[Platinum-ranked: Get 2 Purple Star Fruits.
Reward: 120.000 Jewels (1200$)]
[Mithill-ranked: Get venom from a Blotted Viper.
Reward: 800.000 Jewels (8000$)]
[Orachalcum-ranked: Catch and tame a Dawnwaker.
Reward: 5.000.000 (50.000$)]
"Why can't I find any Adamantite-ranked quests?" Marc unintentionally asked out loud after he couldn't find any on the quest board.
"It's because you need to be an Adamantite-ranked to adventure to even be allowed to look at them." A voice replied at Marc's right side that scared him. When he looked for the owner of the voice, he couldn't help curse.
"Fuck you Rofta, you scared the shit out of me! And what the hell happened to your face? And how did you know I have to be Adamantite-ranked to see the quests?" Marc's mouth went overdrive with questions.
"You idiot, don't you see this gold plate? Do you think I will be left behind? I had to make a challenge too after you so embarrassingly fainted. For your question about the top-ranked quests, you should honestly read the beginners guide at the entrance of the guild. It explains everything you should know about joining the Adventurers Guild. They can't have total disaster quests being on display so everyone can see them, it would bring chaos to the country. Idiot…" Rofta showed the difference between them. He liked to use his head and gather all the information he can before doing anything, but Marc' the opposite. He prefers getting minimal information before just jumping into trouble as he thinks it more exciting that way.
"Shut up, you gorilla-looking woman with lipstick!" They started bickering with each other. Rofta kinda missed it, as he felt like a third wheel with Lisa around. But of course, he wouldn't let anyone know that…
After throwing insults at each other for a few minutes, Marc asked "So want to go on a quest tomorrow, or are you too hurt?"
"Hmph, of course not. Let's take this one then?" Rofta's wounds were treated by Tony after he himself fainted after fighting multiple adventurers like Marc. The difference was that they all were super pumped after watching Marc and Leona's fight, compared to their clouded mindset when fighting against Marc. Rofta agreed to go on going on a quest and suggested a quest from the board.
[Gold-ranked: Kill and bring two Bulba Frogs.
Reward: 40.000 Jewels (400$)]
"Sure, but do you know what Bulba Frogs is?" Marc immediately agreed, as he actually didn't have a reason to decline it, because he didn't even know what Magic Beast it is, and what it can do.
"I asked around earlier about a few of the quests. A Bulba Frog has light blue-green bodies with darker blue-green spots. They are about a size of a dog and obviously look like a frog, but they have a flower bud on their backs. They can use-" Rofta wanted to explain what abilities they have, but Marc interrupted him.
(A/N: If you haven't already realized, the reference here.)
"Don't tell me what abilities they have. I want to use these quests as training too, and knowing everything won't do any good. Besides, it would spoil the fun too." Marc came up with some good reasons, just to ruin them with his last argument.
"…Fine." Rofta wanted to brag a little with his newfound knowledge but Marc ruined it.
"I'm going to sleep early then, see ya' tomorrow morning," Marc said to him, but Rofta stopped him.
"Do you have a place to sleep? Where did you get the money to get a room?" Rofta questioned with a suspicious expression.
"I'm sleeping on Lisa's couch. You should find a beauty's couch too, wait that might be impossible with your look." Marc said with a mocking expression.
"Hmph, don't be so smug, sleeping on a crazy woman's couch!" Rofta went by the saying, don't stick your dick in crazy. His family is more than crazy enough for him.
Marc then walked away and went into the office, intending to sleep on the couch he slept on earlier, but when he opened the door, he found the office filled with female blondes.
"Marc come in and say hello to my mother and little sister." Lisa was talking with her mother and sister when Marc suddenly barged in. She didn't get angry at all and her mother was waiting for this moment. She wanted to meet her son-in-law.
But Marc froze when he saw Lisa's mother. More specific her boobs.
"Uhm, how old are you?" Marc looked at Lisa's mother and asked.
All the blondes were surprised by his question. Nina didn't see him, looking at her mother's chest as she was a naive MILF angel.
Lisa immediately saw it and began comparing her own chest to her mother's. There wasn't much difference, other than being a little bit bigger. She planned to ask one of her Celestial Spirits for advice to get them bigger later.
The girls' mother on the other hand expected a lot of things when meeting Marc, but not this. "You do know it's really rude to ask a woman's age, right?"
"I do, but this important!" Marc looked like he was on the verge of solving the murder like a detective.
Lisa's mother didn't really want to reveal her age like any other woman above a certain age, but she did it anyway. "72," she said shortly.
Marc jumped while doing a victory pose like Ronaldo himself. A revelation was shown in front of Marc as he sees Lisa's mother's boobs and confirmed that his wish came true when he prayed to Morgan Freeman (God) earlier. Lisa's boobs won't sag, at least not in the near future.
"Morgan you are the God of Boobs from now on." Marc internally gave the nice god a new title.
Lisa saw Marc dancing with joy, and just cemented her decision to ask her Celestial Spirit about a secret to grow in the chest department.
"Uhm, why are you so happy about my mother's age?" The naive MILF, Nina, found the situation weird and asked.
Marc stopped what he was doing and answered with a serious tone. "I just got a revelation from God!"
The three blondes were left speechless. Lisa's mother couldn't help whispering to Lisa. "Your choice in men sure is…special?"
"I know right? He's something else!" Lisa agreed but meant it in a favorable way.
They conversed normally from then on, and Marc learned Lisa's mother's name is Aina Heartfilia.
The next day.
"Are you ready to go?" Marc asked Rofta after they met up with the intention of going on their first quest.
