(Pt.2) Ch.13: “Bet or You’ll Regret It...”


8:21 am, Dec 2nd

Austin: "hi Blair" he said smiling as he was hiding behind her locker

Blair: "Austin...its 8 in the morning" she said slamming her locker

Austin: actually its 8:21 in the morning haha

Blair: what do you want Austin?

Austin: oh yea, so I was thinking maybe you want to-

Blair: No

Austin: stop doing that

Blair: doing what?

Austin: you never let me finish my sentence...

Blair: you were going to ask me out, no?

Austin: well yea but-

Blair: okay well there's your answer

Austin: "I know but...haha know what? I don't care you say" he said stopping her in the middle of the hallway

Blair: excuse me?

Austin: no matter what you say or do, I'm going to get with you at the end of day...I like you Blair and you will be mine

Blair: "oh?" she said staring intensely at Austin

Austin: is that your...serious face or you want to kill me face?

Blair: both...but you got me thinking something...

Austin: really? What is it?

Blair: I'll bet you on it...if you can actually make me fall in love with you by the end of this month, you can be with me. But if not...you have to give me 100 dollars...got it?

Austin: "YES! Yes! I'll' do it haha" he said excitedly

Blair: "haha I swear...you sure are something Austin Hugh" she said walking away

9:49 am

• Camil, moon, and Blair were all in art class, making Christmas decoration for the school

Blair: can you tell me why Austin thinks he actually has a chance with me...?

Moon: Austin...he is a tough one haha

Camil: yea haha he will do whatever it takes to go after what he wants, and what he wants is well...

Camil/Moon: You!

Blair: why me though?

Moon: come on I mean who wouldn't like you?

Camil: yea! Stop bringing yourself down, okay? Though Austin is...

Blair/moon: weird...?

Camil: "yep that's...that's it haha but aren't we all? Look just give him a shot, he might not be as bad as you think" she said cutting paper

Blair: ...I already made a bet with him

Camil/moon: WHAT!?

Art teacher: Keep it down girls!

Moon: sorry!

Camil: umm what Blair?

Blair: if he can make me fall in love with him by the end of this month, I would be with him but if not...he will have to give me 100 dollars...

Moon: oh my...

Blair: "I don't even know why I even said that, it's like...i wanted to prove to him that it's not possible for him to be with me...but im pretty sure I just made it worse" she said banging her head against the desk

Moon: "oh no sweetie doesn't do that you're going to cause a bruise on your head" she said stopping her

Camil: hmm let me guess...when you told him, he jumped around like a bunny haha

Blair: yes exactly!

Art teacher: okay class that would be it for this class, the bell will ring in just a minute!

Camil: "well look at the bright side" she said gathering her art pieces. At least you have something to look forward to, right?

Moon: "yea and who knows maybe you just might end up falling for him haha" she said putting her backpack on

Blair: yea...I doubt it...

11:15 am

• As they were in class, as usual Bryce would sleep in as everyone works but today, he got to partner up with Sarah. Which he knew of course...he had to mess with her

Sarah: "stop playing with my hair...Bryce? Are you sleeping? oh okay..." she said talking to herself

Bryce: what...?

Sarah: "nothing, just go back to sleep or whatever you do" she said writing

Bryce: okay then

• As Sarah goes back to working and Bryce pretends to fall asleep again. Bryce gets back up again and plays with her hair

Sarah: dude! I knew it was you!

Bryce: no no it wasn't me it was...that guy over there!

Ela's teacher: is there problem over here Mr. martini and Ms. Evans?

Sarah/Bryce: no ma'am...

Ela teacher: Sarah don't let this boy get you distracted understand?

Sarah: "yes ma'am" she said smiling innocently

Ela teacher: okay then Ms. Evans. Mr. martini I advise you to stop slacking in class or I will have to give you detention

Bryce: don't worry about me ma'am, I got this, trust me

Ela teacher: "ugh... I can't wait until break is here" she said walking away

Bryce: "Me too! Haha" he said raising his hand up

Sarah: I swear, how did you not get expelled yet? Haha

Bryce: the whole school loves me duh

Sarah: hmm nope, that's...that's not it

Bryce: whatever you say loser, your just jealous

Sarah: "jealous!? Haha I think not" she said crossing her arms

Bryce: "if you say so" he said shrugging his shoulders. Now should we get to working haha

3:08 pm

• They all came after school again, to rehearse for the play of west side story

Camil: you now you guys didn't have to some right?

