The Empire XXIII - Decision, a Journey's Start

This Chapy has 1375 Words.


Wang Lei opened his eyes, he stood where he was before… everything looked like how he remembered. It was like no time had passed. It made him question if it all was real or only happened in his mind, but the long Path home… the countless revelations… and Nimble Bird herself… they couldn't be anything other than real.

His Wings spread, cutting down a few trees, but he didn't notice it.

A bit later he reached the Capital, most inhabitants looked up seeing the Golden Streak in the Sky. The Palace's Garden entered his view, and he landed. His Wings retracted into his Body; a serious Expression filled his face. His feet started moving, carrying him inside through a large door made out of strong and sturdy wood.

Soon he stopped walking through the large palace, for he reached his target. It was where he and his family lived. His Domain tould him only his wife was currently there, she reading an old book, she liked history, and was just about to flip to another page.

He opened the Door and stepped inside, the second princess looked up, "Oh, so soon back already?" she spoke, welcoming him. "So soon? You have to be joking!" he answered, and both laughed. They kissed each other and Lei gave her a loving hug. After a few minutes he let go and asked "Can you wait a moment? I'll be right back" The princess nodded and closed the old book, wondering what he was up to.

Lei walked to the rooms window and he flew out, his Domain expanded, covering the whole Capital. It was scanning for three people, his children. Soon he found them, they were all together strolling through the City.

Within a few seconds he reached them. "Hi Dad!" they Greeted him. "…" Lei just smiled. After a moment of silence, he answered "Hello". He too hugged them, a little tear left his eye, but was evaporated before it could reach the ground. "Let's go back home for now…" he finally said, and they left for the palace. (didn't know what his first words to them should be so I went with a simple Hello…)

While all of this was happening the shocked subjects just stood there. They recognized the man they moment they saw him! It was the Capital's Light, a nickname he gained a few years ago, it was the Second most Powerful Cultivator of the Dynasty! One bald old man who long had passed his prime even chocked on his own tongue!

With all of his Family gathered Lei finally did what he couldn't before. "I… I made a decision…" he begun but stopped again… even after all what happened he still couldn't say it within a sentence. "What Decision dad?" his daughter asked in an curios voice.

Lei breathed deep and begun "My Cultivation is steadily improving, but there is one thing I lack. It's a Law, the basis for a Rulers strength. If I ever want to reach this Realm, I'll have to form my Law…" and begun he had indeed, for there was nothing stopping him now. Time went by.

"…Because of this I'll have to visit the Rulerless Plains. I have no idea how long I will be away… Maybe a few years or maybe even a few Decades! I hope you understand my decision… I do that to become strong enough to protect you…" finished Lei, his mouth closed, and his lips pressed against themselves.

He looked at his family, they too were looking at him. Then, they all shortly looked at each other, as if communicating with glances. A few minutes of silence later they seemed to have come to an answer. The second princes opened her mouth and spoke "I think I speak for all of us here?" Their children nodded "We support you and follow you on your journey of Cultivation. All of us too Cultivate and know how you feel with reaching the Ruler Realm. And if you have to leave for years… we are here waiting for you. Your goal is what matters, and this is the path you chose to reach it." She paused for a moment "Go. Do what you have to. We do not want to burden you, for those with a clear mind fly the highest." (was that a good 'speech'?)

Hearing her, a resolve had formed within his mind. This confirmation was what he needed.


A few days had gone by, and today Lei would leave. Currently Lei, his family, and the Dynasty's Ruler were at the Sky's Edge. They gave themselves a few last hugs and said goodbye. Lei spread his wings, their size a little bit larger than before, and was about to take off.

He looked back, the situation reminded him of what his goodbye with Nimble Bird was, but then he cleared his Mind of any useless thoughts and took off.


The Air was cut apart as Lei shot away, a golden flash of light was the last thing they saw.


He had already traveled quite some distance, and the Green Lightning Dynasty's Sky was now only barely visible, when he decided to rest shortly.

He landed and his wings retracted. His feet touched the Dead Earth. A Chair and a Table appeared, moved out of his Spatial Ring. Then food prepared for him by all his Children followed. 'It's a bit cold out here…' he thought and heated the Area around him to room temperature.

A Crystal Blue fish was his first meal, it was so full of Qi, if someone below the Lord Realm ate it, they would explode! It had a sweet taste.

He took it and bit down… the sweetness filled his mouth. It tasted wonderful… he took his second bite, and then his third. Soon only the fishes tail remained. It by itself didn't taste that good, but with some sausage and spice it too riveled the rest of the fish. He took out some Blue Fruit Spice from the Blue Forest territory. 'Huh?' his Domain had picked up something strange from the Spice's Bottle, there was a Qi infused object within! (don't worry, I'll not make this a food novel xD)

He slowly extracted it; he didn't want to lose any of the wonderful Spice! It turned out to be a Spatial Ring. 'Why is there a Spatial Ring?' Lei wondered and scanned its inside. It was a small Ring, only a few meters in radius, but it contained a few books, items, maps, and a letter addressed at him.

"Hello Wang Lei,

If you are reading this, then it means I interrupted your meal. Sorry about that. This Spatial Ring contains a few things I think can help you, there is a Book about the Plains flora and fauna, make sure to read it before entering them.

I also gave you a map of the Area I explored back then. I have no idea if it still is usable considering I made it tens of thousands of years ago…

Also, see that little Sphere? It is a trump card I made for you; it is capable of releasing a Green Lightning bolt at the peak of the Archon Realm infused with the power of my Law. After using it once, you have to wait a few months for the Sphere to cool off again. You can use it multiple times without waiting but be warned this can break it.

May we see again!

-A proud Ruler"

Having finished reading it, Lei couldn't stop Laughing… "To think he would write like this! It doesn't even fit to his persona… haha…" after a few minutes he calmed down again. "A Sphere…" he said while taking it out of the Ring, it looked like a marble and was similar in size. "Hm… maybe if I put some Qi inside?" light green light began radiating from it, and patterns appeared on it. Not wanting it to discharge no he cut the Qi flow again.

He put the Ring onto his left Index finger and continued eating. 'I'll look at the other things later, let's just enjoy this meal!' There were after all still all the things his family made.


I just did a [Ctr] + F to look up how often I used a certain word already and decided to also look at Changmao and Lei: SC: 130 WL: 144

Another thing, from the 159k total chars, 28k are [Space]! That are way more than I thought…

When I have finished [The Empire] I'll make a list for the whole alphabet in comparison to the average distribution + some other words like Qi for example.