(Pt.2) Ch.19: “I’m Not Jealous...”

5:34 pm

• Camil and moon was hanging out in her room, eating and enjoying their time together, speaking on what their plan is going to be

Camil: "I can't believe he did that" she said stuffing pizza in her mouth

Moon: "maybe he is trying to get back with you haha" she said drinking her soda

Camil: not funny B! For real...he looked right at me when he said yes, he is trying to make me feel guilty

Moon: No haha he isn't...Cameron is not the type to do such thing, he actually wouldn't care much about people unless he really cares about them

Camil: how do you know?

Moon: Camil...I known Cameron since I was like 4? and knowing him...it's hard to get under his skin and his emotional side, but since you came your kind of...let that out of him, you know?

Camil: hmm...i believe that

Moon: and I believe Cameron likes you...Alot. He isn't the type to beat around the bush, he hates that. He would rather get things over with then and there

Camil: you think that's why he rejected me...?

Moon: oh no, definitely not! That's something else. I don't know he would do that because I can see that he really like you, we all do

Camil: well...I wish he could just tell me the reason

Moon: Haha what if we make him jealous and see what he does then

• Camil and moon laughed at what she said, thinking that would be hilarious...and that was when they looked at each other and realized that might be a good idea

Camil: are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Moon: we should take a picture as making it look like you're with someone when really-

Camil: it's just you in a hoodie!? haha

Moon: haha I got you, I'll get the hoodie

Camil: okay! Use the black one and don't forget to tie your hair up

Moon: should I put the hoodie on or?

Camil: Yes! Oh, and use this cap

Moon: ew no V, it dark green...

Camil: B!?

Moon: you know how I am with hats...ugh but ill do it for you

Camil: haha thank You, okay...your ready

Moon: let's do this

Camil: 3...2...1

• They both start taking pictures together in front of the mirror to make it look like as if Camil had someone with her, just to make Cameron jealous for the fun of it

Camil: "okay...which one should we post?" she said showing moon the pictures

Moon: hmm...this one! It's perfect haha

Camil haha great, now...its posted! Now we just wait-

Moon: and see what happens

Camil: ugh what are we going to do about Layla though?

Moon: I so forgot about her...well first we need to figure out what she is doing and how she is using Cameron, because we both know she hates you

Camil: wow moon I didn't know that what's so ever

Moon: "Haha sorry...but yea I just think the only person who would want to get in Cameron's way and get in his head is...well, Layla" she said shrugging her shoulders

Camil: and we can't figure out what that is until we find proof

Moon: "we would be such a perfect duo as detectives haha" she said raising her hand

Camil: "yes I agree haha!" she said clapping moon's hand


2:46 pm, Dec 13th

Bryce: "where do you think you're going? Haha" she said grabbing her backpack

Sarah: "away from you, that's where" she said taking his arm off of her

Bryce: nope you can't, you like me too much

Sarah: yea right haha

Bryce: you still up for tonight?

Sarah: I'm not sure, that depends

Bryce: am I hearing this right? Sarah Evans is giving out on a motorcycle ride? Haha

Sarah: Bryce, you know how my parents are

Bryce: okay well I can help you sneak out

Sarah: you will what?

Bryce: at 10, ill sneak through your window, and we will go on that ride

Sarah: but-

Bryce: "I'm going to rehearsal; I'll see you tonight!" he said walking away

Sarah: ugh...what am I going to do with him?

3:33 pm

Camil: I feel pretty! Oh, so pretty! I feel pretty, and witty and gay!

Ms. Anderson: Cut! Stop! I'm sorry, but where is the excitement...the feeling! You know?

Camil: Ms. Anderson...I'm doing the best I can

Ms. Anderson: that's fine that's okay! We will just get back to this later, right now we need to keep moving forward. The play is this Friday

Camil: okay what scene we will be doing now?

Ms. Anderson: since Liam isn't here anymore to play as tony, we will need Cameron and you to do the scene again, where you two meets

Camil: oh-

Ms. Anderson: Places! Let's go!

Moon: "hey..." she whispered pulling Camil. Don't think of it too much, you guys will be acting, besides remember what we did last night haha

Camil: yes...how can I forget, that was really funny haha

Moon: haha okay, good luck!

