
( Clayton's pov)

She doesn't remember me. Dang, that coma was amazing. Just so worked out, that a stranger has been leading her country. Out of nowhere, Alex walks in. I haven't seen him in weeks.

" Oh no, my Darling," He says. I want to gag. Choke him. I don't have the power to banish him. Now the power shifts back to Lucy. Great. She has got no clue what happened. And she can't listen to me for her own good.

" Wow, flirtatious much?" Lucy still acts like her old self. I can't watch Alex pester her like this. I have red around my vision, merely because he is still alive. I go to talk to one of the nurses and she tells me that Lucy will slowly gain back her memory. But it will take therapy, and they don't know how long. But things may trigger some to resurface.

" Thank you." I sound completely calm. But I'm not. And Cole knows this, because he follows me.

" What's wrong with you. She will gain her memories back.

" I know. But I have an idea of how to trigger them"

" What are we triggering?"

" Can you plan for a ball on Saturday?"

"Yes but why do you need a ball?"

" Just trust me Cole," I say. He ought to trust me now, more than ever for this to work.

" Okay. Who do I invite?"

" Just the people at the palace. They are enough. Small crowds do better."