameron: Ive been thinking about this a lot...and I'm not much of an emotional talker but...

Camil: "Cameron? Just say it" she said smiling

Cameron: its...its-

Camil: "Cameron? Cameron?" she said echoing

Layla: "CAMERON!?!?" she said yelling his face. GET UP!

Cameron: what.... what is wrong with you!?

Layla: dad said to come downstairs now haha, but it looks like you're in here having a nice dream huh?

Cameron: "Get out!" he said throwing his pillow at her.

Layla: haha hurry up or unless you want to hear another day of scolding

Cameron: yea whatever just tell him I'm getting dress...I'll be down there in a sec

Layla: yea okay

Cameron: close the door behind you!

Layla: "nope haha" she said laughing as she walked out

Cameron: "ugh, what am I going to do with her" he said laying back down in bed. At least Camil isn't that much of a brat...

• As Cameron lays back down and starts at the ceiling, wondering how he was going to spend his day. He thought of that dream of her, the girl who he couldn't express his feelings or at least what he likes to think (non-existent). Cameron knew there was something there... and that was when he knew how he wanted to spend his day or should I say.... with who.


Good morning :CJ

C: well, that's new...

What is? :CJ

C: lol nothing

C: Good morning

What are you doing today? :CJ

C: nothing, why?

What about moon? :CJ

C: she said her and leo are going to be hanging out today

Okay :CJ

C: why you ask?

The IN in 30 minutes, go alone :CJ

C: wait what...?

Don't be late :CJ

C: okay then

Camerons: "whew...okay that went good" he sighed

Cameron's dad: LETS GO SON!

Cameron: "IM COMING!" he said putting his jacket on

Layla: there he is, took you long enough

Cameron: saying the one who checks herself out every 5 seconds

Cameron's mom: please no fighting today okay kids

Cameron/Layla: "okay..." they said staring each other down

Cameron's mom: so, Cameron how is that band of yours going?

Cameron: well, we-

Cameron's dad: don't even, you know that band isn't going to go anywhere, I don't even know why he joined such thing

Cameron's mom: honey....

Layla: "wow..." she said smiling

Cameron: how would you know?

Cameron's dad: "I don't have to prove anything to you son" he said as he looks into the mirror, fixing his tie. You know that band won't last, not as you will be working for me and-

Cameron: don't...don't say it

Cameron's mom: okay maybe we should just leave you guys to talk...come on sweetie

Layla: no mom haha I want to see this

Cameron's mom: Layla...now

Layla: fine, I'm coming

• As they left, they left the room, the silence grew bigger between Cameron and his dad.

Cameron's dad: look son...i just don't want you ending up like-

Cameron: like what? ...or should I say who

Cameron's dad: you know what I'm trying say...

Cameron: not if you can at least say her name

Cameron's dad: what happened to your mom...son I just don't want you to end up taking a path that's going to affect you, just like it did your mother

Cameron: dad stop thinking the same thing is going to happen to me...what happened was an accident even if we were to go back and change it...we can't.

Cameron: mom would want you to heal and move on dad...

Cameron's dad: I know and I will...but my statement still stands. You can stay in that band all you want...but at the end of the day you will be working for this company

Cameron: it will never be the same with you huh? "Sure, dad I hear you..." he said grabbing the keys

Cameron's dad: where do you think you're going?

Cameron: I'm going out dad, oh and I won't be back til late

Cameron's dad: but you-

Cameron: "I'll see you tonight" he said closing the door behind him

11:38 am

Cameron: "hey uncle" he said walking into the IN

Uncle Keith: hey! What are you doing here?

Cameron: um actually I have no idea...im just as confuse as you are

Uncle Keith: oh...

Cameron: what?

Uncle Keith: I never seen that face before, it must be a girl isn't. Haha im just kidding

Cameron: well...

Uncle Keith: "what!? No way!" he said in shock

Cameron: bring your voice down...!

Uncle Keith: there is a girl! Haha I bet I know exactly who it is

Cameron: yea right

Uncle Keith: its Camil-

Cameron: okay shut up, that's enough

Uncle Keith: haha man, it's about time

Cameron: yea im still not sure...it's just, I don't even know what these feelings are

Uncle Keith: I mean since I know you as a baby, you haven't had a girlfriend not once...and your what 17 now?

