Chapter 3 - Trying to use Magic (Edited)

When Marc opened his eyes, he was laying on a grassy plain, looking at the sky. The sky was clear without any clouds blemishing it.

"What a beautiful clear sky. So, I'm supposed to be in Fairy Tail now, huh? I wonder where in the timeline I am. Guess I should experiment with my Magic first before finding out." Marc thought out loud, before getting up from the ground.

But when he got on his feet he realized something. He felt lighter and weaker. The reason for it is that God made him younger. More precisely Marc is now in his younger body at age 15.

He doesn't have as long hair as he did in his previous life. It makes him look more cute than handsome, though his eyes haven't changed at all. They are still blue with 4 dots arranged like a paw. It's funny that he has those unique eyes coupled with the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw-Paw Devil Fruit) powers converted to magic. They truly fit together.

(A/N: Looks like this now)

"Yosh, I want to try my new Magic. Can't wait to try it!!" Marc got worked up and decided to try his new magic.

"I'm supposed to make paws in my hands and repel things away, so I guess the first step is to make my palm a paw. Let's just give it a try." Mark thought back on his knowledge of One Piece and how Bartholomew Kuma used his power.

"Focus, focus." Marc chanted with closed eyes in a sumo stand with his hands in a pushing position. After nearly a minute, he opened his eyes and looked at his hands.

"Nothing? Then did God remove the paw part and make it possible to just repel things with my hands?" Marc wondered if God altered the way to use it.

"Let's just try to repel a stone or twig to find out." Marc picked up a little stone and threw it in the air, and went into the sumo stand again and sumo slapped the stone. It just bounced a few meters away like it normally would.

"It still doesn't work? Then either I'm missing something, or Morgan (God) secretly smoked some weed too and forgot to give me my prize. Marc still couldn't repel anything, making him wonder many things.

"I remember only ten percent of Fairy Tail's population can use magic, and I shouldn't be an exception. To use magic, I will need Magic Power. The source of Magic Power is called Ethernano. It's inside a container in all mages' body's and the bigger the container, the bigger Magic Power they have. So, I should try to feel my container first before anything else." Marc went through his knowledge of Magic in Fairy Tail. It wasn't really shown in the anime how people actually learn magic from the bottom. Sure we saw training Ice-Make Magic with Ur, but never how he learned it.

Marc closed his eyes once again, trying to feel his container with Ethernano in. After almost 30 minutes of just standing with closed eyes, he suddenly opened his eyes abruptly.

"Yeah, I did it!" He celebrated with a gut pose, happy that he finally felt the container.

"Now I only need to be able to use Magic Power, then I should be able to use the…guess I will just call it Paw Magic from now on. Let's try using Magic Power now." Marc changed the name of Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw-Paw Devil Fruit) to Paw Magic, so it will fit better in Fairy Tail. After all, words like "devil" or "demon" aren't looked upon as great.

He shut his eyes a third time to try forcing his Magic Power outside his body. This step took the longest yet, simply because he didn't know how to open his container and let Magic Power flow out. He felt like trying thousands of different keys without luck. But Marc's never one to give up. If it ain't possible, he will just make it possible.

"Haah, finally it worked!" Exclaimed Marc with sweat running down his forehead because at this time his body is actually releasing Magic Power non-stop. It doesn't have any color as he isn't practicing any type of magic yet.

"Now, how the fuck do I stop releasing Magic Power? I feel like fainting soon. Stop!" If a mage empties all his Magic Power he will faint, or in the worst-case die of overuse. Simply because Magic Power is linked to one's life force, and using all life force means death. That's why Marc took this problem very seriously. He just got here and he's already dying. Marc thought it was exciting, though Marc also thought about the quote "it isn't a toy" many adults use.

As he tried stopping the Magic Power, it felt like stopping people on Black Friday from entering the stores. But Marc managed to stop his Magic Power from overflowing, though he was left tired and hungry afterward.

"Huff, that was a hella lot more difficult than I imagined! Well, Hiro Mashima actually never bothered explaining much about how the mages learned Magic in Fairy Tail. Guess it's useless thinking about this, I have to move on, or I will die of hunger instead." Marc complained a bit about how Fairy Tail's author never explained too deeply about magic.

A week later…

Marc had built a little camp in the middle of the grassy plain, where he ate mother nature's free food, trained in manipulating Magic Power, and slept. After reaching a specific level in it, he now finds it good enough to start practicing his Paw Magic.

Marc is standing a distance from his camp, intending to try out his magic. He's sure of succeeding now after studying hard. In his previous life, Marc wasn't the most diligent student at all. He mostly found all the topics boring, except physics and physical education. Physics and chemistry because things can go kaboom, and P.E because he hates sitting still and reading books, manga doesn't count.

"Now let's try this again." Marc began pushing his Magic Power in his hands while imagining a paw with repulsive properties. A white light began revolving around his palms before it dimmed and fully disappeared. In its place is a pair of cute paws.

(A/N: I have changed it, so the paws won't be permanently engraved into Marc's palm like it is in One Piece.)

"Hahahaha, I knew I could do it. So, this is how magic feels like, huh? Let's see if I can repel a stone this time." Marc once again picked up a stone and threw it in the air and slapped it away.


And the stone flew straight to the sky with great speed, out of Marc's vision.

"Cooool~" He exclaimed with typical anime stars in his eyes. He decided to try again.


And again.


Now he tried doing it repeatedly with multiple stones.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

"Hehee, that was fun~" Laughed Marc, after repelling stone after stone into the sky.

"Now let's take it up a notch. I should be able to repel the air. That way I will have a ranged attack too. It should be fairly simple because I know air consists of nitrogen, oxygen, and some minor gases. So if I use that as my mental image I should succeed!? Well, all I can do is try it out…"

He took a stance and made a clear mental image before he threw his palm or rather paw forward, in a pushing motion. As the hand stopped, a paw-shaped air bubble flew forwards with a very….slow speed? Almost in slow motion.

"What the hell!?" Marc was very bewildered, not at all expecting his first try of using the technique called *Pressure Gun* from One Piece. He tried again and again, but the same thing happened. While Marc was too immersed in his magic-

*Break* *Break*

A boar had sneaked into Marc's camp and wrecked it.

"Oi, you fucking bastard! Stop, or I will eat you for dinner!!" Marc yelled a few profanities while running to his newly made campsite, but the boar didn't stop destroying things at all. When the boar was about to destroy Marc's little mud igloo where he has been sleeping for a week already, he got really mad.

"I said stop, you fat piece of pork!" Marc in desperation used [Pressure Cannon] by slapping the air in front of him, sending a fast paw bubble into the boar's stomach, making it faint, and successfully saving his mud igloo.

After carefully checking his mud igloo for any damage, he realized what he just did.

"Did I just use [Pressure Cannon] correctly? I have to remember that feeling again before I forget it." Thought Marc, before he tried using the technique again on a big tree about 20 meters away from him.

Twenty tries later…

"Ahh, I'm totally spent. I need fooood~. Oh right, there's that boar. I hope it's still there." Marc finished his training because he used up all his Magic Power. Then he remembered he hadn't killed the boar yet. It made him afraid his dinner had runoff.


(A/N: Hope you don't mind the changes on how the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw-Paw Fruit) works in Fairy Tail's magic universe.)

(A/N: I'm not certain if I got it right how mages learn magic, but this is what I came up with. I hope you enjoyed it so far 🙏🏻)

(Words: 1588)