"Is that one of the dragons you mentioned before?" Marc asked stupidly while pointing his finger like an idiot, to which Rofta nodded solemnly.
Screams of horror and terror spread over the battlefield, even before any of the three dragons have even attacked-- though it just a matter of time looking at the formation they are standing.
"Princess we should get out of here immediately. While you run I will hold this dragon back." Asi stepped forward to just get his head planted in the ground by a materialized paw of heat belonging to Leona.
Leona reprimanded the man she thought of as a friend "Shut up, you suicidal fool. I'm not a princess made out of glass that needs protection. I intended to hide this for a little while more, but, I will not be a princess for much longer as I have renounced my royal rights."
While Leona had her troubles, Rofta and Gina had too.
At the time being, they were holding an excited Marc back who had stars in his eyes while looking at the magnificent blue dragon with fin-like wings.
"Marc calm down. That's no ordinary Magic Beast you can just tame like usual. That's a true dragon. Not a wyvern." Rofta tried to reason with Marc.
"Yes, that's right" And Gina backed Rofta up.
"I know it's not. Do you think I'm blind? But we can't just stand here and wait for it to attack. Besides…" Marc was annoyed his friends were stopping him.
"Besides?" Rofta and Gina asked in unison.
"…I want to ride it." The stars in Marc's disappeared and his paw-shaped pupils glowed for a second and everybody near him thought it was a good idea for a little while before realizing what they were thinking.
"As if!!" They all reprimanded themselves in their minds not knowing what lead them to think that.
*Roar* *Baam*
The white dragon began roaring and started to attack what's left of the cavalry from Seven. It opened its mouth where a white light began gathering before shooting a beam that turned them into terrifying-looking snowmen.
"Sister…" Nina who stood behind her sister asked in a worried tone.
"I know. We are in trouble. And I don't think we will get much help from the rest of the army from Fiore. We are basically on our own." Lisa said and was contemplating if she should do the same thing Asi wanted to do. Sacrifice herself to save the important people in her life. But Marc interrupted her thinking.
"Hey, Lisa. This blue dragon should be the strongest and that white one behind us the weakest right?"
Hearing the question, Lisa tried to compare them. But the fact is she doesn't have much experience with dragons as she has only met one peaceful wind dragon before. "I'm not sure. But I do have the feeling it is. That white one seems to be younger and inexperienced than the other two."
Although Marc loved the feeling of thrill in the air at the situation they are in, he does plan to get out of it alive. So he asked, "Can you kill the white dragon?"
The option of sending all the people flying to a safe location was unavailable at this time as it takes a lot of Magic Power to do so. There are over a hundred people here, and let alone saving 15 people would be a big stretch to accomplish at his current strength. Not to mention he couldn't possibly leave the 25 soldiers he's leading in this war behind to die while he runs away.
"I think I can if I use everything I have. But I don't want to acknowledge this but… I don't have a high chance against that ice dragon, not to mention the dragon with fins in front of us." Lisa hasn't felt this insignificant for a long time now. The last time was when she made a contract with her Celestial Spirit, Umon.
Marc nodded and said "That's fine. Then go kill the white dragon while me, Rofta, Leona, and this stoic-faced dude hold this dragon back until you kill the other and open up a way for people to retreat. Gina and…male knight? Go support the army from Bosco in holding the ice dragon back. If it decides to come here we don't have a chance. Take all the soldiers with you." The dude in question was Asi.
This was a good plan. Marc and Leona on the offensive, Rofta as the support to mess with the dragon's senses, and Asi with his high defense magic to protect them when something unexpected will happen.
But although Lisa didn't want unnecessary people to die, she only truly wanted to protect two people on this battlefield. Her sister Nina and her love, Marc.
As she was about to protest about the plan, Nina grabbed Lisa's hand with two hands to stop her. Many thoughts went through her head like "Do we die here? Will I never see Anna again? Is this the end?"