Cameron: you don't have to brush it in my face uncle

Uncle Keith: did you tell her to come here?

Cameron: yea I told her to meet me here in 30 but...she should be here

Uncle Keith: did she say she was coming?

Cameron: "yea yea, of course she did" he said watching the door

Uncle Keith: okay well just wait-

Camil: "Cameron?" she said opening the door

Cameron: "crap she's here, what do I do!?" he said breathing heavily. Please help me I have no idea what I'm doing...

Uncle Keith: oh boy.... yea you got feelings for this girl for sure haha. Just breath I got you

Cameron: okay you better...

Camil: Cameron are you here?

Cameron: over here! What do I say now?

Uncle Keith: say I'm happy to see you

Cameron: "what!?" he whispered.

Camil: hi haha

Cameron: "hi..." he said smiling

Uncle Keith: well, it's nice to meet you again Camil

Camil: you too Keith! Haha it's been a while

Cameron: I'm happy to see you

Camil: oh...um haha okay, me too

Cameron: you actually dressed up today

Camil: yea might as well plus I have no idea why you want me to come here

Cameron: "oh that...um" he said looking over to Keith

Uncle Keith: um yes haha well I'm going to go now, got to put these records away haha

Camil: oh, do you need help?

Uncle kith/Cameron: NO!

Cameron: no haha...it's okay

Uncle Keith: "yea its fine sweetie doesn't worry, I'll just be back here" he said carrying the box to the back

Camil: oh, okay haha. So... why you ask me to come here?

Cameron: I actually was thinking...maybe we could spend the day together?

• As Cameron said those words, he knew that he was probably going to mess up his friendship with her but even though a ton of questions were roaming in his mind the only thing he could think about was how he would rather lose their friendship than lose her in general. It was a risk he was willing to take

Camil: "really...?" she said in confusion

Cameron: yes...ugh I shouldn't have said anything, now you're probably think that I-

Camil: yes

Cameron: what...?

Camil: "yes, I would love to spend the day with you" she said smiling at him

Cameron: really? Haha...you're not...messing with me right

Camil: no haha I'm not, I think it's a fun idea

Cameron: well, I'm glad you said yes

Camil: and I'm glad you asked me

Cameron: so, um...I'm not good at this kind of stuff, so I'm sorry if I-

Camil: "haha are you kidding!?" she said wrapping her arms around his. Trust me I know the best places. you're lucky to have me you know

Cameron: "yes haha...yea I know" he said smiling in relief

5:26 pm

Leo: haha stop your cheating!

Moon: no im not! Your supposed to spray them as hard as you can

Leo: yea okay the why are you trying to push me haha

Moon: Haha I will spray you with this water, try me!

Leo: oh no please don't, im sorry im sorry

Moon: haha look at you, what a wimp

Leo: "yea watch this" he said spraying the water at the fish target. Haha YES! I won!

Moon: "yea yea, whatever" she said clapping. Im going to get us more drinks okay?

Leo: haha okay

Booth worker: congratulations you won! You can receive any of these prizes at the top

Leo: ...I would like that pink elephant please

Booth worker: there you go, thankyou I hope you have a nice time here at Wood way summer festival

Leo: "no, thank you haha" he said grabbing the prize

Moon: okay here are the-

Leo: surprise!!!

Moon: "awww! Oh my god haha" she said in adoration

Leo: haha you like it?

Moon: do I like it? Leo I love it!

Leo; im glad haha, it's a big one

Moon: "aw, I cant believe this, thank you so much" she said hugging leo

Leo: no problem haha, now whos a wimp now

Moon: yea okay, you are NOT a total wimp

Leo: mmm

Moon: you are NOT a wimp haha

Leo: sounds better haha. You want to go sit down and eat?

Moon: yes that sounds good!

Leo: okay lets go sit over there

Moon: okay

• As leo and moon go towards the eating area, moon sees an old couple who seems as if they've been together their whole life...which made her wonder and question what her and Leo really was...and if they were even together

Leo: hey...are you okay?

Moon: what? Oh yea haha...im fine

Leo: okay im going to go order our food ill be right back

Moon: "okay, um can you maybe...stay for a minute..." she said as he walks away

5:51 pm

• As they just got off their date in Dave and Busters, they decided to walk home together, and this was when moon relaized she needed to speak what has been on her mind

Leo: oh, that was so good! Haha maybe we should come here again huh?

