"We won't leave Marc behind-" Gina was about to finish her righteous protest and fight to her death to save her new friend.
It was Rofta who stopped her as he had other thoughts "Using force we don't have will only kill us. I don't know about the messed-up woman, but this Marui, Joaquin, or whatever his real name is haven't gone all out at all. I don't think adding lighting on his feet and the blade is all he can do.."
"So what's it going to be, brother?" Asked Marui looking at Rofta for an answer.
"…We will leave." Stated Rofta with gritted teeth and clenched knuckles. It's the right decision, but it nevertheless hurts when you can't do the thing you actually want to do.
Protesting, Gina said, "NO! We can't just leave Marc to die."
Not being in a great mood, Rofta yelled to Gina, "Who said he will die? Obviously, something is going on where he is since we can suddenly leave. Besides, do you have the confidence to save him in these circumstances? We are leaving! We will just be a bother for Marc if we stay here…"
Under her veil, Gina bit her lips in frustration and had teary eyes. She might have a chance against Emma, but what about after? There are not only three opponents., there's also other fodder around that will attack. Thinking about it, made her release her magic and her scorpion tail fell on the ground. With a chaotic mind, she walked away while dragging the scorpion tail.
Rofta took one last look at Marui before turning and walking away too. "He might be as strong as my sister, or at least close." After thinking about his 'lovely' sister of his, he shuddered like crazy. No doubt he fears her.
"Why did you snap your fingers? A failed magic trick?" Being a little on guard, Marc asked the jester.
"I just fulfilled my promise. Your friends will be allowed to leave now. But never mind that. Let the show continue." The jester said before he was about to take a step forward.
Marc began swinging his arms around and squat as to warm up a little."So what's your name?" He asked the jester.
The jester stopped his approach and pulled a card out of nowhere that had a joker that looked like him."Ora? My name's Hiso."
Marc nodded and presented himself and stopped warming up "Marc".
"Now let's show each other a few cards shall we? Let me start." Hiso said with his hand out and palm up before bending a finger.
"Eh?" Marc suddenly found himself being pulled toward Hiso. Before he could even react, the jester planted a punch in his stomach, sending him flying back once again. When the punch landed, Marc coughed up blood.
While flying away, he suddenly felt something pulling him again. Hiso intended to play with him and continually beat him up this way.
Marc wouldn't let that happen again though, so he planted his feet in the ground and stood against the force before moving his hand to the place where he felt something was connected to him. When he felt something, a light-purple gum-like string revealed itself.
"Dude, that was over the line. I don't like being 'connected' to a man." Marc said before he did something and the purple string he was holding fell off like it just lost its stickiness.
Hiso's eyes made a glint and smiled, even more, when he saw his Gum Magic falling off. He thought "Aaahh, so much potential that I'm getting all hot."
Not seeing any other way and reason to hold back, Marc said "Let me show you another magic trick" and held his hands in the air like he wanted to hug it. A sound was continually released that sounded like something was being compressed and a big paw bubble appeared that was slowly getting easier to spot as it got less transparent.
He wanted to fully charge an *Ursus Shock* to his current limit, but before he could, a few grass straws suddenly stretched and lashed around his hands and tied them together.
"What!?" The *Ursus Shock* vanished with the air and Marc found himself being handcuffed with gum.
Not only can Hiso produce gum with his Gum Magic, but he can also make things into elastic material and control it to a certain extend.
"Ora, that didn't look like a magic trick at all, little boy." Crouched and with his elbows on his knees, Hiso said.
"Ahaha, fuck you." Marc didn't like how this fight was going and the man in front of him was getting more heated in a weird way. So he tried to kick him on the chin, but the jester just side-stepped and was about to force an elbow in Marc's face. Not being able to stop it without his hands, Marc repelled himself back with his feet before quickly going forward again, intending to knee Hiso in the face.
Seeing Marc coming at him again, he just stopped the knee with his bare hand. His feet though did move 4 centimeters back, much to his surprise and glee.
Not giving up, Marc head-butted Hiso in the face instead, making his head tilt back.
And jumped away.
Hiso touched the spot where Marc made a bruise, and oh boy it felt so good for him.
