(Pt.2) Ch.7: “Plan B”


4:10 pm, Aug 8

Bryce: Alex you better be right about this

Alex: guys come on its perfect, we just need to find the right people

Moon: it also needs to be perfect, exactly how we planned

Austin: well good thing Mr. Calvin agreed with us

Terrin: right? I thought he wouldn't let us or at least tell the principal

Alex: yea he's cools like that haha

Jason: so then...how are we going to do this

Cameron: we need connections obviously

Leo: and someone who already got everything figured out...

• They all looked over at Camil who was sleeping on the other side of the table

Moon: "V?" she said whispering. Camil!

Camil: HERE!

Bryce: were not in school anymore dummy

Camil: ...ugh im sorry

Cameron: why are you so tired?

Camil: this big test I was studying for and filling out the plan for what we're doing

Moon: aw Camil...I could've done that

Camil: I know I know but with you and...um your...um homework that you were doing. I didn't want to bother you

Leo: is that so...?

Camil: yes, that's so Leo... anyway guys, here is Plan B

The rest: woah...

Camil: Jason, Austin, Terrin, you guys will talk to the dance team. Cameron, Bryce and Leo, you three set up the music and have the layout of the song ready for us to rehearse and go over. Alex, you talk with the band and get them to join us also. And moon, you get all the people you know to help set up the production, the stage and maybe even get some people who can help with our outfits, which of course you can come up with that. Everyone GOT IT!

The rest: got it!

Moon: so, I can create the outfits for the pep rally!?

Camil: yes, Haha but they got to be blue obviously

Moon: oh, yea Haha! Trust me it's going to look amazing

Alex: haha I bet, but please don't let it be too girly okay, make it awesome but simple

Camil: I'm sure whatever moon has up her sleeve, it will be great

Moon: thanks V

Camil: of course, B

Alex: oh, and Camil? Don't worry about the band they got us

Camil: okay great Alex. Now you three, are you guys good on what to do?

Austin: yea and I'm pretty sure the dance team is alright doing this with us

Terrin: I wouldn't be so sure...

Jason: yea they might not want nothing to do with us since Liam has a big mouth

Camil: it doesn't matter, you three will talk to the dance team and get them to join okay?

Austin: yes ma'am

Terrin/Jason: we got you Camil

Camil: now Bryce, Leo, and Cameron, you guys know what you're doing?

Bryce: yea but when you say layout you mean?

Camil: create at least the idea or the song structure of what we're going to play at the rally. But of course, we will all be a part of the making of it.

Leo: oh, we are just making a head start of it

Camil: basically

Bryce: got it

Leo: wait so...since we got everyone what are you going to be doing?

Camil: um...actually I don't know...maybe ill-

Cameron: sleep

Camil: what?

Cameron: you're going to get some rest. And you want be doing anything but that, got it?

Camil: yes...?

Bryce: "hey! What about me! I want to sleep too..." he said crossing his arms

Cameron: Bryce your always sleeping

Bryce: whatever

Moon: I agree with cam, Camil does deserves some sleep, I mean...look at her

The rest: I agree

Camil: is it that bad?

The rest: yes!

Camil: hmm, well I guess I will get some sleep...but what about -

Moon: "I will be taking this" she said grabbing the paper

Austin: besides, our leader needs to rest. It's the best we can do

Cameron: yea don't worry, I will look after them for you okay? We got this

Camil: okay Cameron...thank you guys, really you guys are the best!

The rest: no problem!

5:23 pm

• As they were all walking home from there meeting at the IN, the boys walked home as Camil and moon walked their own separate way

Jason: So, cam? Since when did you get so...

Bryce: protective? Haha I knew it wasn't just me

Alex: yea since when did you get like this?

Cameron: Ive always been like this, what do you mean?

Terrin: nah..something's off

Leo: haha I agree

Cameron: whatever

Austin: guys what if he likes-

• Before could finish that sentence, Cameron put his hand over Austin mouth, so no one could hear what he was about to say, but little did he know the guys already knew

Bryce: there is no reason to hide it dude

Jason: yea we know you like her

Cameron: "you don't know anything..." he said putting his hands inside his pockets

The boys: yea right

Cameron: okay so what...!? What if I... maybe...like Camil?

Alex/Austin: OH MY GOD!

Bryce: shut up!!! You don't have to be so loud!

Jason: are you serious!?

Terrin: better not be playing with us!