Jason: we know haha

Terrin: but have you seen the girls here haha

Jason: were planning on seeing who is going to get a girl first

Moon: um...Camil are you hearing this!?

Camil: yes! Shall we?

Moon: gladly

Jason/Terrin: OW!

Jason: Why did you slap us!

Terrin: We did nothing wrong! ...Right!?

Camil: you guys are so blind

Moon: girls and especially women aren't toys and games that you can just play with

Camil: exactly and nor will we have you do such thing!

Camil/Moon: "Right boys!?" they said staring at Cameron and Leo as they hold on to Jason's and Terrin ears

Cameron/Leo: RIGHT!

Jason: okay okay we get it...

Terrin: yes, just please just let go...it hurts!

Camil/moon: we hope so

Austin: Hey guys! Ms. Anderson said were going in 5

Leo: okay thanks bro and wait! Austin...is it true you made a bet with Blair haha

Austin: yes haha...I did, and I am confident about it

Alex: did I just hear bet!?

Cameron: oh no, here we go...Alex don't even think about it

Alex: here me out haha, I bet Blair will win!

Austin: that, you are wrong my sir

Leo: wait so...you really like her huh? She seems like...

Cameron: the girl version of Bryce?

The rest: totally

Bryce: "what?" he said waking up. I heard my name, what's happening?

Alex: ah it turned out Austin is making a bet with Blair haha

Austin: hey! It's not just any bet...this bet is going to make her see that I am the one for her

Bryce: oh...then yea, good luck buddy

Leo: wow...well just, don't lose yourself trying to give your all to her, okay?

Austin: I won't Leo, I promise

Cameron: yea...and don't...know what, just forget it...you got this dude

Austin: I know I do cam haha

Ms. Anderson: okay everyone! Places!

Camil: okay guys, come on

Bryce: aw man...I was just getting comfy...

Alex: oh, wait guys!

The rest: what?

Alex: break a leg haha

The rest: "haha really funny..." they said sarcastically

Alex: yes, I know, I'm funny

Jason/Terrin: no, you're not Haha

Alex: shut up

3:56 pm

Terrin: how much longer does this go on?

Jason: I think they said until 4:30 right?

Alex: nah rehearsal ends at 4:10

Cameron: hey guys I'm going to restroom

The rest: okay dude

• As Cameron is on his way to the restroom, he sees Layla on the phone talking to someone, but if only he knew what he heard was something he expected from her...

Layla: "yes okay, trust me I know what I'm doing, all he cares about is that girl. yes, it's all going according to plan. Once I'm done with her, he will see that he made the wrong decision." she said hanging up on the phone

Cameron: "what do you think you're doing...?" he said giving her the death stare

Layla: how long was you standing there?

Cameron: I said...what do you think you're doing...?

Layla: well, I don't know about you but I'm going to be going now

Cameron: "stop." he said grabbing her.

Layla: let go of me!

Cameron: I don't know what it is you have plan...who you were on the phone with? But what I do know...is that, you can do whatever you want with me, but if you even lay a finger on Camil...you will regret it.

Layla: you're hurting me cam...

Cameron: "leave" he said letting her wrist go

Layla: "what a psycho..." she said walking away

Camil: Hey Cameron!

Cameron: "hey Camil" he said smiling

Camil: hey rehearsal just ended and we were planning on going out to eat, maybe IHOP?

Cameron: oh okay

Camil: is something wrong...?

Cameron: No... why you ask?

Camil: it's just your hand is shaking...

Cameron: oh haha...it's fine I promise, don't worry

Camil: "haha okay, shall we go then?" she said grabbing his hand.

Cameron: "yea...lets go" he said smiling and holding her hand tightly