(Pt.2) Ch.10: “Halftime”


7:52 pm, Aug 12

• As the game has already started, everyone had come to see the game of course but they really came to see what would happen at the halftime or...what F8 had prepared that would change the way people see them...

Camil: everyone gets ready for the halftime we will be starting soon. And Leo...your mom is here

Leo: Okay...

Leo's mom: Leo-

Leo: mom just listen to me-

Leo's mom: no! Bad enough I even let you join this...this band, I don't want you-

Leo: Mama! Just stop...cant you just...be proud of me, the son who found what he is passionate about...why can't you just accept the fact that this is me....

Leo's mom: I know this is you son...but I just can't let you go down the same route your father took

Leo: im not like him mom...im never going to leave you, and im not going to let you down...you just have to trust me

• Leo's mom looked at his son and knew that he loved what he was doing and how she could never take that away from him, even if she didn't agree...she knew she had to let her son be

Leo's mom: "of course I trust you..." she said giving him a hug. Im sorry for having you think you can't go after your dreams...and that I don't support you. This is why im going to let you go...you deserve this

Leo: "Thank you mama...." he said holding her tightly

Bryce: im sorry to break this moment up but are you two done...?

Leo's mom: oh um...

Leo:  how long have you guys been there?

Alex: "oh we've been here the whole time" he said smiling

Terrin: "you're so weird..." he whispered to Alex

Alex: thank you

Camil: Ms. Anderson...we're truly thankful for having you come and allowing your son to be a part of this journey with us...we all believes that this is what we are meant to do, and if you haven't let your son join us...we wouldn't be going out there right now....thank you

Austin: yea! He is really great at what he does!

Cameron: yea we are truly grateful to have someone like him

Jason: yea not just in our band but-

Terrin: but as our friend...we are more than that

Alex: I agree! Except the time he steals my fries....that's a problem haha

Leo's mom: wow...haha he must be really something...just like I always known

Leo's: you know it, now...i believe we got a thing to get to

Camil: oh yea! Speaking of that we go on in 3 minutes! Come on guys, let get ready!

Leo: "yea let's go guys, I'll see out their mama"

Leo's mom: okay sweetie

Moon: yes! I'll go tell the others to get ready also, and... Ms. Anderson?

Leo's mom: ah...you must be moon...

Moon: you know who I am?

Leo's mom: you have no idea, this boy would always talk about you, when he wakes up, when he comes home school, even before he goes to sleep...it's a shame, you guys separated though

Moon: yea...it is a shame...well I just wanted to tell you how lucky we are to have you and your son here; you can just go sit at the bleachers as we start

Leo's mom: okay, thank you! And moon...talk to him, what you and him have, isn't over yet...

Moon: "...okay...i will" she said smiling

8:00 pm

Camil: okay everyone, halftime just started and we only have about 15 to 30 minutes to do this...is everyone ready?

Everyone: YES!

Camil: haha, I CAN'T HERE YOU!!!!

Everyone: YESSS!


Camil: haha yes! Let's do this!

• As everyone who came for the game sat there waiting for what was going to happen during halftime...all the light went off as the marching band, cheerleaders, dance team and the band got out on the field, leaving everyone else wondering what is happening, if only they knew this was where F8 was first going to be notice for once

Mr. Calvin: what's taking them so long...?

Girl #1: what is happening?

Boy #1: why did the lights go off?

Girl #2: you think this is the halftime they were talking about?

Boy #2: speaking of that, who are "they" exactly...?

Camil: "HEY EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" She said into the microphone

Mr. Calvin: haha... there they are


Liam: What do they think they're doing!? Someone Stop them! Now!

Principal: What is this!? Mr. Calvin! Do you have anything to do with this?

Mr. Calvin: maybe...and I'm with this, you should be also...

Principal: don't tell me what to do sir! "Ugh I need to do something about this..." he said walking away. Oh, and congratulations! Your fired!

Mr. Calvin: that's okay! I know this will be worth it! ...I just know it



To all the people I know who just can't see...

All the ones who just can't breathe...

Let me show now this is where it all begins

Oh! Oh! Oh! yea

As you sing with me lets show this crowd!

How we can all for once be loud and proud!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Sing it with me now!


8:20 pm


Everyone: "THE FATE! F8! THE FATE! F8!" the crowd cheered

• As the band finished performing in front of their first crowd, they saw how the crowd was screaming their name, they knew they were right where they were supposed to be and this was what they were meant to do for a lifetime...

Camil: "oh my god....haha, did we really just do this?" looking out to the crowd

Cameron: "yes we did haha" he said smiling over her shoulder

Camil: "Haha...HAHA! WE DID IT! WE REALLY DID!" she said hugging Cameron tightly

Cameron: yes...we really did. Hey Camil? There is something I need to-

Camil: "yes! I will go to the dance with you!" she said smiling and jumping happily

Cameron: what...? Really!?

Camil: YES! Haha!

Cameron: "oh that's...that's great haha!" she said holding her tightly

Moon: "LEO!" she said running to the field

Leo: Moon!?

Moon/Leo: I need to talk to you!

Leo: oh!? Im sorry you can go first

Moon: No! You can go haha

Leo: no im serious you go first haha

Moon: okay how about we just say it at the same time

Leo: okay!

Moon/Leo: I want to get back with you!!!

Leo: Really!?

Moon: YES, REALLY. I talked to your mom and Leo...im sorry for the way I acted

Leo: "say no more!" she said hugging her tightly. I promise starting now, nothing will ever come in between us...im yours and im not going anywhere

Moon: I promise the same for you...i missed you so much

Leo: I missed you more

Terrin: well would you look at that! Haha looks like cam and Leo figured it out

Bryce: it took them long enough haha I really thought they weren't going anywhere

Alex: I knew they had it in them, mainly Cameron, im actually shocked about that

Austin: same haha who knew him and Camil had a thing

Jason: we all did Austin haha!

Austin: oh man and im now just figuring it out!?

Camil: hey guys haha

Moon: you guys did so good out there...wait no, you guys were OUTSTANDING!

Leo: I know right!

Cameron: yea I mean look at them...they love us

Austin: just imagine how everyone would act around us now

Camil: who knows...but as long as our message got out there and was heard, things will change for now on

Jason: wait I just thought of something...if Leo and cam got a date to homecoming...

Terrin: what about us 5?

Alex: oh! Leave that to me haha. I got you all dates but I didn't for Bryce because well...he will beat me up so haha

Bryce: nah...i actually have someone in mind already

The rest: WHAT!?

Bryce: yep

Moon: we didn't know you had a crush already Bryce haha

Bryce: "it's not a crush...it's just someone I find attractive I guess" he said crossing his arms

Camil: well, whoever it is, we will be able to see her and all of us together right guys?

The rest: totally!

Cameron: hey guys? How about we go celebrate

Austin: ouu yes! Are you guys thinking what im thinking?

The rest: HAHA, IHOP!