"OraOraOra, you pass boy. I will get a little more serious now." Said Hiso before licking his lips and brushed his hair a little with his hand.
Struggling with getting the gum off his hands, Marc wanted to hold him back for a little while, so he used his foot to kick a few stones in the air and triple kicked them at Hiso with great speed as they touched his paw under his foot.
On the other hand, Hiso just gathered his hands together before pulling them apart with gum stuck on them. He stretched it out like a thin paper in front of him to stop the incoming stones. The gum stretched when the stones hit like a bullet wanted to tear through it, but is unable to.
Then he threw the gum away with stones in it before he charged at Marc with a 2 hearts card between his fingers.
Marc could have taken off the gum around his hands by now, but he didn't. Instead, he fought a close-combat battle where he only used his feet to directly counter the sharp card. Sometimes the card is there and sometimes not as Hiso used some tricks. Every time Marc was fooled by it, he was cut.
Then there was suddenly a card in each hand when he had his arms crossed and slapped outward at Marc's neck when he was in mid-air. To dodge it, he repelled himself straight to the ground before quickly rolling away from a certain jester's shoe that was getting too close to his face.
"Ora, you are still alive. You certainly are very nimble on your feet how about I bind them together too?" Then multiple grass straws stretched in Marc's direction. He had cuts all over his body with blood flowing out.
"Guess it's time to bounce the hell out of here before this jester goes full out pedophile. I knew pedophiles are always the nice priest or friendly clown just like in the movies." Thought Marc, seeing that his window for escape was getting smaller.
"That would be a no as I suddenly remembered that I forgot to blow out a candle at somebody's place before leaving. And I don't have any insurance if it gets burned down" Said Marc before he shot himself high in the air. The gummy grass stretched and followed after him.
"Ora, is that so? But sorry, you are staying."
To deal with it, Marc stopped flying and let himself fall with his feet first to meet the grass. It latched onto his leg but provided no resistance to his fall.
When Marc neared the ground his feet suddenly glowed a little and a bubble went around his feet.
*Teddy Bear Landing*
Landing on the ground, the paw-shaped bubbles on his feet exploded- sending a shockwave was sent out that removed all the gum near him and that on his arms was no exception. It left two big paw footprints on the ground.
Not wasting any time he followed up with *Bear Sprint* to rebel himself with a quick speed that Hiso didn't know he was capable of as he hid it to use at this moment. He moved over to the now-fainted Carlos, thought "I'm not getting another failed quest and I need money to buy new clothes now. But I guess I should do today's good grace" Marc thought before he placed a foot on Carlos' shoulder.
Hiso's eyes went wide open with shock. His prey almost nearly instantly disappeared in front of him. Nearly, because he managed to sense a little movement in the direction of the sky. A leg and an arm remained off Carlos though.
"Well, he should land somewhere in the capital, but I'm not sure where. Don't really care. I spared his last arm because it would be too ruthless to leave him incapable of wiping his own ass…" Mumbled Marc and justified his actions before placing his hand on his chest and looked at the shocked Hiso.
"May the force be with you… always."
And Marc was gone too.
Realizing that he was tricked, Hiso placed a hand over his face and began laughing like a villain.
Then he looked between his fingers and looked at the bandits that were hiding around. "Change of plans. We are finishing this the quick way."
And Hiso began slaughtering every bandit as to not leave any witnesses. When he was done, Marui and Emma came back and looked at the bandits with question marks.
"Hiso, weren't we supposed to take over Fiore's strongest assassin guild, Invisible Knives? Now that you even killed all of the hidden spies between the bandits, they will surely suspect you. This was supposed to be an easy job." Marui questioned.
"I don't care about that anymore as I have found a new prey with high potential. For Invisible Knives, I just wanted to see if that man's emotionless expression would finally show emotions when I take over his position and rip his pride apart without him knowing. Though I do still want to fight him, so let's go and kill them all when we are at it."
(A/N: I don't want to use the original names as it wouldn't make sense as Marc already has anime knowledge from his previous life. It's already a massive plot hole that he can't recognize some of the magic/abilities and similarities of characters that I use as references from other anime …)
(Words: 1818)
(A/N: Support me and this story on -> bit.ly/2MZTn3p )