After talking for more than an hour with the tree blondes yesterday, they left the office as they saw Marc was tired and wanted to let him sleep.
"Don't give me that crap. I was here before you!" Rofta was annoyed that Marc was late after they agreed on a designated time.
"My bad, my bad? Lisa brought me breakfast and I didn't want to leave any leftovers. Here's a piece of bread and cake that I saved for you." Marc half-heartily apologized and threw a bag with it in.
"…Thanks," said Rofta.
"No problem, I couldn't eat it anyway. Let's go!" Marc said and began walking fast.
"Do you even know where we are going?" Rofta asked a critical question.
"!?" Marc stopped dead in his tracks. He intended to ask Lisa about it before leaving, but she distracted him with the breakfast and presence.
*Sigh* "Just follow me…"
"Marc quickly duck!" Rofta warned Marc as two green leaf blades came flying in a curve behind him.
Without further do, Marc ducked and countered the leaf blade that wanted to slice his head off from the front.
But when he wanted to take a breather a vine on the ground suddenly wrapped around his leg and swung him into a tree.
Marc and Rofta traveled to a forest with high moisture where the Bulba Frogs usually lives. They underestimated these frogs, as they seemed to have a whole lot more ways to attack than Rofta initially knew. Marc didn't know anything and wanted to train against the unexpected.
Rofta used his Inverted World Magic and expanded the domain to make the two Bulba Frogs shoot their leaf blades in each other's direction. They managed to find a pair of frogs after walking two hours in the forest, or more like they found Marc and Rofta as they were pretty good at camouflaging into the surroundings.
The two frogs got confused and ended up crashing into each other because of Rofta's magic, making them unsteady on their feet.
"Rofta, get ready!" Marc shrugged off the pain of being thrown into a tree and saw a good opportunity when the frogs were so close to each other.
He used his movement spell,*Bear Sprint* to speed up, and stopped between the two Bulba Frogs who was about to move away from each other. But Marc suddenly stood between them with his Paw Magic ready, and each of his hands on the frog's sides, before one was blown into a tree, and the other flew in Rofta direction, scaring the shit out of him.
"Get ready my ass!" Rofta cursed Marc in his head and very quickly got ready with his already drawn sword. He took a diagonal step to the right, wanting to slice its head off from that side. The Bulba Frog quickly wanted to use the vines that are attached to the side of it, to stabilize itself and evade Rofta.
But somehow its head got cut off from the left without even knowing it.
The other Bulba Frog who was sent flying into a tree stabilized itself and saw its mate dead on the ground with a captivated head. It roared with a crying-like tone before it bent over and the bud on its back suddenly opened up and began glowing.
"That doesn't look too good?" Marc looked at Rofta, saying the obvious before he ran in the opposite direction of him.
The Bulba Frog didn't care about Marc though, as it could smell its mate's blood on Rofta's sword. It wanted to avenge its mate.
Just before the beam it tried to charge and fire at Rofta was released, Marc ran in front of it and repelled the beam upwards, into the sky.
"Do it!" Marc yelled to signal Rofta, that ran by him and slashed sideways at the frog's eyes.
It raised its head a little to save its eyes, but before it knew it, blue blood began flowing out of its neck and died shortly after.
Marc came beside Rofta and said, "Bulbasaur's subjugated!" In all honesty, their teamwork had improved greatly after traveling together and will get even better, though both of them would rather fight alone. They did try to separate the Bulba Frogs, but they just didn't want to leave each other.
The two friends looked at each other, none of them really wanted to carry the bodies back, but the quest required it.
"You go first!" Marc said like a gentleman, making Rofta twitch his eyebrows in annoyance.
"..Fine!" He took the dead Bulba Frog where its head was still attached as it would be easier to carry.
Rofta smiled at Marc that just realized how the other Bulba Frog is smeared in blue blood. It suddenly wasn't funny anymore for him.
The duo walked the whole way back to the Capital with the dead frogs on their backs, scaring people because they made a trail with blue blood after them as they didn't drain them from it.
When they reached the Capital to finish the quest, Marc and Rofta looked like two Smurfs. Well, mostly Marc as blue blood flowed all over him with the way he carried the decapitated Bulba Frog.
They quickly got into the Capital when they showed their guild tags and proceeded into the Adventures Guild to get the reward. When they reached the receptionist and dumped the bodies on the counter, Marc said with a smile and excited tone as this moment was the true beginning of their legend. "We have completed the Gold-ranked quest that wanted two dead Bulba Frogs!"
"Eh, uhm...Didn't you drain them off blood?" The receptionist looked at the two blue Smurfs with a weird expression.
"No…And?" Marc questioned, but his smile was beginning to falter as he felt something bad coming.
"If you don't drain them off blood after they die, it will ruin the meat…" The receptionist felt really sorry for this young boy and his father. She has never seen them before, so she didn't know them and just assumed they were family.
"…Come again?" Marc smiled with a sour expression, not wanting to believe what he just heard.
"…The meat will be ruined if you don't drain the blood after they die! If it's ruined I can't give you the full reward." Explained the receptionist.
Marc turned to Rofta who too looked like he just ate something sour. "Your Beginners Guide certainly was useful!" Marc thew salt in the wound.
(A/N: I have been thinking of including a character with Magnet Release (Naruto), or Magnet Fruit (One Piece), but which one do you like the most? Or should I add both as different masteries? Like Magnet Fruit (One Piece) as the base, and Magnet Release when mastered? Maybe vice versa?)
(Words: 2266)
(A/N: Read 1 chapter ahead on -> bit.ly/2MZTn3p )