Good Bye

Lucy's pov)

I wake to the morning sun. I ask a maid how long I was asleep, and she says only a day. Good, I can still be here when Clayton leaves. Those two words are very much not what I needed to hear. I get up and put on a deep red, loose fitting, floor length dress, along with silver heels, and silver earrings. I am missing something, but I don't quite know what. I walk down the hall, and see Clayton, he is dressed in a white suit. He looks stunning. All the time, he looks stunning. He has a small blue gift bag, and when he spots me, he runs up and gives be the biggest hug ever. And of course I hug him back.

" Here. This is for you." He says, a huge grin is plastered on his face. I laugh a little.

" I feel bad. I didn't get you anything." But he shakes his head, and tells me to open it already. So I pull out the tissue paper, and there is a small rectangular box. I smile and open it. It's a silver necklace. This is what I am missing today. I take it carefully out of the box, and see the back of the silver pendant has a date written on it. I laugh a little.

" It's the date we first met." I say, recalling those beautiful blue eyes that stared into mine that day. On the front, it has an ' L' in black. For Lucy.

. . .

I walk him out to the carriage, and he kisses my forehead. I blush a little, and he pulls me behind a tree.

" I will always be here. France is my home. It has been for two months, and it always will be. Wherever you are, Lucy, you are my home." And at that I pull him in for a kiss. I really missed his soft, perfect lips. I may only be eighteen, but I love Clayton so much. We break apart for him to go. He gets in the carriage and I wave a goodbye.He waves back out the window, sticking his head out too. Oh my gosh. He looks like a dog. I laugh to myself.

Without him, I will be quite lonely. But I will have work to occupy me. Cole stands beside me and waves too. And just like that, he's gone. I hope his brother is okay, because I am selfish. I want him to come back.

I go into my room, and sit. I heard something in that room, the night I remembered it all. Now is my chance to go back.