Camil: you too!

Cameron: hey...

Camil: hi...

Cameron: so, um about what you posted-

Ms. Anderson: Cameron and Camil! There you are! you two will be face to face...eye to eye...as if time has stopped and nothing else matters at that moment...okay?

Cameron/Camil: but-

Ms. Anderson: "And Action!" she said sitting down

• As the dancers and the rest of play's actors in the back doing their part, Cameron and Camil do their part by doing exactly what MS Anderson said...facing eye to eye. They both looked into each other as if what they wanted to say was already expressed...just by their presence.


Leo: mama is you okay...?

Ms. Anderson: Be quiet son. Camil and Cameron...I knew you guys would be perfect for each other! That was perfect guys, everyone we will be back in 10! "Good job you two" she said smiling and walking away

Leo: "I'm sorry guys haha, she can get like that. But you two did do really good...I actually thought something was going to happen" he said putting his hands in his pocket, walking away

Cameron: ...that was-

Camil: Awkward? Haha yea...So what was you going to say?

Cameron: oh um...it was about that pic you posted last night? Who-

Camil: Is this Jealousy I'm sensing Mr. Jones?

Cameron: No... I'm not jealous

Camil: hmm...well there no need to talk about the post then huh?

Cameron: yea...I guess

Camil: "okay then!" she said smiling. Oh! And... good job with the acting

Cameron: yea you too...

• As Camil walks away smiling knowing she made him jealous, moon grabs her out into the hallway to tell her something she just witnessed...which neither of them wasn't prepared for

Moon: "Camil! Come here..." she said dragging her into the hallway

Camil: moon? What's wrong?

Moon: its Layla....while you cand Cameron were doing your scene, I was getting water and...

Camil: moon? What happened...?

Moon: I think I know why Cameron did what he did...

10:03 pm

Bryce: "I can't believe I'm doing this..." he said climbing up the tree

• As Bryce climbs up the tree, he sees through the window, Sarah dancing in her room to music on blast. And he couldn't help but smile and laugh. So, he knocks on the window to get her attention

Sarah: "oh my god! You actually came...!?" she said opening the door

Bryce: um duh, I did say-

Sarah: yea whatever but...my parents?

Bryce: We...are sneaking out...that's final

Sarah: fine...let's do this

Bryce: haha that's my girl!

Sarah: "shh! Keep it down!" she said grabbing her jacket

Bryce: oh yea haha...

Sarah: do you have my-

Bryce: helmet? Yep, I got it

Sarah: "okay let's go" she said climbing out the window

• Bryce drives Sarah out to their spot that they would always go to, when they go out to drive

Bryce: "can you tell me why we always have to come up here again?" he said putting his helmet on his bike

Sarah: are you really asking that? I mean...haha look at the view...all the lights?

Bryce: yea I see, you say that every time we come out here...even on the first night we met

Sarah: you still remember that?

Bryce: yea...so?

• Sarah stares at Bryce smiling, wondering what else goes on in his mind, and that maybe he does have a heart

Sarah: so, you do have a heart? Haha

Bryce: no, I'm just standing here living as there is blood pumping through my veins on its own

Sarah: okay jeez! Take a chill pill there

Bryce: whatever

• As they both just stare into the city lights talking, Bryce phone starts to ring. He didn't want to pick up because he already knew who it was

Sarah: aren't you going to pick it up?

Bryce: it's nothing...

Sarah: it doesn't look like nothing if they are calling again

Bryce: Fine. "Hello? No, he's not here...don't call again" he said hanging up the phone

Sarah: Bryce...?

Bryce: "what Sarah?" he said with a straight face

Sarah: who was that...?

Bryce: no one

Sarah: then why are you holding your phone tight like that...

Bryce: I can't hold my phone?

Sarah: it was just a question...

Bryce: and I just answered it

Sarah: fine...you don't have to talk to me...

• Bryce looks at the city, knowing he wasn't okay...and that was when he knew he couldn't keep it in anymore...

Bryce: it's my parents...

Sarah: "your parents...? I thought that...they didn't want you anymore...." she said crossing her arms

Bryce: yea, I thought the same

Sarah: then why would they try to contact you...?

Bryce: they want me to come back home....that's why