(Pt.2) Ch.26: “Secrets Out...”


10:31 am, Dec 28th

Cameron: okay let's go! What's taking everyone so long?

Moon: Camil is trying to get them, chill

Camil: come on Bryce!

Bryce: Hold on!

Leo: haha yea I can't wait to get home and eat mama's food

Alex: you can say that again Leo haha, been a while since I had burritos

Elliot: hmm I guess my food wasn't good then huh?

Alex: what...? No! No, I mean

Elliot: I'm joking! You good haha

Alex: oh, haha okay good

• Cameron, moon, and Leo all looked at each other wondering if they were all seeing and thinking the same thing

Cameron: are them two...?

Moon: "I think so" she said smiling at them

Leo: well, there goes another couple in the group then haha

Cameron: haha looks like it

Elliot: where is the rest of them?

Cameron: yea they should be here by now

Moon: calm down guys, they should be coming down any minute

Blair: "ugh I'm so hungry guys" she said walking down the stairs

Jason: tell me about it, I barely got any sleep last night

Terrin: "yea I bet..." he said looking at him

Sarah: "hey Elliot? Did you bring your pills?" she said coming down behind them

Elliot: yea yea I did, and I took them so don't worry about it

Sarah: okay good

Moon: what are the pills for?

Elliot: oh, I have adhd so I have to take them once in a while

The rest: ohhh okay

Austin: Bryce just let us help

Bryce: "let go, I got it!" he said carrying the bags down

Camil: Bryce you can barely get up when you wake up

Bryce: well, I got this now okay, you two just go before you trip me

Camil/Austin: "okay if you say so" they said walking down the stairs

Cameron: is that everyone?

Blair: I don't know should we count?

Cameron: "really funny, okay let's go guys" he said walking out the door

Austin: "I call shotgun!" he said running to the van

Leo: dude you can't even drive! haha I got him cam don't worry

Cameron: haha okay thanks bro

• As they were all walking to the van, Bryce and Sarah were the last two behind

Sarah: are you sure you can carry all those?

Bryce: yes

Sarah: oh okay...well is thinking on talking to you about last night and-

Bryce: don't

Sarah: but-

Bryce: Sarah...we're good, we don't have to talk about it okay? It's fine

Sarah: are you sure Bryce?

Bryce: "yea" he said putting the bags in the back of the van

Camil: okay is everyone ready!?

The rest: yea!

Elliot: hey bro I'm going to drive Blair and Sarah back, thanks for having us here

Cameron: oh, yea no problem, see you at school?

Elliot: yea I'll see you then

Alex: ay bye Elliot!

Elliot: haha bye Alex!

• As soon as everyone went their separate ways and got in the van and started driving, everyone started staring and smiling at Alex

Alex: okay guys let hit the road!

The rest: "ouuuu" they all said smiling

Alex: What...?

Camil: there is definitely something going on between you two

Moon: yea definitely haha

Austin: anytime now before them two get together

Terrin: haha another one bites the dust

Leo: for real

Alex: guys, there is nothing going on between me and Elliot....is there?

The rest: Yes!

Alex: yea...i know...

Jason: so, when are you two going to make it official?

Alex: im not sure...i don't even know if he is like me you know?

The rest: aww...

Bryce: ugh all these relation =ships stuff makes me sick...i might just throw up

Camil: be quiet, you'll be fine

Bryce: you right, I am fine huh?

Moon: gross Bryce haha

Leo: haha knowing Cameron and Bryce, they are the only two who gets disgusted and sensitive when it comes to that stuff

Camil: not for me! Isn't that right Cameron

Cameron: that's right, I only have a soft spot for her

Jason: hmm well If that's the case then...Bryce? Do you have a soft spot for someone?

The rest: ouuuu

Bryce: shut up guys, no I don't

Camil/moon: what about Saraaah

Bryce: be quiet...

The rest: haha!

9:48 pm

Leo: "dude just try it I promise its good" he said with his mouth full

Cameron: haha no I'm not even that hungry

Leo: you didn't even eat dinner bro...

Leo's mom: Cameron are you going to eat anything sweetie?

Leo: no mom because guess what, apparently, he isn't even that hungry

Leo's mom: but you didn't eat dinner with us

Leo: "Exactly!" he said throwing his hands up

Cameron: look, thanks Ms. Anderson but I'm just not feeling like eating right now

Leo's mom: well son, you are going to eat something, if you are going to be here under our roof, okay?

Leo: tell him mama haha

Cameron: yes ma'am...

