The Empire X - The Refinement Realm and the Eclipse!

This Chapter has 1448 words!


The Refinement Realm was very strange, it had four stages. At the first Stage one would refine ones Body to withstand a Stronger Core, at the second Stage one would refine ones Core to withstand a Stronger Soul, at the third Stage one would refine ones Soul to withstand a Stronger Root, and at the fourth and final Stage one would refine ones Root. Refining ones Root increased one's talent, and if one was lucky one would be able to increase ones Core's or Soul's Grade during their refinement.

But the most important thing was that it could be skipped! By skipping one could directly reach the next Realm, the Lord Realm, doing this without any refinement one would only get the strength of a Lord but not the abilities. Scholars had thought of thousands of different reasons, but they could not find one that everyone agreed with, every reason had its flaws. The consensus all had was that maybe, just maybe it was so just because, no reason.

His Core, Soul and Dragon's blood, the help of the Archons and the resources of the Dynasty had helped Wang Lei massively in progressing through the Refinement Realm, maybe a few years and he would reach the peak of it. (hm… did I make the time spend in each Realm to short? Let's just say that fate guides them…)

Today was the day the Sun and Moon would meet, the day the Royal Divinator had predicted. Lei said goodbye to his wife and his three Children, two boys and one girl each lovely and cute in their own way. "Your Dad now has to bring his Friends here!" he tould them "See you daddy!" they responded, the princess gave him a kiss "Look after yourself." "Haha, I will my darling." Then Lei flew towards the Frozen Ocean Territory, his Sword as always by his side.

At Wang Lei's Sect many things were happening, the disciples were packing everything of Value and the things they held dear and preparing for the journey to the Capital, a happy mood filled the Air and an Elder had even proposed to releases and unseal the captured disciples of the rebellious Sect and the others agreed!

When Lei reached the Sect, everyone greeted him with respect and admiration, the disciples that once envied him for his talent and fate had changed their minds once the news about the marriage spread, they now saw themselves as loved by fate for having such a Talented Sect Member!

There were also multiple evaluators of the Dynasty at the Sect, they were here to evaluate the Sect's Treasury for things that would be of Value even in the Capital. The Elder that years ago had overseen the Sorting of it led them inside, the Workers spread out and soon had already discarded 90% of the items, this shocked the Elder, those were after all things obtained over the course of hundreds if not thousands of years!

"This is strange! This Ring looks just like a normal one but has a terrifying energy in it! Look at it Master!" one of the evaluators exclaimed, this quirked the Master evaluator's interest, he went to the man and took the Ring a few moments later the Master shouted "HOW?! How is this possible?! Teacher proved it didn't work! IT MUST BE IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!" then the Master collapsed on his knees "Master?" the man asked, all workers from the Dynasty stopped what they were doing while the Elder was freaking out!

At that moment a Powerful Domain shot out from the Ring, it instantly covered the whole Sect and hundreds of kilometers further till it was stopped by an even stronger Domain, but that was all the stronger did. A few moments later another Domain erupted from the Sect and fought with the first one, instantly explosions filled the Air! Then the stronger Domain acted again and transported all the Sect Disciples and Dynasty workers away, leaving only the origins of the other two Domains.

The pressure between the Domains rouse and the Air heated up, then the Snow began melting! Golden light filled the area and purple Qi spread out. Wang Lei had used his Dragon Transformation and was covered in golden Scales, his Sword in one hand he looked at the other Domains Origin. He could see a man wearing white robes that was surrounded by terrifying amounts of purple Qi.

The purple Qi moved and formed multiple strands, moments later they shot out to Lei! Golden Qi burst out of Lei's Scales and formed protective layers that dispersed the purple Qi!

Changmao instantly took flight and tried to fly north, but the stronger Domain formed a wall, stopping him. He noticed how the golden Qi stopped his own and continued to pour out more and more. His Domain clashed with both Lei's and the stronger one, lightning filled the Air and the Sect's Buildings collapsed under the gigantic forces!

A sword shining blindingly with golden Qi ripped apart the Air's Atoms as it descended downwards! Having only moments Changmao focused all of his Domain onto the sword and slowed it down! But the wielder was not actionless and too focused his Domain upon the sword!


The Domains overloaded and collapsed! The sword that cut all descended further, now no longer stopped by Changmao's Domain but then the purple Qi seeping out of him moved on it own and formed a perfect Sphere with Changmao as its center!

The Sword cut deep into it, but then it stopped! It met resistance! Lei tried to pull it backwards, but the purple Qi continued to surround the sword infused with golden Qi! It was devouring it!

Golden Flames shot out of Lei's mouth and burned massive amounts of the purple Qi, finally he managed to pull back his Sword!

The Snow that normally was so prominent within the Frozen Ocean Territory had long since melted around the Sect's area. At this moment the Sun and the Moon met, Darkness covered the whole Dynasty!

Choosing to use his final card Lei manipulated all his Qi and focused it into his golden Blood, stimulating it and its ancient origin! A light so bright it looked like a new Sun was born instantly illuminated the Dark Sky! His whole Body broke and regenerated at the same time and it got stronger and stronger!

Feeling the horrifying Aura of his opponent Changmao too choose to use his own final card! The Crystals within his body and blood gave out so much Qi the previous output may have been nil! Pain filled his entire being as the purple Qi burst outwards! He would lose control of it soon and could only guide it! He looked Lei into the eyes, he swore he saw a heavenly Dragon in his jade green pupils!

Suddenly the Sky shock and Lei's already horrifying Aura increased by magnitudes! The light that could challenge the Sun's increased in intensity!

Changmao could feel his body burning! But then his Diamond Core, his Purple Soul and his Body fused! Like three parts that were always meant to be one they fit perfectly! The crystals inside of him produced more Qi than ever before, all of it directed at Lei!

Golden Flames that could burn the Stars shot downwards while purple Qi that could devour the Sky shot upwards! Moments later it collided!


The Earth split and the Sky broke! The two attacks at the Level of a Lord shock the whole Frozen Ocean Territory! The area where once the Sect ruler, was now nothing more than a gigantic Crater hundreds of kilometers in size that reached down to the unscratched Ice the Ice Empress created! Energies so violent no one below the Refinement Realm could enter filled it all.

Changmao and Lei were catapulted thousands of kilometers away! The Lord Realm Cultivator that ruled over the Territory tried whatever he could to limit the fallout, he was freaking out!

Then like it never happened the explosion instantly ceased to exist, and deadly silence filled the Dynasty! For the first time in millennia the Dynasty stopped!

Using his last strength Changmao entered his Spatial Ring and used his Domain to catapult it away, it moved so fast even a peak Refinement Realm Cultivator would not be able to follow it.

The three Archons wanted to catch him, but they were stopped by the Dynasty's Ruler "Let him be, he did after all gave Wang Lei the necessary push to finish his refinement and break through to the Lord Realm." He then scanned Lei's body, and as he had predicted a Diamond Core and a Purple Soul was housed by it.

Slowly the Moon and Sun parted, the Darkness vanished, and the light of Day returned.


How was the fight scene?

This was the first time Changmao and Lei had direct contact, the first real connection of their storylines. When Lei gained the Sword, he was just some fated Cultivator whose purpose was to be a joke reference to other Cultivation Novels. Since then, he has been elevated to the same Status as Changmao.