While waiting for the order to get dispatched by the queen, Marc got to know the soldiers better. He realized they were too simple and foolish when he asked them about how they usually fight.
Solider "We just charge and attack?"
Hearing that Marc facepalmed and thought "Are you for real? You just charge mindlessly if the queen orders it?"
Then Marc wondered…
Soldier "Ouch! Why did you slap me, captain?"
"I did it in good faith that your brain would start working. So again, how do you usually fight?" Justified Marc and asked again.
The soldier thought about how he should answer for a second before in the end saying "We check our amour and swords first before charging."
"It didn't work huh?" Stated Marc before deciding to grace them with his magnificent tactics that will shock the battlefield soon.
2 weeks later Marc was ordered to lead his squad and attack two small enemy camps near the border of the country of Seven.
Platoon 4 had just finished coming out of the city gate with a caravan of food and another caravan with boxes on which nobody knew was in except Marc and Rofta.
Soldier "I wonder what's in these crates?" A soldier couldn't keep his curiosity and wanted to check the content, but before he could.
"What the hell are doing. Get back in line or do you want a taste of *Debby* again?" Marc had moved very quickly behind the soldier and smacked his head.
"No thanks, captain. I will be going right away!" Most of the soldiers had tasted what Marc called his *Debby*. Marc managed to learn how to repel people's happiness, making them depressed as hell. They hated the feeling of helplessness and negative thoughts that took over them and decided to follow Marc whole hardly. Not that they had a choice when Rofta decided to release his frustrations on them afterward when he heard them saying "We are useless, we have no confidence to live!"
Like this, they traveled to the border between Fiore and Seven.
At the palace in the capital of the country of Bosco.
A familiar vermilion-colored and aggressive woman was walking near the gate of the palace but was stopped by two guards.
"Halt! Identify yourself!" Ordered a guard while pointing a spear in her face.
Suddenly the air turned very hot and the vermilion-haired woman exclaimed "Seems like people have forgotten me after being away for a few years huh? Then all I have to do is remind you with my fists!"
The woman moved beside the spear fast and hit him right on the nose with a fist.
Bells were sounded that signified the palace is under attack. Guards gathered and the lady beat them up with only her fists. When she began using her magic, the whole palace heated up.
Inside the palace.
"Master, should I take care of the intruder?" An old grey-bearded butler asked a vermilion-haired man that was doing paperwork in the garden at the center of the palace.
"You don't have to. It's not really an intruder…" The vermilion-haired replied.
"Not an intruder? But the person is fighting the guards and has invaded the palace forcefully?" The butler asked confused.
"Can't you recognize her? It's my daughter, Leona…"
"!? The 1st princess is finally back?" The butler exclaimed in surprise.
"Yea, go and stop the guards from attacking her. She doesn't pull her punches, not even against her own father" *Pout*
"Yes, master!"
The vermilion-haired woman walked into the palace's garden where the vermilion-haired man was sitting at a table.
"Leona, you finally decided to come back and take my place as the king?" Asked the vermilion-haired man with hope in his voice.
"It seems like I have to physically teach you a lesson again father. Give that bothersome position to one of my siblings." Leona threatened her father while showing her pronounced canine tooth and cracked her knuckles while the air began heating up again.
"Then come at me! Show me how you have improved these years you have been gone." The king and Leona's father welcomed her. The next half an hour, flames and heatwaves rampaged the palace.
When the fight ended, the father and daughter duo, had multiple wounds and sat by the table in the garden which looked like a volcano just erupted around them.
"So why are you back? Knowing you, you would rather not be here and fight Magic Beasts somewhere in the world?" Asked Leona's father.
"I want to join the war against Fiore and have a death match against someone I tied with previously," Leona stated much to her father's curiosity.
"You tied? How old was your opponent and what magic did he use?" Asked Leona's father.
"How should I know? But he's younger than me and uses some magic that gives him paws in his hands that can push things. I want to have a fight where we try to kill each other!" As the battle maniac she is, Leona began getting heated up.
The king went through his knowledge but couldn't remember having seen magic like that before. "How about you settle down and take over my position instead so I can retire?"
Snarling at her father, Leona yelled "Do you wanna fight again old man? I said I don't want your shitty crown, so eat my fist and shut up."
And the two started fighting again, while the old butler ran around protecting the key areas that hold what's left of the palace standing.
After weeks of traveling on foot, Marc and co. ended up making a camp near Cait Shelter. It was Rofta who suggested settling down there as they are a neutral party that never bothered with meddling in the wars despite being dangerously close to the border.
Before attacking the Seven's military camps, Marc wanted to scout the enemy camps to make sure his tactic would work.
Currently, Marc, Rofta, and Gina were looking at one of the camps. The soldier was about to set up a wooden fence around the perimeter.
Marc was sure that most of the enemies would be men, but he had to make sure if his assumption is correct as Rofta told him that it varies depending on the country. In Fiore, women were still second to men in most households.
"Seems like the country of Seven thinks that men are superior, thankfully. Seems like we have to start operation Rain before they set up that fence." Marc thought out loud.
Rofta knew what Marc planned as he insisted on knowing beforehand, but still, he couldn't help question "Do we really have to use 'that' as a cover? We could just use something else."
"No, this would have a better impact for sure!" Marc insisted on using 'that'.
"Fine.." Rofta didn't insist as he kinda agreed with Marc's reasoning, but it didn't make it less embarrassing when the plan starts.
