The Empire XVIII - A Heavenly Taboo, Breaching the Border, and an Upgrade

This Chapter has 1218 Words!


A red Lightning discharged from the Heavens and shot towards the Earth. It pierced through the Void Essence like butter and made a hole the size of a needle head into the Green Lightning Dynasty's Rulers Domain! It continued downwards and then hit its target. It was Shi Changmao!

His Domain shattered and fell apart, his Qi dispersed, and his Body suffered massive Wounds! He was just about to do something; he had not even gotten a concrete Plan only an Idea! It felt like what he was about to do was such a Taboo, even thinking about it would anger the Heavens!

"Think of something different!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Sky is blue! Water is wet! Plants grow! Birds sing! Yes, Blue Birds drink water, eat plants, fly in the blue Sky, and sing!" his Mind was in Chaos.

A few hours later he had calmed down. "Never think of that again!" he shouted to himself while floating within an unsealed Spatial Ring. He wanted to use the abstract look to distract himself. "Okay… I know what Im going to do!" He expanded his Domain to its limits; he touched the Sky's border with it! Then he exited the Ring and shot towards the border.

He wanted to keep himself occupied by exploring whatever was beyond that border. Changmao had first found it a few years ago but didn't dare to cross it, he was only a mere Lord back then. But now, as an Archon, he felt comfortable crossing it!

He reached the Border within a few minutes, even though the Dynasty was large he was now an Archon! The Burning Heat of the Stars slowly moving across it assaulted him, but his Domain was like an Impenetrable Wall.

The same could not be said about the environment near the Border, everything was burned down and melting sand filled the Area. Someone below the Lord Realm would not survive here.

His fingers moved and touched the Border. It felt like fabric, a little resistance but nothing else. He applied pressure; the fabric strained. His other hand too touched the fabric, slowly but surely the fabric began tearing.


A hole had formed! Changmao felt how the Air began leaking outwards. It was dark beyond; the only illumination was a slight red glow. He stepped outside; a feeling of nakedness invaded his mind.


The hole closed behind him. For the first time he was outside a Rulers Protecting Domain. He looked around, black Sand spread in every direction and in the far distance he could see gigantic Domes. There where a Sky should have been, he saw the gawping red Void. It hovered there, collecting above the Domes, and assaulting them.

He spread his Domain in a Search for life, but there was nothing. This was like a Wasteland of Death.

Days passed while he flew, he had no real Target in mind. The distances were gigantic. The nearest Dome was so far away he would need a month to reach it at his highest speed without any pause to rest!

He decided to rest a bit and entered his Spatial Ring. His attention focusing on his experiments. All Souls whose bodies he changed had survived! The population of the fourth Prince's Ring had grown too. Slowly they were filling it up, it would not be long and until they would have more people than they could sustain! An Upgrade was needed! (okay, with this I changed my plan again! What it was before will be a secret only The Narrator knows! :D)

He left the Spatial Ring again, for some reason creating Spatial Rings within Spatial Rings was harder than outside. Gigantic amounts of Qi focused between his hands, so much so the Qi itself became Solid. Not as Spirit Stones, but something denser! Purple Qi began leaking as the density reached its limit.

He closed his eyes and thought of the material he used to create Spatial Rings. Now as an Archon, he saw the flaws within. The material changed and its surface area exploded in size. 2x… 4x… 16x… 256x… 65'536x…

Finally, he reached his Current Limit. The folding was so tremendous, that the Ring had as much Surface Area as the Village he grew up in! He scanned the Ring and changed its form a little bit, it looked like it was made out of the Darkness of the Night.

Next began the harder process of creating a Spatial Ring: Applying the Runes.

While the surface Area of a Ring determined its maximum number of Runes, the Runes were used to enchant the Ring. There were only a few Runes, but that was all that was needed to make even the most spectacular Creations. (does it make sense?)

He focused his entire Domain onto the Ring. Studying to its deepest, finding all there was about it. Then he gathered miniscule amounts of Qi, so small even a Qi Condensation Realm Mortal would find it pathetic! But this was all he needed for a single Rune. He manipulated it, moving it to its position within the Ring and began engraving it, within a few Moments it became a part of the Ring.

Seeing that engraving worked and the Rune was stable, he gathered more Qi and began engraving thousands at once. Five days and around 42 Billion Runes later the Spatial Ring was complete. (I made a few calculations for that! :D If you want, you can figure out a bit of the Rune Size, and the average time it takes Changmao to make them.)

Now was the time to test the Spatial Ring out. But before that, he thought of a Name for it: Lingyu - it sounded nice. He then injected a bit of Qi inside to enter it. Changmao was within a massive Sphere, it was magnitudes larger than the fourth Prince's Spatial Ring! Even the Core used to enter and exit it was larger!

"Time for some creation!" he shouted in excitement, he liked to create things.

"Let there be light!" and he added the Runes to the Core to make it shine like a Sun.

"Let there be Day and Night, let there be dawn and dusk, let there be morning and evening!" he made it so that the Core would shine for some time and then turn dark for some time only to shine again, an eternal Cycle.

"Let there be Air to breath!" and his Qi filled the whole Ring before changing into Air.

"Let there be a Wall to define this Space!" and his Qi reached the Spheres edge, it transformed into a nearly Indestructible Material.

"Let there be a Force to Ground all!" and he added Runes that push everything away to the Core.

"Let there be Stone to Gather minerals!" and his Qi did so.

"Let there be Earth to Walk Upon!" and his Qi reached the Wall now covered by Stone and Earth stacked upon it.

"Let there be Water to drink from!" and spheres of Water formed only to be forced to the Earth by the Core.

"Let there be Plants cover the Earth!" the purple Qi spread out again, and soon the Earth looked like a paradise.

"Let there be Animals to give life to the Earth!" for this, he cheated a bit and transported the Animals from his other Rings here. 'Sadly, I still can't---' "STOP! STOP!! Don't think of that!"

"Anyways, let there be Qi to control and shape the World!" and his Qi filled the whole Sphere, for its connection to him was about to be severed.

And then, seeing his Work completed. He rested on a sandy beach. The light shining upon him.

The light turned dark and there was Night, and the Night turned bright and there was Day.

And then he gave entrance to Man and Woman, to boy and girl. For he moved everything within their old home here.

He saw how surprise, confusion, and fear filled their eyes. For he then spoke: Do not fear, for this is your new home.

The Elder ones calmed down, and the children too, for children follow their Elders.

He gave them food as a present and then left, for he wanted to observe like he always does.


Yes, I'll confess: While writing this I had the Holy Bible right next to me… xD

And with how the latter part was written, it influenced my writing a bit…