Leo's mom: "good, now here...have some pasta, I promise its great" she said smiling, handing him the plate

Cameron: hmm...it does smell nice, thank you

Leo's mom: of course, I'll be downstairs if you need anything boys

Cameron: okay

Leo: okay ma! So... what's the real reason?

Cameron: "what are you talking about?" he said eating the pasta

Leo: why you won't eat with us...does it have something to do with your family?

• When Cameron heard what Leo said, he didn't want to say anything because that actually was the reason but he didn't want to admit to it so, he just gave him a glare

Cameron: what do you think...?

Leo: ah...okay that make sense. Cam you need to know we're not like them...

Cameron: I know, it's just something I'm getting used to I guess...

Leo: I see...well I want you to feel comfortable here, you can stay here as long as you like

Cameron: I know Leo, thank you...

Leo: no problem dude

Cameron: your mom is nice you know?

Leo: haha that's just how she be with guest in the house, trust me you will see more of her bro

Cameron: haha, I will note that

Leo's mom: "Leo!" she said yelling from downstairs

Leo: Yea!?

Leo's mom: there someone at the door for you!

Leo: okay! You want to come with?

Cameron: I might as well, I got to take this plate down anyway

Leo: cool, let's go

• As they go downstairs, Cameron goes to wash the dishes, and Leo goes to answer the door without knowing who he was going to see

Leo: "yes?" he said opening the door. Oh...

Moon: hey babe! Haha

Leo: oh, hey haha...what are you doing her so late?

Moon: my parents said I come here for a bit at least until 10:30, can I come in

Leo: "uh...." he said blocking her

Moon: "what's wrong? Haha why can't I come in?" she said trying to get in

Leo: um haha...you know our dog! yea know you...are afraid of dogs! Haha yea

Moon: Leo, you don't have a dog

Leo: yes, I do...see it's a-

Moon: Leo why are you lying to me? What are you hiding...?

Leo: I'm not hiding anything! Its just-

Moon: "then I'm coming in!" she said pushing him to the side. So, what are you hiding huh?

Leo: dang it...

• When moon barged in the house and started to wonder what leo was hiding. She goes in the kitchen only to see Cameron by the sink. Which made her wonder why he was there in the first place

Moon: Cameron? What are you doing here?

Cameron: moon!?

Leo: moon! Oh...

Moon: what is happening?...

Cameron: um...

• Moon looks off to the side and see his suitcase and bags. And that was when she knew exactly what was happening

Moon: Cameron....

10:25 pm

• Bryce was taking a night out with his bike until he couldn't stop thinking about this one person and he knew that he wanted to talk to her about what happened...and maybe how he feels about her. So, though he hesitated...he decided to go where his heart felt right

Bryce: "hey...are you there?" he said rowing pebbles at Sarah's window

Sarah: Bryce? What are you doing here...?

Bryce: I came to see you obviously

Sarah: well yea but-

Bryce: come down

Sarah: what?

Bryce: just come down here please...

Sarah: okay...? Just hold on

• As Bryce wait for Sarah to come down, he was planning on everything and what he was going to say

Sarah: okay, so what is it? Why are you here...?

Bryce: we need to talk

Sarah: about?

Bryce: im sorry...about what happened last night. It's just I'm not the type of guy who would bring up his past and feel his emotions. I let my ego take over me...but that still doesn't take back how I lashed on you guys. Mainly you...

Sarah: Bryce...it's okay. I shouldn't have pushed your buttons; I know that must've been hard for you to talk about...

Bryce: it was...but after last night, I made a promise to someone that I won't be like that anymore...that's it's okay for me to vulnerable sometimes...im trying to change for the better you know?

Sarah: ...well regardless what you do, I'll always see you as the Bryce I met that night. You have good intentions...i just know it...you're a good guy Bryce

Bryce: thank you...

Sarah: of course...so is that all you wanted to tell me?

Bryce: um...yea haha that's it...

Sarah: okay well, im going to go back up-

Bryce: "actually...no. There is something else" he said grabbing her hand

Sarah: yea...?

Bryce: um...so Ive been meaning to tell you this for a bit now and, I don't know what to do when it comes to this kind of stuff but I do hope that I'm not only one is this that's feeling this way but-

Sarah: Bryce-

Bryce: I like you Sarah... A lot

Sarah: Bryce...?

Bryce: yea?

Sarah: im already talking to someone...

Bryce: oh...

Sarah: yea...I'm sorry, it's just I think its best if we just stay as friends...? If that's okay-

Bryce: No no its fine! Its good...don't worry

Sarah: okay good, well I should go up now...goodnight Bryce...

Bryce: "goodnight..." he said walking away