Looking at her scared little sister, Lisa couldn't help take an extra look around. Only one dragon was attacking, while the other two just stood still and roared to scare people. But like a shepherd and the sheep, people were unknowingly backing off in the same direction and would gather together if they continued. The brave-looking female knight, Mordei, was trying to show a brave front, but her eyes quivered in fright. Gina's hands were shaking. Rofta was gripping his swords really tight with a solemn expression. The soldiers she brought and the ones following Marc began bawling and praying to different gods. Most important, her man was standing beside her with an expectant expression. Seeing Leona at Marc's other side cracking her knuckles, she just scuffed in dissatisfaction, no longer liking the girl as she once did.
Forcing her personal feelings to calm down she told Marc "Okay, but be careful."
"Don't you worry, 'Carefull' is my middle name." Bragged Marc, making Lisa's delusional imagination stir up and imagined being called "Lisa Carefull Doyer" while being in a wedding dress with Marc beside her. Just imaging made her cheeks turn red and her fighting spirit turned all high. Before running in the direction of the snow dragon, she gave the command of the soldiers to her sister and said she should help Gina and Mordrei.
The others left the group after Lisa to distract the ice dragon.
To set the plan in motion Marc took one step forward the blue dragon with fins, only to step on Leona's foot. The two glared at each other. Marc with a look that said, "it's your own fault for placing your foot there". They were both alphas that wanted to challenge this mighty dragon. There can only be one alfa in a pack, and neither wanted to step back. But they knew they didn't have time to fight each other so they quickly settled their differences temporarily and began walking forward side by side.
The Water Dragon, Etoirir was very satisfied with the terrified expressions the lowly humans in front of her were sporting and thought "Lowly rats that are only a food source for us mighty dragons. The most superior species in the world. Just look at the almost extinct chickens. Not even those chickens of phoenixes could match us. To actually teach their magic to humans…Disgusting."
Etoirir's satisfaction quickly disappeared when four rats began approaching her. She roared once more and stretched her wings out to intimidate them. The reaction she got only made her even angrier as a young man began charging at her with a stupid grin, only to be followed by a young woman with a growl that turned into a grin shortly after.
"Humans…You humans should just die and be my food. Governing land and being kings. Only dragons should have that prestige and I will show you the might of the true rulers of this world" screamed Etoirir in rage to Marc and Leona. It's just a shame that they couldn't understand it as Etoirir spoke in the dragons' language and found it beneath her to use Telepathy Magic. It wasn't like she was trying to have a conversation with them either.
Her anger only rose when Marc and Leona fired-- what she thinks is a puny spell-- at her. Marc used [Pressure Canon] to fire a paw bubble with his hand and Leona fired a heatwave with her fist. In response to those spells, Etoirir just slashed with her claws, destroying the spells, doing no damage to her.
She could not wait to tear them apart and eat them, so Etoirir charged with her jaws wide open, clearly intending to bite them to death.
Her target was none other than Marc. When the two saw the jaws filled with rigged teeth approaching with a quick speed that made the ground tremble with each step the dragon took. Leona and Marc clearly knew that holding back would be plain stupid, so they used their best spells to power up.
Marc used [One Goal] to extract his emotions and unnecessary thoughts from his brain, making a silver-colored paw bubble float before placing it on his heart, making swirl marks unfold over his chest and shoulder. His childish face turned sharp and focused like his aura around him.
Compared to Marc, Leona's expression turned fierce and a reddish aura began coming out of her and coated around her.
As the dragon was about to bite down on Marc, he quickly used his movement spell [Bear Sprint] to dodge to the side and appear beside its long neck, making the dragon bite the ground. Looking at the long neck, Marc hit it a few times with his palms, intending to send energy through it to cause internal damage. But to his surprise, his energy thrusts didn't even manage to get through its tough blue scales.
Leona was surprised too. She was standing at the opposite side of its neck and had punched it multiple times already, but not even a scratch was made.
"A dragon has such terrifying defense?" They both thought.
(A/N: A few people have already commented that Marc is weak, but you have to understand if he can already kill dragons then what happens in-- let's say 20 years? Destroy planets? That's not going to happen. Marc will train, fight, and get stronger at a steady pace.)
(A/N: It seems like I have forgotten to state my goal with this story, so here it is.
I want to uncover all the possibilities of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw-Paw Fruit) no matter how outrageous it may seem. That's why I have chosen a magic-based world like Fairy Tail that gives me the freedom to do so.)
(Words 1800)