Moon: yea totally...

Leo: moon...? What's wrong with you? You've been acting funny since we started eating

Moon: what are we?

Leo: what...?

Moon: you heard me...what are we Leo?

Leo: were together...aren't we?

Moon: we confessed our feeling for each other and hanged out a lot but...we never made it official

Leo: well...is that what you want?

Moon: Yes! do you know how long I waited for us to be together like this? ...leo I always felt something for you ever since we were kids and-

Leo: same but moon-

Moon: I want us to be together as an official, happy, loving couple...I don't want us going to the same place, same date, same words we tell each other every time...I want to be with you for real

Leo: im not ready...

Moon: what...?

Leo: I can't do that... not right now

Moon: are you serious...?

Leo: im sorry if that's what you were looking forward to but I just...i just can't right now

Moon: "I see..." she said staring at the pink elephant that was in her hands

Leo: im sorry moon...

Moon: "no im sorry...here" she said handing the stuff animal back

Leo: why are you-

Moon: if you're not ready for such thing...then I don't think there is any use of us doing this anymore. It's for the best...

Leo: moon please don't-

Moon: "I can walk the rest of the way, thanks for this evening...I'll see you tomorrow okay?" she said with a straight face

• As Leo watches moon walk away with tears in her eyes that she tried to hold back. she knew that if Leo wasn't ready for what she wanted, she had no to her choice to do what was best for them both

Leo: im sorry...

10:10 pm


A: mom said to come back home

Tell emma I should be back in 20 :B

A: Idk man...she's not going to like that

A: where are you anyway?

Riding my bike out :B

A: oh yea, you know she don't like you riding that...

I'll be fine, just tell her not to worry im gonna be home soon :B

A: okay if you say so...

• Bryce was at the peak of the hill where him and Sarah drove to on the night they met. Even though he was thinking of Sarah, he really came there to clear his mind about something that has been bothering him lately...

Bryce: I swear...since when did she start having a problem with my bike? "eh, it doesn't matter, im going to get in trouble regardless" he said starting his motorcycle. Let's just go home...

• As bryce is driving back home he gets a surprising call from someone who he hasn't heard from in a while until he looked and saw the one person who least expected to be out. Which ended up affecting him as much as he thought it would

Bryce: why does he keep calling me...im going to break this if I get one more-

Sarah: "what the..." she said cover her face from the headlights

Bryce: "Oh shoot...! MOVE!" he said about to ran over her

• As Bryce tries to control his drifting, it ends up getting out of control which led him getting into an accident

Bryce: "crap..." he said on the ground not able to move

Sarah: "oh my god! are you okay!" she said running to him

Bryce: what...? What are you doing here!?

Sarah: look I need you to calm down-

Bryce: "AH! OW! Just stop! Stop im fine!" he yells holding his wrist

Sarah: no, you're not! Im calling 911

Bryce: no! ...please don't

Sarah: but your hurt...

Bryce: I can see that! ...I'll be fine, just go...please you're doing both of us a favor

Sarah: well, is there anything I can do? ...i mean I can't leave you here

Bryce: my wrist is broken not my legs

Sarah: right...well what about your bike? It seems like a nice one...

Bryce: yea, of course you would know...

Sarah: what?

Bryce: nothing, look I got this, just go home safely, I'll be okay

Sarah: are you sure...?

Bryce: yea...

Sarah: "okay well here is my number just in case..." she said writing her number on his arm

• As Bryce watches her walk away, knowing that he could take off his helmet right now and show her that it was him but he knew that would never happen. knowing that she doesn't seem to recognize him from the first place. He wouldn't risk that...

Bryce: "ow..." he said squinting

Sarah: im sorry...

Bryce: its fine

Sarah: "okay well I'll be going now... I hope you get better soon" she said carrying her book bag, walking away smiling

Bryce: yea me too...

• As Sarah walks away Bryce got the same phone call who has been calling a lot lately from an unknown number. He didn't know who it was until he answered it...

Bryce: okay Look! I don't know who you are or what you want from me but-

Bryce's mom: Lee? Is that you...?

Bryce: mom...?