Leo: guys guys! haha chill, even I knew this long before you guys

Cameron: how could you have known if I didn't even know at the point

Leo: bro... have you see the way you stare at her

Cameron: I don't stare at her

Alex/Austin: "the way you hold her hand!" they said smiling

Cameron: that's just so she won't feel lonely

Terrin/Jason: the way you're so protective over her. "Oh Cameron... I don't want to fall for you! Camil don't you worry! I'll catch you!" they said making fun of him

Cameron: I don't do that! it's not like that!

Bryce: oh man I want to join in too haha. Didn't you go on a date with her this weekend

The boys: WHAT!

Cameron: yea we...wait, how did you know?

Leo: wait a minute, you guys went out and didn't tell us!?

Cameron: yea I mean why should I? It's not like I have to. And didn't you and moon went out this weekend too?

Leo: yea...didn't really work out

Alex: why?

Austin: What happened?

Bryce: oh no here we go

Cameron: at least you guys can leave me alone

Jason/Terrin: oh no were not done with you yet haha

Cameron: dang it...ugh it doesn't matter, what happened between you and moon?

Leo: well, she said that she wanted us to be official and...i wasn't ready

Alex: wait a minute, I thought you guys were already official...

Terrin: yea same dude

Leo: No! We weren't! We never were...

Cameron: guessing she didn't handle it well?

Leo: no, she didn't, even though she acted like she was okay with it...she wasn't. I mean I know it's my fault but-

Bryce: oh, yea its totally your fault

Leo: thanks a lot, Bryce

Bryce: "your very welcome" he said smiling

Austin: it's not funny Bryce, there like childhood sweethearts

Cameron: yea I will have to say the same...you know she liked you since we were like 4

Leo; really...?

Jason: yea I remember that too

Leo: I honestly don't know what to do, i know she's probably mad at me but...i couldn't just lie and string her along, right?

The boys: right!

Leo: I don't know what im going to do to get her to talk to me or...even look at me again but maybe I can think of something before homecoming

The boys: homecoming!?

Cameron: oh shoot! I totally forgot about the dance...

Bryce: there is a dance?

Terrin: plenty of them, here it usually happens after the game, usually on a Saturday

Jason: hey! How about we all go together; I mean except Cameron and Leo

Cameron/Leo: what?

Austin; yea you guys got to figure out how to get the girls to go with you

Cameron: well, I don't know how to do that!

Leo: yea and moon hates me!

Bryce: that must hurt dude haha

Leo: shut up Bryce

Alex: don't worry guys, you got this

Cameron: so, you will help us?

The boys: no!

Leo/Cameron: What!?

Terrin: sorry bro but this is something you two got to figure out on your own

Jason: yea good luck!

• As the boys continue walking home on the sidewalk, Cameron and Leo stayed back, looking at each other in shock, knowing they have to do something

Leo: we're done for...

Cameron: dude just relax, we will figure it out...hopefully

5:44 pm

Moon: I can't believe you stayed up all night to make sure the layout of the plan was perfect

Camil: I mean everyone needed to know their part in order for this plan to succeed

Moon: and this is exactly why you were chosen leader

Camil: haha enough about me...how are you doing?

Moon: V, you don't always have to check up on me

Camil: yes, I do B, after you told me what happened between you and Leo, I knew I had to be there for you always

Moon: have you seen yourself? It's you, you need to care about haha

Camil: yea whatever haha

Moon: but yea what happened between me and Leo, im not made at him or anything...I actually understand

Camil: really?

Moon: yea...he wasn't ready and I was going too fast, besides it's not like we can't be friends, still right?

Camil: of course, plus we also don't want anything to happen that rips the band apart, I think you should take this time to find what it is that you like to do

Moon: what do you mean?

Camil: I mean since you and Leo aren't a "thing" anymore, you can go ahead and start doing what you love to do and looking out for yourself. If you can't give that love to him, might as well give it to yourself, right?

Moon: wow...I never thought of it that way...that's a brilliant idea Camil!

Camil: haha I know

Moon: I'm now going to start focusing and loving myself more now haha

Camil: that's the spirit! Say it louder!

Moon/Camil: "I LOVE MYSELF!!!" they said yelling

Moon: "oh my god, that felt so good haha, thank you..." she said hugging Camil

Camil: haha your welcome moon

Moon: now...should we talk about you and you know who?

Camil: and who exactly are we talking about?

Moon: uh haha I see what you're doing silly

Camil: what?

Moon: I see, you two are keeping it a secret...I'll keep it hush hush okay?

Camil: um moon-

Moon: oh! I got to go, my parents are making tacos tonight haha

Camil: oh haha, okay...

Moon: "mwah! bye V I'll see you tomorrow!" she said blowing a kiss

Camil: "bye B!" waving her hand. Who was she even talking about...?