I wrote this six month ago. What inspired me was a bit of the Nasuverse as well as thinking about what direction SOH can go, thus the name. Oh, and also, with the name Persaios I mean the Titan of Greek mythology and not the Philosopher. This story has 381 words.
Showing Root Designation: Chaos\Users\Persaios\log/Universe/0003D1AF-4C1F59EB_ASIL-P0
Exploration shows 99.98% of equal laws governing U-0003D1AF-4C1F59EB in comparison to U-Alpha.
Mayor difference is that c=516'284'040 m/s.
Every native civilization must be destroyed, after all available data of them has been transferred to [BoA].
If T-Index is >10 usage of Zerovoid bombs is allowed.
If T-Index is >20 usage of S-T Bombs is allowed.
If T-Index is >30 destruction of U-0003D1AF-4C1F59EB is to occur after [BoA] and resource collection is finished, if Impossible, protocol [TATERUS] must be activated.
If T-Index is >42 and destruction of U-0003D1AF-4C1F59EB impossible protocol [BoA] will be stopped and protocol [OBLIVION] must be activated.
Showing Root Designation: Chaos\Users\Persaios\T-Index
0: No technology
1: Planetary
2: Interplanetary
3: Stellar
4: Interstellar
5: FTL of Class 0
6~9: FTL of Class 1~9
10: Galactic
11: Intergalactic
12~19: FTL of Class 10~19
20: Cluster
21: Intercluster
22~24: FTL of Class 20~24
25: Supercluster
26~30: FTL of Class 25~30
31: Intersupercluster
32~41: FTL of Class 31~41
42: Universal; FTL of Class 42/ I
43~[ ]: FTL of Class II~X
Showing Root Designation: Chaos\Users\Persaios\log/Universe/0003D1AF-4C1F59EB_ASIL-P1
All spaceships are ready.
Annihilation-beams at 90%...
Annihilation-beams at 95%...
Shroud-drives at 100%.
Annihilation-beams at 100%.
Everything is ready, beginning start of [GATE]...
Forming First connections...
connections fluctuate...
First connection has stabilized...
[GATE] has fully started.
Crossing [GATE]...
First native civilizations have tried to make contact. Have been dealt with.
13 Supercluster civilization whit T-Index between 25~27 have been found.
Designation set to 25-A~I; 26-A~C; 27-A
Making heavy losses, one civilization of T-Index of 31 was found.
Designation set to 31-A
-Request of using [ETERNAL NOTHINGNESS] of class I. | DENIED |
31-A is currently losing ground.
From intercepted communication they seem to want to isolate U-0003D1AF-4C1F59EB.
They seem to have something like [UNIVERSAL SEAL] of class I.
-Request of using [UNIVERSAL ANCHOR] of class II. | GRANTED |
31-A has lost 98% of its total resources.
25-A~I and 26-A~C have been completely wiped out.
27-A has sealed itself in a pocket dimension.
-Request of completely sealing 27-A to use it as study material. | GRANTED |
Showing Root Designation: Chaos\Users\Persaios\log/Universe/0003D1AF-4C1F59EB_ASIL-P2
Beginning collection of U-0003D1AF-4C1F59EB' resources...