Marc was standing in front of his 25 soldiers and is about to start the plan he came up with. He had a mysterious box that only he and Rofta knew what was in. Even Gina didn't know as they hid it from her, or Marc did, Rofta was too embarrassed to say it.
"Okay guys, stand in a long line and get ready when I give the signal." Said Marc.
"What exactly is the signal?" Asked the respected soldier what the rest of the soldiers wanted to know too.
"You will get it when you see it~," Marc said playfully with a big grin, already imagining everybody's reactions.
Then he used his Paw Magic on the mysterious big box, sending it flying over the enemy camp at a not so fast speed. When the box reached the center of the camp, Marc fired a *Pressure Canon* at the box, destroying it.
And to everybody's bewilderment, it began raining with something they could never have imagined.
"Buckle up boys," Marc said before he began running down the line and touched the shoulder of the soldiers before they seemingly disappeared one after another.
In the enemy camp.
The soldiers were helping each other in a clearly trained routine to set up a fence for a better defense.
"Faster!! I want that fence up in an hour!" Yelled what seemed to be the enemy captain to his soldiers."
"Yes sir!" Responded the soldiers, before working even faster than they did before.
"What's that?" questioned a soldier to another while pointing in the sky. Something was coming.
"Enemy attack? Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!" Replied the soldier before he began yelling and sounding alarms.
An object in the sky was nearing the camp, and when it was over it warned the enemy captain "Brace for impact!!"
The soldier heard a bang but when they looked around they couldn't see anything damaged, so they looked into the sky again to find out what was happening, and what they saw left them gobsmacked and wondered if they were too desperate for some skinship.
In the sky, it was raining with all kinds of panties in different colors. Sexy, cute, and innocent. No soldier didn't manage to spot a pair they preferred. They naturally were of top quality as they were from none other than Fiore Thrills, the queen's business.
As the enemy soldiers were looking intently at the raining underwear with perverted gazes, it suddenly changed when men began falling through the cover of panties. Some of them were unfortunate and got panties stuck in their face while falling.
"E-Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!" The first to realize the situation was the enemy captain that began yelling with everything he got to wake up his soldiers.
The falling men hit the ground and stood in a little crater in the form of a paw.
The two sides were now looking at each other. Normally they would be looking at each other with hate and killing intent, but right now they looked at each other with confusion. They all had the same thought.
"What just happened?"
Back to Marc who just finished sending his squad off.
Gina was looking at the panty rain with her mouth agape for a while before she closed it and her expression began twitching. "…This was your plan all along? Making it rain…with panties?"
Marc nodded with a proud expression and said "Yea, I call it Operation Panty Rain. What do you think?"
"…What do I think? You… Do you even have a brain? When and where did you get so many…panties?" Gina felt like she was in the party with the enemy of all women, and had a scary thought that made her shake in fright "Did he steal those? Are my panties between them…?"
"Oh, that? I asked Lisa for help in buying in bulk. I got this idea as I was about to go and buy the underwear I promised that respected soldier." Marc shrugged like he did nothing wrong. Nothing wrong with a man buying hundreds of underwear. Nope.
Hearing his explanation, Gina looked at Rofta who tried to be the air "Did you know about this?"
"…Only after he bought them…" Replied Rofta with an ashamed face.
"Enough about that. Let's go too." Marc said before motioning his hand to touch Gina.
"We are going through those panties too? No!! I don't wanna!!"
Gina's protest didn't work, and she was sent flying. Turning in Rofta's direction, Marc asked with an expecting expression "Aren't you going to protest too?"
Rofta instead of protesting looked at Marc with a mocking expression and said "Just get it over with!"
And Rofta was touched and disappeared.
"Gegege, sometimes I wonder where I get such wonderful ideas from. Guess I'm just a genius!" Marc shamelessly patted himself on the shoulder while laughing like a 3rd rate villain before sending himself flying too.
In heaven.
Marc's grandfather was playing golf with his wife. As he was about to make a big swing, he suddenly had a bad promotion that led him to miss the ball and throw his golf club away.
Another resident of heaven "Hey!! What heaven are you doing? You nearly killed me!"
Marc's grandfather made a confused face and wondered "Aren't we already dead? How can a dead person die twice?"
But as it was his fault, Marc's grandfather apologized "I'm sorry, it slipped."
Seeing her husband spacing out, Marc's grandmother came closer and asked "Honey, what are you spacing out for?"
Marc's grandfather showed a grim face "My thump won't stop twitching, meaning Marc will do something big."
"How bad can it be? He's after all such a good boy." Marc's grandmother didn't believe her husband's nonsense and defended Marc as usual.
"…Remember when he hung those two bullies in a flagpole?" Asked Marc's grandfather.
"Of course. The news even talked about it, and most people blamed Marc for doing something wrong when he didn't."
Marc's grandfather sweat dropped "…You think he didn't do anything wrong?"
Marc's grandmother nodded and said "Of course. They deserved it for trying to bully him."
Speechless, that's what Marc's grandfather was of his wife.
"Well, I'm telling you. My thump is twitching even more than that time, meaning Marc might do something more scandalous soon."
"Would you stop your rambling? Marc knows when to stop, so don't worry so much. Instead, let's continue playing." Marc's grandmother said before swinging her golf club.
Marc's grandfather looked at his twitching thump for a second before for the first time in his life ignoring it.
(A/N: What? Don't look at me like that! I don't know where I get my inspiration from, so don't ask. It might be because I just watched clips of Great Teacher Onizuka on YouTube. Just saying it a legendary anime...Go watch it.)
(Words: 2317)
(A/N: Support me and this story on -> bit.ly/2MZTn3p )